Runaways, Revelations, and Radford: Chatting with Stacia Moffett

Runaways, Revelations, and Radford: Chatting with Stacia Moffett

In this chat, we catch up with Stacia Moffett, the storyteller behind the captivating series Lost and Found in Tennessee. Set in the 1950s in the small town of Radford, Tennessee, the series follows the spunky and daring Jessa, an orphaned runaway who stirs things up in her hometown, shaking the delicate peace between its Black and white communities. With her fresh perspective from Oregon, Jessa isn’t afraid to call out the Jim Crow practices she once accepted, and she’s ready to speak her mind—even if it means ruffling some feathers. Stacia gives us the scoop on what inspired her to bring Jessa’s bold journey to life, her passion for storytelling, and why she loves taking readers on a ride through a town filled with secrets, struggles, and heart.

Q. What do you like doing in your spare time?    

Retirement didn’t pose a problem of too much spare time!  When our German friend was staying with us, he noticed that we headed back to work after dinner, and he gradually convinced us that we should sit outside, enjoy the canyon’s birds and scenery, maybe have a beer, and talk.  That is my favorite thing to do with my spare time.   


Q. What would you change your name to?    

I am perfectly happy with my given name, Stacia.  My mother chose to take her mother’s name, Eustashia, shorten it and simplify the spelling, and that gave me a name that was as unique as I sensed myself to be. 


Q. What’s your biggest pet peeve?  

As a careful writer, I am irritated when we lose distinctions that the wonderful English language provides us with One example is the use of less when fewer conveys the same information plus the fact that we are talking about something that is subject to being counted. 


Q. Who is your inspiration?  

My family is my inspiration, especially my mother, who loved her life as a teacher because she loved her classes and what she was able to give them.  Each year, she would write an original play for her second-graders and then they would each have an important part, because the creation of the scenery, changing the set between acts, operating the curtains were all jobs done by the class, as well as the students who had to memorize their lines (and the good student who was ready to provide prompts backstage itf needed.)  The capper was that she entrusted the entire production in those second-graders and went out into the audience to watch the play.  The other teachers were flabbergasted, but the kids pulled it off, year after year. 


Q. Do you speak any other languages?   

I began by studying Latin in the eighth grade, and continued with Juiius Caesar, followed by two years of Spanish.  In college, I finally was able to study French, which was not available in my high school, and I studied German for its presumed  relevance to a scientific career, but it was my knowledge of French that allowed me to read critical older scientific literature that was crucial to my Ph.D. research.  Language study has been valuable to me, but I cannot say that I speak any language but English fluently.  


Q. Where would you like to visit?  

The place I would love to visit is Australia and Tasmania, for the wonderful animals and the interesting history of the aboriginal people. 


Q. If you weren’t famous, what would you be up to right now?   

Famous?  Well, I guess I would be trying to get even more famous so that my books would be very widely read, but fame can come with a cost, and I have never pursued fame at any cost. 


Q. Who is the messiest person you know?   

That would definitely be our son, the winemaker.  He has the most active mind of anyone I know, but it can’t be bothered with mundane things like hanging up a towel or closing a drawer that he has rummaged through… 


Q. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?   

I am enjoying a book, The God of the Woods, by Liz Moore which my daughter recommended for its presumed similarity to my books.  It is not similar, being a murder mystery, but it is similar to my books in having a lot of characters that all contribute to the plot – I still don’t know how it ends…. 


Q. What would you like to remember about you?   

I have always been a person who was marching to music others didn’t hear. Feeling myself to be different but also having the wonderful backing of my family made it possible for me to make unusual choices in my life, and I hope people can remember me for my pioneering spirit. 


Q. Baking or Cooking?

Both!  I love starting with the basic ingredients, straight from the garden or orchard, if possible.  Pies are my specialty, though.

 Q. Margarita or Cosmo? 

A: Neither – I would prefer one of the wines that our son made from our own vineyard.  Our site in Eastern Washington is just right for classic wine grapes, and our Ben is a superlative vintner. 

 Q. Holding a Puppy or Holding a Baby? 

A: I started out with puppies, as my family raised both Pekingese and miniature poodles.  I think dogs taught me a lot about how to hold and love another creature, and when it became time for me to hold my own babies, I was “prepped” to love the experience. 

 Q. invisibility cloak or sparkling skin?  

A: Definitely invisibility cloak!  What an opportunity to be present without being an imposition… 

 Q. Coffee or tea? 

A: If I had to choose between two beverages I love, the choice would have to be coffee – I cannot imagine living without it.  Our son the winemaker has experimented with roasting green coffee beans and thereby expanded our appreciation of the gifts the coffee plant offers.   

  Q. Dinosaurs or princesses?  

A: Oh, definitely dinosaurs.  I love paleontology and archaeology.  Another of my mother’s tricks to teach second graders to read was to use their fascination with dinosaurs to help them sound out the names, which, unlike many English words, are reliably phonetic.  Their parents were impressed!  

 Q. Laptop or phone? 

A: I prefer the laptop because it is better for writing.  The phone is handy when a fact needs to be checked, but for communication, the laptop is my friend.  

 Q. Mountain or Beach?  

A: Summers were a chance for my family to visit the beaches of Florida and the Carolinas.  We would drive through the Smokies, an old and gentle mountain range, to get to the beach, but the crashing of the waves, the moonlight over the water, and the many shells and living animals we encountered at the beach were very special to a landlubber from Tennessee.  In Washington State, we have the Rockies, which are thrilling to explore, but my first love is still the beach.  

