The Cheeky Bilal Alaji Tells All

The Cheeky Bilal Alaji Tells All

The fun, inspirational and multi-talented Bilal Alaji has written his own memoir to share with the world. With it he hopes to help those struggling to find their path, give guidance and reassurance that any situation can be changed by declaring “This Ain’t My Life”. Bilal’s story keeps the page turning, find out how he manages all of life’s obstacles.

Q. If you could give your book to one celebrity, who would it be and why?

     I would give my book to Iyanla Vanzant because she deals with therapeutic methods to heal people who have experienced trauma’s in their lives. My book This Ain’t My Life would be a great compliment to her show “Fix My Life”. It would be amazing for me to work with her helping people by sharing from a males perspective.

Q. Who is your biggest writing inspiration?

     I have been moved by many books and authors throughout the years but I think the book that had the biggest impact on me in my impressionable years was the Autobiography of Malcolm X written by Alex Haley. This book was my introduction to a fascinating world of literary exposition.  This book melted into the fiber of my being, giving me purpose to define my destiny.

Q. If could give your book to one singer/musician, who would it be and why?

     I would give it to Alicia Keys. She has amazing vocal talent and the ability to see beyond the words. With her musical talent she would transform the book into a musical right away allowing me to see and understand my story in a completely different context.

Q. If your book was turned into a film/TV show, who would you tap to play the lead(s)? Why?

     I’m not sure there is anyone who could play the lead as good as I can. So, I’m going to have to nominate myself for the lead on this role. Eminem played the lead in his movie debut Eight Mile, centered around his life. My religious and musical background makes me a unique character to play, a challenge I’d rather take on myself.

Q. What’s one secret about you that you’ll share with the world?

Bilal Alaji

     My left butt cheek is larger than my right— just kidding. I have a great sense of humor. Those closest to me state that I should have been a stand up comedian. My humor has been my saving grace throughout the years. It has also acted as a buffer when tensions are running high. I now know that the humorous side of me is a skill set that I don’t take for granted.

Q. What is the core message you want to deliver to the world through your writing/books/stories?

     I want those who read my book to know that there is something great lying dormant inside of them. Never give up on yourself, never give up on your dreams, and never give up on your ambitions. It is through your darkest moments that you will find victory. Keep believing in YOU.

Q. Give us the scoop on your book.

      The book chronicles my life as a Black Muslim who was lead down an arduous path by my father. I had aspirations of being a recording artist that was shattered by life altering events. I remained diligent in my passion to pursue my dreams, however, I became a husband and parent at a young age. This would lead me through a web of drama, betrayal, depression, and confusion. As I try to shake to web to find some sort of normalcy, I was too deep entangled, losing myself, my dreams, and my ambition. I found hope through my faith. I began the process of transformation for the life that I’ve always dreamed of. I continued to remind myself that, This Ain’t My Life. It was because of this mantra that I was able to redefine who I was and find my divine purpose.

Rapid Fire Questions and Answers

Q. Morning person or night owl?

A. Most definitely a night owl. I have no problem burning the midnight oil. During late hours are when I receive the most inspiration

Q. Reading or writing?

A. Both. This is a tie. I love to read just as much as I love writing.

Q. Kittens or puppies?

A. I’m a cat lover. Actually, I’m an animal lover, so tie again.

Q. The beach or the mountains?

A. I love the beach. I do mountains too but beach wins this one.

Q. Road trip or Cruise ship?

A. Cruise ship. I have done several cruises as well as road trips. I think I enjoy being pampered and not having to work at all.

Q. Tea or coffee?

A. I’m a tea man. Tea all the way baby!

Q. Karaoke or bowling?

A. Both. I love being active and I’m also extremely competitive.

Q. The ability to fly or mind reading?

A. Mind reading. This will make for such a powerful weapon— I mean skill set.

Q. Selfie or group photo?

A. Group photo. I guess I have all the time in the world to take pics of myself.

Q. E.L. James or J.K. Rowling?

A. J.K. Rowling. She is an absolute beast with her imagination.

Chef and Author, David Ruggerio Discusses His Best Recipe for a Horror Novel

Chef and Author, David Ruggerio Discusses His Best Recipe for a Horror Novel

David Ruggerio is a well-known chef and New York restaurant owner. He mastered his culinary skills in France at its leading restaurants. At the age of twenty five, David rose to fame. He received raved reviews as he worked as a chef at the legendary New York eatery, La Caravels. In 1995, he was recognized as one of the thirteen best young chefs in America.

David Ruggerio is also the author of two cook books. His third book, A Wistful Tale of Gods, Men, and Monsters will be releasing soon. He gives us the best recipe for the makings of a horror novel and more.

David Ruggerio

What made you want to become a horror author?

Though I did not attend college, and my education was limited, throughout my life, I sought refuge from a horrific childhood through reading. In the worst of times, I escaped my surroundings by leaping into the story I was reading at the time. Now, that I’m no longer working behind the stove, I returned to books, but this time, I became the storyteller instead of the reader. I don’t consider myself a true writer, instead, I’m a storyteller in its truest sense.

Did being a famous chef influence your writing?

My fame as a chef took me on a tour of the world. I saw cultures, people and food that I never knew existed. I learned things that later had a great influence on my storytelling. In addition, hosting a television show hones your ability as a storyteller, these were great advantages for me when I decided to trade in my knife for a pen.

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What is the best recipe for a horror novel? What are some of the twists and turns, scary things, or elements that you added to yours?

I wish I had a secret recipe, but my books begin with either a real place, an actual event, or a nonfictional person. Though fiction, I think using these realities adds a special flavor to my books.

When I decided to pick up the pen, I first read Stephen King’s book on writing. I adopted his formula, I began my first book and allowed the characters within to take me on a journey. I never planned or anticipated any twist or turn within it, and because of that, I have great joy writing about them when they occur!

What is your favorite part of this time of year?

Without a doubt, autumn. With the change of the leaves, the chill in the air, this season reminds me of a saying—“Ghost and Goblins come out to play in October’s final day.”

Where did you come up with the idea to write A Wistful Tale? What inspired you?

I am a true horror aficionado and living in New York, one of my favorite places to visit is Sleepy Hollow. I adored Washington Irvings’ novel and it inspired me. On a trip upstate, I found the village of Brunswick, and I came upon the towns’ abandoned cemetery that some say is the most haunted place in America. It didn’t take much more after that!

What books are you reading this Halloween?

My grandmother left me an original copy of Dracula from 1897. I’m going to enjoy Bram Stocker’s words in its most wonderful original text!

Stay tuned for the release of David Ruggerio’s award-winning horror novel—A Wistful Tale of Gods, Men, and Monsters. It is now available for pre-order on Amazon, Target, and Barnes and Noble, and will be released on October 31, 2019. You can find and read more about David on his website.