The New World of Work

The New World of Work

The New World of Work

Since the coronavirus pandemic, many things and aspects of life have changed. Among the affected aspects is the world of work. New working models emerged from the restrictions to reduce social interactions including the lock-downs and social distancing measures. These working models have shifted the way things get done and led to a new world of work. Keep reading to understand how the world of work looks like.


Employers and employees have been prompted to adopt the work-from-home culture. Employees have been flexible to work from anywhere, and employers have been flexible to recruit people from every part of the universe. With the companies having a 100% efficiency, there have been speculations on how fast we can transition back to onsite work. There have been questions on what onsite work should entail and who should get back to onsite work. The new world of work focuses on completing work rather than the hours dedicated to the job. Employees have the flexibility to choose when and how to complete the work.

Death of 9 to 5 life

The pandemic forced people to get out of physical offices and work from their homes. This remote working led to the death of the 9 to 5 o’clock work life. According to educator Jonathan Osler, employees will be reluctant to return to physical office work. Companies also do not like the idea of physical office working spaces since the remote working model has proved to be cost-effective. Employees can now avoid operational costs and utilities involving the 9 to 5 office life by allowing people to work remotely. These savings on operational costs have made employers reluctant to get back to the physical office working model.


The new world of working is characterized by increased creativity and innovation. Companies had to come up with ways to get the job done while adhering to measures put in place to curb the spread of the virus. This necessity triggered creativity and innovation; more technologies have come up to accommodate the new working models. Thanks to innovation, video conferencing platforms have been created and made more efficient. With the flexible way of working, employees have engaged in other creative and development activities.


Jonathan Osler comments that the difficult financial times created by the pandemic have forced companies to come up with ways to reduce costs. The cost reduction effects of automation have prompted companies to adopt this way of working. Through automation, work done by several employees can be done by a single system/machine. As the world adopts the automated working system, employees have joined the wagon and improved their skills to fit in the technological world of work. However, this has led to the loss of jobs by people whose skills are obsolete and replaced by automated systems.

Relevance in the new world of working is inevitable. Companies have to adopt the new normal and create on-demand and on-the-job training opportunities for the workers. On the other hand, employees have no other option but to develop their skills to meet the requirements of the new world’s workers.