 Q. Beer or Vodka?  

A: Beer!  I was first introduced to beer the summer I spent at Woods Hole Massachusetts at a marine lab.  Each week the class studying marine invertebrate zoology would take a field trip to collect the creatures that lived in one of the several ecosystems of the region.  We would have a lunch packed by the cafeteria that consisted of three sandwiches – one with cheese, one with salami, and one with peanut butter and jelly.  We were all working very hard and these minimalist sandwiches were consumed with delight (although some trading was allowed) because we were ravenous.  When we got back to the lab, the strict rule was that the many creatures collected into vials, all numbered, must be transferred to bowls of fresh sea water before we could go to eat dinner.  It was in the context of hot, exhausting work and near starvation that I had the first experience with beer – and boy, did it hit the spot! 

 Q. Fame or Fortune? 

A: Fame, for sure, as it will promote my books, which I want very much for people to read.  So far as Fortune is concerned, I think it was Mae West who, when asked whether riches or poverty was better, said “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor – rich is better.”  My personal preference is to not want for anything basic like food or housing, but I think having to plan and prioritize acquisitions while living within my budget is the best condition. 

Grab your copies of Stacia’s books here!

Check out the next book interview.

Rockin’ Through the ’50s: A Chat with Rebecca Hendricks on Her Hound Dogged Series

Rockin’ Through the ’50s: A Chat with Rebecca Hendricks on Her Hound Dogged Series

Rebecca Hendricks, the mastermind behind the Hound Dogged series, takes us on a rock-and-roll ride back to the 1950s—a time when jukeboxes ruled, and every teenager dreamed of making it big. In her debut novel, Hound Dogged, she introduces us to a group of friends who find themselves in the middle of the era’s wild musical revolution, facing off-stage drama as intense as their on-stage performances. With a perfect blend of humor, heart, and a whole lot of rhythm, Rebecca brings the fun and chaos of the ’50s to life. Today, we’re diving into the beats and backstories that make her series a toe-tapping hit!

Q What is your superpower?  

I don’t give up. Like everyone, I’ve had periods in my life that have knocked me down, but I always believe there’s a brighter day just around the corner.  

Q What got you into writing?  

I have been writing stories since I learned how to write. My earliest writing is a story I wrote for my father when I was six.   I’ve always had a vivid imagination and writing stories was my favorite way to express myself.  

Q If you could give your book to one person in the entire world to read, who would it be and why?  

I would like to give it to Paul McCartney because I think he would enjoy it and maybe have a laugh or two. 

Q How did you come up with your title? 

In the beginning of the book Hound Dogged, the band didn’t have a name. The character that comes up with their name is awkward and kind of goofy. I wanted to come up with something quirky like the character so off the top of my head I came up with Johnny and the Hound Dogs. I had planned on the group changing the name later on, but the name stuck and as the story progressed, I decided to keep the name. 

Q When did you decide to write this story and why? 

I’ve been writing since I was six, and during my early teens, I spent a great deal of my free time writing a series about a rock-n-roll group.  I tried to rewrite the first book in the series later in life, but I eventually dropped the project. 

In the spring of 2021, I revisited the series and felt inspired to rewrite the first book again. Initially, I intended to do this just for myself, but my husband was insistent that he wanted to read the book.  I normally don’t share an unpolished piece of work with someone, but I relented and let him read it. 

He loved the book and pushed me to pursue getting published. I had tried to get published once before, and the experience was discouraging, so I wasn’t very excited about trying again. However, my husband was persistent in urging me to follow my dream. By the end of the year, he had convinced me, and I began looking into self-publishing. The rest is history. 

Q What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book?  

This book beautifully depicts friendship and solidarity. I experienced feelings up and down as Stu discusses his relationship with James, peer pressure, and uncertainty. It masterfully explores loyalty and self-discovery, ending with Stu’s sorrowful revelation of his weaknesses. A captivating book for anyone who struggles with friendship and belonging, it helped me a lot. 

This review made my heart sing, affirming that the message I hoped to convey through my book had successfully reached its audience. 

Q What is something you learned while writing this book? 

I learned that the 1950s was more complex and interesting than I thought it was.  It’s about a lot more than bubblegum and sock hops. The 1950s were a period of significant cultural, social, and political change, setting the stage for the transformations of the 1960s. The decade was marked by events like the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War and the associated fear of nuclear conflict, the rise of consumer culture, and the early stages of the rock ‘n’ roll revolution. I found it to be fascinating.  

Q Who is your favorite character in your book?  

My favorite character in the Hound Dogged series is John Chandler. John is a free spirit who says and does what he wants. He’s not caught up in what other people think of him and he doesn’t conform to the rules. He is vibrant and confident with a quick wit. The rough exterior he shows to the world protects him from the hurt and disappointment inside.  

 Piano or Guitar? 


Coffee Mugs or Tea Cups? 


Cashmere or Silk?


Popcorn or Hot Dogs? 


Scented Candles or Incence sticks? 

Scented Candles.

The city or the country? 


Baking or Cooking? 


Margarita or Cosmo? 


Holding a Puppy or Holding a Baby? 

Holding a Puppy. I love fur babies. 

Invisibility cloak or sparkling skin? 

invisibility cloak 

Find the series here on Amazon. Check out another book interview here.

Get to Know Lee Lindauer, author of The Salvation of Henry Maxwell

Get to Know Lee Lindauer, author of The Salvation of Henry Maxwell

In this candid interview, Lee Lindauer, author of The Salvation of Henry Maxwell, opens up about the inspiration behind his latest novel, the challenges of weaving intricate sub-plots, and the emotional depth that drives his storytelling. With a unique blend of suspense, Gothic romance, and character-driven narrative, Lindauer’s work promises to captivate readers who appreciate a story that tugs at the heartstrings while keeping them on the edge of their seats. Lindauer also shares his thoughts on what makes his book a must-read, the rituals that fuel his creativity, and even reveals his ideal casting for a potential film adaptation.

What makes your book a must-read? 

