Let’s Talk Love with Barbara Morriss

Barbara Morriss writes relatable romance stories with historic backdrops. Brining readers back to the glory days of courting and romance. But her novels are more than just love stories, she adds a twist of mystery and a pinch of danger. We cannot get enough of Morriss’ work and hope she continues writing these addicting pieces. Her newest book, A Promise in Autumn is releasing soon, we wanted to find out more:

Q. If you could give your book to one celebrity, who would it be and why?

I would love to give my book to Rob Reiner. I think he’d like it.  My book, A Promise in Autumn, is a romance between two likable, and very different individuals.  Rob Reiner seems to understand the complexities of a relationship and what happens as two people explore a friendship and then a romance. Remember “When Harry Met Sally”?


Q. Who is your biggest writing inspiration?

I love reading historical fiction and non-fiction.  When I read The Boys in the Boat, a gripping story of non-fiction by Daniel James Brown,  I was inspired to tell stories based on historical facts. I am looking forward to reading his most recent book, Under a Flaming Sky.  His books read like novels. He portrays his characters with so much heart that a reader genuinely cares about them.


Q. If could give your book to one singer/musician, who would it be and why?

I don’t know, maybe Adele.  I think she’d like my story.  Maybe she’d even identify with the heartbreak?


Q. Give us the scoop on YOUR great love story!

My book A Promise in Autumn is a good love story peppered with an antagonist, stolen jewels, and enough twists and turns to keep you engaged.


Q. If your book was turned into a film/TV show, who would you tap to play the lead(s)? Why?

For the female lead I would choose, Irish actress Saoirse Ronan to play Keagan.  She would nail the accent and I think she’d pull off the relationship dynamic between an Irish Catholic and an English protestant. Alden Caleb Ehrenreich would make a perfect Raymon, Keagan’s love interest.  I think Saoirse and Alden would have great chemistry like my characters.


Q. What’s one secret about you that you’ll share with the world?

I admire and have a fan crush on tennis great, Roger Federer. I’ve seen him play several times, but never was close enough to say hello. I hope one day to cross that off my bucket list.


Q. What is the core message you want to deliver to the world through your writing/books/stories?

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin. Mother Theresa


Rapid Fire Questions and Answers

Q. Morning person or night owl?

A. Morning person – love the mornings.

Q. Reading or writing?

A. This is a difficult choice. I love to read good books and the creative process of writing.

Q. Kittens or puppies?

A. Puppies –They bring me joy, so do adult dogs.

Q. The beach or the mountains?

A. The beach – I have always chosen to live near one.

Q. Road trip or Cruise ship?

A. Road trip – We love to hit the road with our pug, Dudley. Our itineraries always include hikes, beer tasting, and sidewalk dining.

Q. Tea or coffee?

A. Coffee – We need several cups of caffeine every morning.

Q. Karaoke or bowling?

A. If I could sing, it would be karaoke hands down.

Q. The ability to fly or mind reading?

A. Those are two scary choices. Although I fear heights, I think if I could fly like a bird it would be breathtaking. I’m not sure I would want to know what others are thinking. Although when I write, I have to get in the heads of my characters.

Q. Selfie or group photo?

A. Here’s another secret. I hate having my picture taken – group photo for sure.

Q. E.L. James or J.K. Rowling?

A. J.K. Rowling – talk about creative! The thing I love most about her writing is the vocabulary she invents to tell her stories.

Q. Bacon or Tofu?

A. Bacon, one of my guilty pleasures. I should prefer tofu.


Pre-order a copy of her latest book on Amazon!