Influencers’ Effect on Business Decisions

Influencers’ Effect on Business Decisions

8 Ways Influencers Can Impact Business Decision

The power of social media has taken over the world, and it doesn’t seem like it will change anytime soon. So many brands and people are now looking for social media influencers to promote their products and services. In this article Jordan Sudberg, a pain management specialist discusses the impact of influencers on a business.

1. The Pricing of a Product or Service

Cost is the number one reason why people don’t buy. Costs can be too high, and they can be too low. The wrong price can make a product unsellable, especially if its costs are below the market price. The right price is the one that will allow a company to sell enough products to make a profit but not so much that it kills demand.

This is where influencers come in and can help decide a pricing strategy. Social media influencers are very familiar with the market, and with their audience, so they will know what price to set for products or services to be successful at that stage of business development.

2. Creating Products and Services

In today’s world, creating new products and services is a crucial way to ensure a company’s growth. If a person has an idea to create something new and get it into the market, they need social media influencers.

Going to the market alone and hoping someone will buy is not a good strategy. An influencer can make the products get acceptance into the market.

3. Potential Customers and Clientele

Having a potential customer base means going out there and selling products or services openly and effectively. According to Jordan Sudberg, social media influencers can get their audience on board with the company’s brand through their presence on social media channels and in person through face-to-face interactions.

4. Increasing Brand Awareness

Nowadays, brands must be really loud and very visible to get any attention. Social media influencers can increase brand awareness through positive interactions, sharing content, discussing the brand, and giving out products or services in exchange for an honest review.

5. Promoting Products or Services

Social media influencers can help the company they represent by promoting their brands. This is a great way of increasing brand recognition and, in turn, increasing sales.

6. Market Research and Development

One of the things that can destroy a business is not having a set market strategy. Mr. Sudberg believes that Influencers can help with this by providing advice and making suggestions on what could be developed and made available in the market to increase revenue and profits.

Making recommendations will surely help where no other suggestion would have worked, so a business needs to listen carefully to their suggestions, especially when given with excitement and enthusiasm.

7. Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationships are an important part of a business operation. Influencers can interact with the audience (customers) of a brand or product, and in turn, they can also give feedback on services, quality control, and anything else related to the management of customers.

8. Research

The business world is based on research. Companies need to research new products and services and the needs of customers or clients. An influencer can help by offering advice on new ideas or products they can suggest (if they have any) that will increase sales.


In today’s world, social media influencers have become very important in people’s lives and business processes. They can be a great asset to a business both in terms of awareness and through the help and advice they can offer. If a business can get an influencer on board, it will have a much easier time in the market when wanting to sell products or services.