The Salvation of Henry Maxwell is a book that will move the reader as they experience the tormented life of a former horror movie star. It has a mix of emotions combined with suspense and a touch of Gothic Romance that leads to an unexpected finale. For those that love character driven novels, this is for you.


If you could give your book to one world leader, who would it be and why? 

Trump, maybe he’ll learn how to read and show empathy.


What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Trying to sequence the different sub-plots so that the timing and pacing made sense, and the tension would keep building. Rewrites and more rewrites helped in this regard.


What is the most enlightening/inspirational story you tell in your book? 

That love never dies. It is an emotion that is the glue that keeps us as decent human beings on a course to treating others with compassion and showing empathy in times of need.


One word that best describes you.

Trustworthy .


Any ritual like a specific scented candle, preferred writing place, or drink that you kept through writing?

Understanding that words just don’t appear out of thin air. They take time and revisions, and nothing wrong with not having a beer after choking out a few pages.


If there is a movie adaptation of your book, who do you think would be perfect for the lead roles? 

Robert DeNiro would make a great Henry Maxwell.


What can this teach to a motivated and mission-driven population of writers? 

New ideas are hard to come by. One author told me, everything has been done before. What separates a writer’s work is how they present it with a twist that only they can provide.


Who is your biggest writing inspiration? 

Hard to say. Dan Simmons comes to mind as being versed in so many different genres.

Love or Money? 


Sky diving or Scuba diving? 

Scuba diving

 Scented Candles or Incense?  

 Scented Candles

Red Meat or White Meat? 


Movie or TV Series? 


Long Walk or long car ride? 

 Long Walk 

Comedy or Drama? 


The city or the country? 


Baking or Cooking? 


Margarita or Cosmo? 


Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in The Salvation of Henry Maxwell—a novel that skillfully blends suspense, emotion, and a touch of Gothic romance. Lee Lindauer has crafted a story that will not only captivate you with its intricate plot and well-drawn characters but also leave you pondering its themes of love, empathy, and redemption long after you’ve turned the final page. Pick up a copy and experience the journey for yourself—you won’t be disappointed.

Read your next book interview here.

Reel Talk with Scott Ryan: The Unfiltered Voice Behind The Last Decade of Cinema

Reel Talk with Scott Ryan: The Unfiltered Voice Behind The Last Decade of Cinema

  Interviewing Scott Ryan, author of The Last Decade of Cinema, is an intriguing journey into the mind of a passionate cinephile. Ryan, known for his candid and often provocative insights, shares his thoughts on everything from his ideal reader—Quentin Tarantino—to his disdain for internet reviews. In this interview, Ryan delves into the inspiration behind his latest book, his experiences interviewing iconic screenwriters, and his musings on the state of modern cinema. His responses are as engaging and unfiltered as his writing, offering a glimpse into his creative process and his unabashed love for the movies of the 90s. Whether discussing his favorite comments or his somewhat eccentric celebrity crushes, Ryan’s personality shines through, making this conversation as entertaining as it is enlightening.

Q If you could give your book to one person in the entire world to read, who would it be and why? 

This is your first question and I already love it. I would like to give my book to Quentin Tarantino. He is a big reason I wrote it, Pulp Fiction is covered in it, and I think Q would enjoy it. 

Q How did you come up with your title?   

 This was designed to be a provoctive title: The Last Decade of Cinema. I wanted people to start aruging with me immediatly and get them thinking about film and defending their choices. I think the other books that I wrote were too nice. I wanted a little contraversy with this one. In fact, if someone reading this could ban my book, that would be great. 

Q When did you decide to write this story and why?  

 It all started because I couldn’t find anything to stream one night. It was like every movie was either boring or was a remake of something I’d seen before. I wanted to shine a light on a time when movies were taking chances, and the norm was to be anything but normal.  


Q What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book?  

 Wait? People are supposed to say nice things about your work? No one told me this. Honestly, I read nothing about my books. I don’t read internet comments, or Good Reads, or Amazon reviews. I stay away from the internet at all costs when it comes to looking for feedback. I always complete my books and just start on the next one. I try to focus on the work of it, not the rewards that come from it.   


Q What is something you learned while writing this book?  

 I learned that Helen Childress, who wrote the screenplay to the 1994 movie, Reality Bites, is as wonderful as I always hoped. I have wanted to interview her for thirty years. She wrote one of my top 5 movies of all-time and I always thought if I met her, that we could be best friends. Then I interviewed her for this book, and I know it’s true. Now, if someone could just explain that to her, we can begin our yearly vacations, she can help me move my couch, and I’ll drop her off at the airport when she needs a ride.  


Q Who is your celebrity crush?  

How much time do you have? Sheryl Lee is my life long crush. I fell in love with her from Twin Peaks and that lasts for life. There is also Jessica Williams, Jenna Coleman, Gillian Anderson, Fiona Apple, and Ariana DeBose. And let’s throw Denzel Washington in there as a Hall of Famer.  


Q Which fictional character would be most exciting to meet in real life?  

 Well, I feel like I should pick a character from a 90s movie to keep readers on track for buying my book, so I am going to go with Dr. Lowenstein from The Prince of Tides becasue that is as close as I am going to get in meeting Barbra Streisand.  


Q What is the most useless talent you have?  

 How did you know all my talents are useless? Who told you? Was it one of my family members? I wish I had the money making talent, that is what I should have studied for. Unforunately, I went the writing way and that has really been a useless talent. I’ll go with the fact that I can name every Billy Joel album in order and with the year of release. That seems useless. 


Q What got you into writing?  

 It was watching Moonlighting in highschool. I so wanted to create something that would make people laugh and think. I began writing and making my own movies and pretty much have never stopped. 


Rapid Fire Questions  

  Q. Coffee or tea? 


  Q. Dinosaurs or princesses?  

  Princesses (Mario’s Princess Peach please)

 Q. Laptop or phone? 

 Laptop. Phones are evil.

 Q. Mountain or Beach? 


 Q. Beer or Vodka? 


Q. Fame or Fortune? 


 Q. Love or Money? 


Q. Sky diving or Scuba diving? 

 You forget sitting at home.

  Q. Scented Candles or Inscense? 


  Q. Red Meat or White Meat? 

  White Meat


Grab your copy here!

Find another author interview here.

Meeting Doug Kari, Author of The Berman Murders

Meeting Doug Kari, Author of The Berman Murders

We’re diving into a conversation with the adventurous Doug Kari, a true-crime investigator who doesn’t just stick to the archives. Whether he’s laying in a shallow grave to connect with past tragedies, uncovering clues in Death Valley’s expanses, or navigating Mexico’s tough terrains to tell the stories of migrant refugees, Doug’s method is anything but conventional. Join us as we uncover the stories and motivations of this unique explorer and writer as his new book, The Berman Murders.

If your book was turned into a film/TV show, who would you tap to play the lead(s)? Why? 

Having my book The Berman Murders turned into a film isn’t something I dream about. But if I had to cast the leads, I’d pick Jesse Eisenberg and Jessica Chastain as the victims Barry & Louise Berman; Shia LaBeouf as the suspect Michael Pepe; and Bradley Cooper as the dogged deputy Leon Boyer. Their looks and vibes would fit the parts. 

What is the core message you want to deliver to the world through your writing/books/stories?

That sometimes – maybe even most of the time? – justice prevails. 

 What makes your book unputdownable? 

Because the plot twists are fantastical, yet real. 

 When did you decide to write this story and why? 

The case came calling on me in 2014. I was at my desk, thinking about Saline Valley, and how I’d like to write a story in that extraordinary setting. At that precise moment, a bird landed on the window screen, only a couple of feet away, gripping the mesh. As the bird stared in at me, I thought of Barry and Louise, who’d disappeared in Saline Valley many years earlier. 

What is something you learned while writing this book? 

That there are people in this world – Barry Berman being one of them – who have genuine disregard for wealth and its trappings. 

What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book? 

Publisher’s Weekly called the book “a stirring account of [a] nine-year quest to crack an unsolved double murder in California’s Mojave Desert.” 

 If you were given a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl, what would you fill it with?  

 Video (G-rated, of course) of the clothing-optional hot springs in Saline Valley – there’s nowhere like it. 

 What would be your superpower?   

The ability to absorb and process information like a super-computer, but with human emotions and sensibilities. 

 If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for? 

I wish for outcomes that perhaps I can help achieve, such as: justice for the victims in the cases I write about; meaningful lives for my children; positive outcomes for the people to whom I provide legal advice. 

What is your dream vacation?   

A lonely desert wherein lies a gripping tale of love, adventure, murder, and justice. 

 Rapid Fire Questions 

  1. Long walk or long car ride?
  2. A long walk to saturate my brain with oxygen.


  1. Comedy or Drama?
  2. Drama of course – after all, I’m a true-crime writer.


  1. The city or the country?
  2. The country because I scour the deserts of California and Nevada for stories to tell.


  1. Baking or Cooking?
  2. The elusive quest to bake the perfect loaf of sourdough bread.


  1. Margarita or Cosmo?
  2. A. Margarita, because I became friends with Roy Parodi, the husband of Margarita Henkel, who was the daughter of the German ambassador to Mexico. Roy and Margarita owned Hamilton Ranch, a large guest ranch near Ensenada. In October 1941, Roy and Margarita walked into to Hussong’s Cantina in Ensenada. In honor of his VIP guests, the bartender, Don Carlos Orozco, named his new drink after Margarita. Noe: After Roy passed away, his family gifted me some of his vintage clothing, including an embroidered tuxedo that I still wear on special occasions.


  1. Holding a Puppy or Holding a Baby?
  2. A puppy – I’m head-over-heels in love with dogs.


  1. invisibility cloak or sparkling skin?
  2. Invisibility assuming my pad and pen are invisible too, so I can jot notes about what I’m seeing.


  1. Coffee or tea?
  2. Coffee, strong, at least twice a day.


  1. Dinosaurs or princesses? 
  2. Princesses abound, but dinosaurs in real life would be cool.


  1. Laptop or phone?
  2. Phone for photos, laptop for writing.

Make sure to check out The Berman Murders. For another author interview, click here.

Dr. Paul D. Corona with The Corona Protocol

Dr. Paul D. Corona with The Corona Protocol

Join us for an enlightening interview with Dr. Paul D. Corona, a trailblazer in psychiatry and family medicine from Southern California. Dr. Corona introduces “Mind and Body Healing” in his groundbreaking book, “The Corona Protocol,” challenging traditional mental health treatments and offering innovative solutions for complex societal issues.

Q. What is the core message you want to deliver to the world through your writing/books/stories in your self-help series? 

I want to convey that there is hope. There is a scientific basis for why people suffer with mental and physical illness. These reasons can be easily diagnosed and treated in safe and effective ways that are holistic and get to the core of the problem and cure the person from within. This leads to the feeling of self and feeling of health and wholeness. 

More information is that I want patients and doctors to read my books and to be able to not only help themselves but also others that they know need help, which is an exponential amount of people. There is so much suffering in our society and in the world that can be relieved by applying The Corona Protocol to their lives. 


Q. What makes your book unique?  

My book is unique because The Corona Protocol is my methods and ways of diagnosing and treating. I learned these methods through years of studying and treating patients in order to develop a protocol that works better than any other methods that I have come across. The Corona Protocol has been developed through over 30 years of practice with well over 50,000 hours and well over 150,000 patients’ visits. 

Expanding on what I said a bit further, what makes my protocol different than other methods is that I learned it differently. I learned it as a family doctor studying psychiatry on my own further than what we learned in training about mental illness. Those trained in psychiatry don’t appreciate the role that the physical body plays, thus the term Mind-Body Medicine. During the first 10 years or so of my practice I realized that I was doing things differently than what I was reading about. I decided that I could make a bigger difference in my patients’ lives by branching into this field of medicine rather than being a typical family doctor. Since I did not see other providers offering the same methods, I knew early on that I not only needed to do it but also to teach it, thus leading to the books. The impact that this protocol has on people’s lives is nothing short of astonishing. I have had many patients over the years who have seen many different providers, including psychiatrists, who never provided the results that I am able to provide within a relatively short period of time such as one to three visits. More complex patients may take 4 to 6 visits but that is still much quicker and with more complete results than with other providers who treat based on old paradigms. I love what I do since I see people’s lives changing dramatically in front of my eyes and many have told me that their lives have been saved because of my treatments. As a doctor there is no greater joy than making a difference in so many people’s lives. 

Q. Who/What is your biggest inspiration in your writing?  

My biggest inspiration is my patients. Seeing them suffer and then helping them to turn their lives around gives me great joy and satisfaction. Being aware that there is so much suffering which can be helped drives me to keep writing and to keep in active practice. Since I have also written two books intended to train doctors and other prescribers my greatest desire after this book is released is to put together a training program and release my next two books which are already written. 


Q. When did you decide to write the book and why?  

I decided to write this sixth book since I had already released my first three books’ series years ago and have finished my to teaching books, but then I realized that I needed to write another book and started about five years ago. I set out to write a book of stories. I love fiction and fantasy novels are my favorite genres. I have always wanted to write fiction, and this was my opportunity to share stories of people who struggle, some of them succeeding and some not. The harsh reality is that not all of the stories in this book and in life in general have a happy ending. 


Q. What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book?  

I have had many positive comments about the book but the one that comes foremost to mind is that this book is a paradigm shift. My book introduces a completely different way of looking at things and doing things. What I write and teach is not found in any other book, whether textbook or otherwise. The paradigm shift introduced in this book is the ability to change the lives of countless people. 


  1. If your book were turned into a film/TV show, who would you tap to play the lead(s)? Why? 

This is a tough question. Then Affleck or Vince Vaughn for me, Jennifer Lopez, or Phoebe Cates for my wife. 


Q. What is something you learned while writing the book?  

What I learned while writing this book is how much I enjoy writing fiction. I enjoy using my imagination, while also drawing on material from real patients that I have seen. I have continued to learn over the last 20 years of writing how much work goes into writing a book. 


Q. Give us the scoop about your next upcoming book.

After writing six books I don’t see myself writing another medical book for a while. I started writing a fantasy novel when I was in middle school, then several years ago I wrote more of it but then put it aside. I wanted to wait until the other books were written before going back to it. I have thought about the story for many years and know what I want to write but have not found the time and energy to devote to it. It will probably become a trilogy. I would like to ideally write it with another author such as a ghostwriter, someone who is better at writing than I am. 


Rapid Fire Questions 

Running or Hiking? – Hiking 

What is your favorite shower song? – When Doves Cry by Prince 

Red Meat or White Meat? – Tough questions since I love both, but I will have to go with red meat, white meat a close second. On further reflection white meat wins. I love chicken, pork and fish which includes my favorite King crab legs as well as lobster. I love steak and hamburgers, but white meat wins. 

Broccoli or Brussel Sprouts? –   Brussell Sprouts 

Tomatoes or Potatoes? – Potatoes  

Baked or Fried? – Fried 

Wine or Beer? – Beer. Easy answer. I have a.keg in a refrigerator in my backyard at my Tiki Bar 

Sky diving or Scuba diving? – Sky Diving though I have never done it either. I have always wanted to skydive. 

Fame or Fortune? – Fame, since I would be able to reach and affect more people in a positive way if me and my protocol were widely known. I want to make as big of a difference as I can and to help as many people as possible. 

Invisibility cloak or sparkling skin? – Invisibility cloak 

 Check out another author interview here

Why are you so Cranky? Explaining Cranky Superpowers with Steven Joseph

Why are you so Cranky? Explaining Cranky Superpowers with Steven Joseph

In our latest interview, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Steven Joseph, the creative mind behind the engaging and unique Cranky Superpowers. Joseph, known for his distinctive approach to self-help and humor, shares insights into his latest book, which challenges readers to transform their crankiness into a source of personal strength. From the inspiration behind his writing to his thoughts on character adaptations and future projects, here’s what Steven Joseph had to say about his journey as an author and the intriguing concept of embracing our inner crankiness. Make sure to grab your copy now.

Q. What is the core message you want to deliver to the world through your writing/books/stories in your self-help series?

A. I think that the principal message is to embrace our crankiness and look closely at it to see how it can be used to foster our own unique powers.

Q. What makes your book unique?

A. This book is different than any other book you will read. That is not what I say. It is what my readers tell me. Every chapter is different than the other. Every chapter will make you laugh out loud. Every chapter will make you reflect and think about your own life. The stories and lessons stay with you long after you finish reading.

Q. Who/What is your biggest inspiration in your writing? 

A. I think it is the odd things that happen in daily life and in my work as a lawyer. An attorney comes into mediation and exclaims it is not his first rodeo, I end up with First Rodeo CrankaTsuris as a chapter. People will always say things that give me a hook into a story, and I go from there.

Q. When did you decide to write the Cranky series and why?

A. My first book was a Children’s book The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris. It was a story about the smallest but crankiest dinosaur on the planet, and how all humans evolved from that little dinosaur. One reviewer commented that the book did not talk about how to overcome crankiness, and I thought the point was to embrace our crankiness. I started a blog on how to embrace our crankiness, and everything took off from there.

Q. What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book?

A. “Is it genius or madness? I can’t decide!”

Q. Which fictional character would be most exciting to meet in real life?

A. Hagrid from Harry Potter. He reminds me a bit of my amazing illustrator, Andy Case.

Q. If your book were turned into a film/TV show, who would you tap to play the lead(s)? Why? – Ben Stiller. He plays a lot of characters that fall in line with the characters in my book. He starts out sometimes as a bit of a loser, and somehow, he finds the inner strength that he did not know he had. It is his cranky superpower!

Q What is something you learned while writing the Cranky Superpowers book? 

A. I learned how to look at my own crankiness in a positive way, and how I just barely tapped into crankiness with two books.

Q. Give us the scoop about your next upcoming book in the Snoodles series.

A. I am so excited about this next book “Snoodles in Space, Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back”. The idea for the book was a lightning bolt coming out of the sky. It turns the Willie Wonka upside down. The spoiled kids end up being the heroes in the story saving everyone on the planet from becoming Willy Nillys and Dilly Dallys. We are already working on the follow up book “Snoodles in Space: Escape from Zoodletraz!” That promises to be a DooWopadoodle Tale from Outer Space!


Part 2 – Rapid Fire Questions

  1. Running or Hiking? RUNNING
  2. What is your favorite shower song? SOME JEWISH PRAYER. I USED TO BE A CANTOR.
  3. Red Meat or White Meat? RED MEAT
  4. Broccoli or Brussel Sprouts? BRUSSEL SPROUTS
  5. Tomatoes or Potatoes? POTATOES
  6. Baked or Fried? FRIED
  7. Wine or Beer? WINE
  8. Sky diving or Scuba diving? SKY DIVING
  9. Fame or Fortune? FORTUNE
  10. Invisibility cloak or sparkling skin? INVISIBILITY CLOAK

For more author interviews, check out The Amber Menhir here.

One on One with Jonathan N. Pruitt

One on One with Jonathan N. Pruitt

We warmly welcome Jonathan N. Pruitt, a lifelong educator, former scientific researcher, and author of the engaging fantasy novel “The Amber Menhir”. Pruitt is not just a spinner of tales; he is a weaver of deep insights and biting humor, his stories imbued with the rich experiences gleaned from living in diverse global corners, from South Africa and Namibia to Australia and Canada. These experiences are deftly woven into his debut work, offering readers a narrative that is as emotionally true as it is fantastical. Through his writing, Pruitt prompts readers to explore the complexities of good and evil, shedding light on the murky, indistinguishable areas between the two. “The Amber Menhir” is a reflection of its creator: wise, witty, and unafraid to probe into life’s grey areas. Join us for a conversation with a man whose words are spells, casting long, enchanting shadows that linger. We got to know him better, take a look:

  1. One word that describes you?

Impish: inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous.

Though I’m a people-pleaser by nature, I do enjoy gallows humor and a dark comedy on film and page. Is there a manic character high on cocaine about to fight a rattlesnake? Well then, sign me up.

  1. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The hardest part of composing a book is editing. Writing a first draft resonates with my work ethic and drive. I work some amount of time, and I get to watch a story unfurl and a wordcount accumulate. But that story I’m writing isn’t any good. In fact, it’s probably pretty bad. I always have plans for how a story will go. I’ll seed those suspected events, and then… they just won’t happen. Something else more organic in terms of plot will emerge. Subsequent drafts are spent tidying up the mess and slaying superfluous words. It’s like sawing off a literary foot so that I can reach a antidote before the story’s poisoned to death.

  1. Any ritual like a specific scented candle, preferred writing place, or drink that you kept through writing? 

Uh, no. I write everywhere and anywhere. I write at bar tops, restaurants, coffee shops, hiking trails, airplanes, and while Catholics write their biology exams. When I’m not physically writing, I’m still writing, because I mull over plot knots and story arcs, even while dreaming. Maybe one day I’ll only deign to write in a salt cave while receiving a massage and smelling jasmine, but it certainly isn’t today.  Though that does sound nice…

  1. If there is a movie adaptation of your book, who do you think would be perfect for the lead roles? 

Hmm. I think Anya Taylor-Joy would make a superb Tara Langcraw. Frosty, austere, and ready to be laid low, I think Tara resembles many roles Taylor-Joy has brought to life. As for gristly old Ms. Ash, I think maybe Kathy Bates could be fun. Ms. Ash is a cynical aunt who isn’t afraid of getting her hands dirty, or bloody, for that matter, and expresses an aptitude for chastising foolish behavior. If Ms. Bates can deploy a believable British accent, then I’d love to have her in the role. I’m betting she can. Chesa is an apparently sycophantic servant with a penchant for poisoning her scholars. She possesses a capacity to torture, and even delight in it, but is herself tortured. I think Gong Li would be amazing in such a role. I can already see her drowning some smug scholar that she’d rendered catatonic. Halle Bailey really impressed me in her performance in the reboot of The Little Mermaid. With the weight of so much expectation and acrimony upon her, Bailey succeeded in bringing Ariel to life once more, though admittedly not with either the script or supporting cast I’d have wished for her. That optimistic fervor and wide-eyed hope is something critical for the role of Peony.  The sweet, stammering Roland Ward is harder to dream-cast. He’s hulking, careful, intelligent, and is quick to internalize the stress of others. It might sound off the wall, but I’m sort of allured by the idea of James McAvoy in the role. Gods know he has a considerable acting range, though he would need to put on some weight. I wonder if he’d be willing…

  1. If you weren’t famous, what would you be up to right now?

I think I would enjoy being a therapist. I love people and I enjoy hearing their stories. The real versions, I mean. I would love to be able to help people acknowledge their flaws and strengths, and then leverage them to reach their dreams. I’ve dug myself out of a fair number of pits. I think my toolkit could be generalized to help others too. I hope so, anyone. That might even be a hidden part of my books.

  1. When did you decide to write this story and why?

I’ve always wanted to write a fantasy novel, or three. It was unescapable that, if I did, its plot would occur in an academic setting. It’s all I’ve ever known, really. I know the virtues and vices of the ivory tower and its subjects as well as any. Write what you know, right? Add a cutesy macabre humor, and something like The Amber Menhir was inevitability. I hope that people enjoy reading it at least half as much as I loved writing it.


  1. How did you come up with your title?

For the longest time the working title was “A Sinking Monolith”, but that made my PR and marketing folks spin their heads around and vomit up pea soup. Seems that title registered as a bit too depressing, or so they said. The series isn’t truly depressing at all. It deploys a dark humor and tongue-in-cheek satire, true. But hope and the power of the human spirit shine all the brighter in such a setting. So, as a compromise, we all agreed that the setting, The Amber Menhir, served well enough as a title.

  1. What is your ‘if you don’t like this, you can’t be my friend’ book?

I don’t have such a book. I like a diversity of authors, genres, and perspectives. Jemisin, Mieville, Sanderson, Martin, Maas, Butcher, Rothfuss, and Rowling are all contemporary fantasy authors I love, though each for different reasons. But I can enjoy other fare from Ayn Rand to Gore Vidal. My friends and allies range from animal activists and post-humanists to evangelical objectivists. They’re all welcome on my next hike or camping trip. I accept people as they are and can love the good and bad in them all.

  1. What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book?

“…it is such a hotbed of murderous ambitions and dangerous political scheming that it makes a pit of vipers look like a basket of kittens. With the academic setting and three young student heroes, you could perhaps draw a parallel to Hogwarts, but only if the Harry Potter series had been produced by Hammer Films or penned by Stephen King.” – National World book reviewer.

I mean… what’s not to love about that? All the better, it’s fairly accurate.

  1. Which fictional character would be most exciting to meet in real life?

Ursula the sea witch, naturally. I dig ladies with a plan, a path forward, and who engage in self-love.  All the better if they’ve survived and grown from trauma, like being ostracized from a kingdom of gaunt mermaids, and they’ve learned the ins and outs of a good contract. Ursula, you’re welcome on my adventure any time; we’ll make appropriate accommodations to have you.

Part 2: Are you ready for our rapid-fire questions? Let’s go. 

  1. Sun or Snow?

Sun. I’ve lived in rainforests and tropical deserts for much of my life. Heat doesn’t touch me the way it does normal people, though I suppose that means I’m more likely to die from it. Que sera sera.

  1. Write in silence or write with music?

I usually write in busy public places with earplugs. So… manufactured silence, I guess.

  1. Money or Love?

Love. I mean, I like money too, but I like it for its ability to solve the problems of those I love and enjoy the light of this world, which isn’t always so pleasant.

  1. Cats or Dogs?

Cats. The more floofy and capricious the better. One day, if I go completely round the bend, I’ll have a (rescued) savannah cat in my house.

  1. Beach or Ski Trip?

I’ve seen a lot of rich people in the infirmary at ski lodges and that **** just looks dangerous to me. And cold. Beaches wins by default, though I’m not one for sitting still.

  1. Love Song or Rock?

Get real. Have you seen me? It’s thudding disco anthems for the win.

  1. Formal Dinner Date or Home Cooked Dinner Date?

Let’s just go to dinner. I’ll buy.  I mean, we can cook together as an adventure and all, but Uber Eats is likely in the cards thereafter. I’m a miserable failure as a cook. But it’ll make a good story.

  1. Real Tattoos or Henna?

Real tattoos. I’m not ready to join Kabballah yet. Though I do like the look of that mystical red string…

  1. Work from Home or Office?

I work from the trail best, during a picnic aside a scenic overlook. But I work from anywhere and instinctually must.

  1. Super strength or Invisibility?

Invisibility, of course. I like assessing matters from the shadow, watching, documenting, and biding my time. I’ll only ever confront a matter when the time is right, and under my ideal terms. Is that spidery? Maybe so.

Want more author interviews, check out the next one.

P. L. Hampton: Scribe of Shadows and Secrets!

P. L. Hampton: Scribe of Shadows and Secrets!

Clear some space on your bookshelf and brace yourselves! P. L. Hampton is the literary maverick sending shivers down spines straight from Seattle. A maestro in melding family sagas with ancient enigmas, Hampton’s pen is mightier and murkier than ever. While he educates by day as a college professor and chases that coveted JD, by night, he crafts tales that echo with whispers from the shadows. Dive deep into “Shadowland” and emerge transformed, wondering where fact ends and fiction begins.

Q If you could give your book to one person in the entire world to read, who would it be and why?

I know this question asks what person I would give my book to, but at this current time in America, I would give my book to a library. The reason is so everyone can have the opportunity and access to read it. American history is a rich history made up of so many colorful voices. It is necessary we hear all the voices that come together and make up this beautiful tapestry we call America. 

Q How did you come up with your title?

The title of my novel deals with the gray area the main character, Aaron, finds himself in regarding his familial situation, his inner struggles, and the mystery shrouding the supernatural and spiritual journey he finds himself on. 

Q When did you decide to write this story and why?

I started writing this story roughly a decade ago. The inspiration for this story came from my wife, Tonya. She had awakened me one night professing to have seen the shadow of a man in the living room. Fortunately, there was no man actually in my house. Nevertheless, the thought of a shadowy figure lurking in my home sent my imagination racing. I started writing Shadowland that night.

Q What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book?

My favorite comment came from my sister. She loved how the novel weaved African, African American history, spirituality, and horror into this enthralling tale.

Q What is something you learned while writing this book?

. I learned about the richness of African history and spirituality. I wanted this novel to be as authentic to African history and spirituality as possible. Thus, the reason it took me some time to write this novel.

Q Who is your celebrity crush?

I would not per se call it a crush. Instead, I would call it admiration. That would be former President Barack and Michelle Obama. They carry themselves with dignity, grace, and yet they are very relatable.

Q Which fictional character would be most exciting to meet in real life?

Urbi Houna. Hands down. I found it very hard to not let this character take over Shadowland. In reading the novel you will find out why. She is such a rich character. That is why I feel compelled to give Urbi, her own story.

Q What is the most useless talent you have?

That’s a good question. I’ll have to think about that one.

Q What got you into writing?

My father recommended I read Watership Down by Richard Adams as a teenager. I was fascinated by the journey of these rabbits to find a home of their own. Octavia Butler also was a huge inspiration in compelling me to put my words and ideas down on paper.

Q. Coffee or tea?

A. Coffee

Q. Dinosaurs or princesses?

A. Dinosaurs

Q. Laptop or phone?

A. Laptop (Old School)

Q. Mountain or Beach?

A. Beach

Q. Beer or Vodka?

A. Neither. I don’t drink.

Q. Fame or Fortune?

A. Neither. I chose happiness.

Q. Love or Money?

A. Love! Every day, all day!

Q. Sky diving or Scuba diving?

A. Scuba diving. The finality of jumping out of a plane and the parachute not working scares you know what out of me.

Q. Scented Candles or Inscense?

A. Scented candles. Candlelight is so serene and peaceful.

Q. Red Meat or White Meat?

A. I don’t eat beef or pork. I’m a chicken and fish guy.

Grab your copy now available on Amazon.

Ready for another author interview?

Susy Smith – Crafting Dystopian Chaos

Susy Smith – Crafting Dystopian Chaos

Attention, bookworms and lovers of all things thrilling! Meet Susy Smith: not just an author, but a veritable scribe of suspense. Our dame of dystopia doesn’t just write stories; she conjures worlds. And with a title like “curriculum specialist for the Kanza Tribe” under her belt, you know she’s packing more than just ink in her quill.

Beneath her writer’s cloak, she’s armed with the resilience of every protagonist, the linguistic sorcery from her English degree, and enough storytelling mojo to leave readers on the edge (or even falling off) their seats!

Her claim to literary fame? “Asylum,” a spellbinding saga that didn’t just win hearts, but the 2020 Writer Con crown too. But she didn’t stop there. Susy’s sequel, “Ascendant,” plunges even deeper into the human psyche, making us question: are we reading the book, or is it reading us? Let’s learn more:

Q. If your book was turned into a film/TV show, who would you tap to play the lead(s)? Why? 

– I would love for my books to be turned into a movie or a Netflix series! I’d pick Tanner Buchanan (He’s all that) or Chase Crawford for Jace Cooper, and Kathryn Newton (Big Little Lies) with dark hair for Lacy.

Q. What’s one secret about you that you’ll share with the world?

– I don’t want to get old! Sadly, it’s happening anyway. The older I get the faster time seems to go. I didn’t use to get the old adage, ‘youth is wasted on the young,’ until I turned 50. Then I was like, ‘yeah, I get that.’ My brain still thinks I’m 20. Unfortunately, my body doesn’t agree!

Q. What is the core message you want to deliver to the world through your writing/books/stories?

– I’d like to see the younger generation think for themselves and not take what they see and hear on social media/TV/news on its face. There’s always more to the story than what’s being told. School is not set up to teach kids to think for themselves and that’s doing them a disservice.

Q What makes your book unputdownable?

  • I think it’s suspenseful enough to keep readers turning the page, at least that’s something for which I strive. I think the characters will stick with the reader as well.

Q Tell us something about you that no one else knows

  • I’m left-handed and proud of it!

Q What book has made you cry, why?

  • When I was a kid, one of my favorite books was Where the Red Fern Grows, and I cried each and every time I read it.

Q What is your dream vacation? 

  • I’d really like to spend some time in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands. Some of my ancestors come from those places. I’d like to learn some Gaelic and some of the druid culture while there. After that? I’d love to spend some time on a white sand beach, doesn’t really matter where, Fiji, Maui …

Q If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

  • This is a tough question. I’m not going to go all selfless and say world peace, but I’ll list the first three things that come to mind:
    • For my kids to live happy, prosperous lives.
    • I’d like to live a long time, myself.
    • I’d like to know the secrets to the Keys of Solomon.

Q Who/What is your biggest inspiration in your writing?

  • The biggest inspiration I have when I write is music. One of my favorite quotes is “I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music …” by Albert Einstein. My musical tastes are eclectic. I might get hung up on a folksy song by This Wild Life then turn around and listen to Bad Omens – which is what I’m stuck on now. I enjoy making playlists for my books and characters.

Q If you could give your book to one person in the entire world to read, who would it be and why?

  • If I could give my book to anyone in the world, it would be my Nanny. She walked on long before I published Asylum, but I think she’d like to know I’m writing which is something she always wanted to do. She encouraged my love of reading from a young age, buying me books every time she got the chance. I dedicated Asylum to her.

Rapid Fire Questions and Answers

Q. Movie or TV Series?

A.  TV Series

Q. Long walk or long car ride?

A.  Long Walk

Q. Comedy or Drama?

A.  Comedy

Q. The city or the country?

A.  Duh, Country

Q. Baking or Cooking?

A.  Baking

Q. Margarita or Cosmo?

A.  Neither

Q. Holding a Puppy or Holding a Baby?

A.  Puppy

Q. invisibility cloak or sparking skin?

A.  Invisibility cloak, no question

Q. Coffee or tea?

A.  Tea

Q. Dinosaurs or princesses? 

A.  Dino’s

Q. Laptop or phone?

A.  Laptop

Find a copy now on Amazon!

Want more fun? Take a look at this author interview next.