You may not know what “chub” is, but it is a very real thing. Chub is the skin that hangs off the thighs – or the arms as well. It is very hard to get rid of, requiring lots of toning and weight-bearing exercise. Chub is also something that women, especially, are very self-conscious of. And if that isn’t enough, chub rubs, causing painful chafing, red bumps, rashes, and more. Both men and women get chub, but in this case, we are focusing on how women handle it.
Many products on the market claim to help with chafing, but few are made for chub rub specifically; even fewer were designed with women and their bodies in mind. Imagine my surprise when I got a call asking me to try, and honestly review, a product called ChubRub. With my doubtful demeanor in check, I agreed to try this product. And try it I did!
So, let’s start at the very beginning. I’m not small but I’m not overly large either. I have chub and it rubs. I get rashes and I am constantly trying to hide them. The summer is the worst time for me because the heat of the day, plus the heat my body produces, plus the chub itself, equals a very nasty combination. If you’ve ever had waxing and gotten those red, prickly bumps that hurt? That’s about what my chub rub looks like. And I shouldn’t forget to tell you that in sharing this, I do feel exposed. It’s the part of my body I hate the most and am also the most uncomfortable about.
When the package of ChubRub arrived around Thanksgiving, I thought, this won’t work so I’ll give it some time. I had Thanksgiving with all the trimmings, forgetting about the package sitting on my desk for a bit. Then, I realized that what I was enjoying about the holiday was likely making my chub worse. So, I decided to open the package and try the product. For those that don’t know, by the way, the product is a deodorant-sized and shaped product that goes on very much the same way. It isn’t greasy or smelly, which gives my clothes a break. (Having tried other products and ruined clothes, this was actually two big points in ChubRub’s favor.)
After applying ChubRub, I was almost concerned it wasn’t on, but after a careful check, it realized it was. For me it was kind of like that old “As Seen On TV” quote “set it and forget it,” although in this case it was more like “apply it and forget it”. That first trial day I was actually busier than usual. I ran through malls getting gifts, I volunteered to help at a shelter, and I used a treadmill for the first time in a very long time. I tried to come up with each and every scenario I could to see how the ChubRub worked.
My expectations were not only met, but ChubRub overdelivered for me. At the end of a crazy, busy 18-hour day walking, running, shopping and so much more, there was no rub. No rash. No red bumps. Nothing to hide (except my own chub, of course). It was miraculous. I didn’t smell, and I didn’t stain my clothing from this product. In fact, to be perfectly honest, I totally forgot about my chub, or the ChubRub, in the hullabaloo of the day. And what does that tell me? This product not only works well, but it does what it says.
The packaging is white and pink, and the product is reasonably priced. The problem of physical chub rub, however, is a much costlier one. It can impact your self-confidence. It can impact you socially (it has done that to me), and it can impact how you carry yourself. And those are things I never thought I would break free of – until now.
As one who never believed a product would help to significantly solve this problem, (let’s face it – it is only really solved when the chub is actually gone for good), I can tell you that ChubRub is the closest thing I have ever seen, or tried, for that matter, that not only gets rid of my chub-based rashes, but also prevents them from starting in the first place. Never did I think I would say that. Honestly. My chub rub had far-reaching impacts – from my dating life to changing to go to a doctor’s office – to purchasing clothing primarily because it might reduce the rubbing and not necessarily because it was what I wanted. And that’s a lot to say – and even more to live with.
After using ChubRub for over a month, I’m totally convinced it is a life-changing product. I am comfortable recommending it to anyone and everyone, and I can’t wait to see what’s next from this insightful company. While I have a long way to go with myself personally, I have certainly tamed what used to a very self-conscious problem with this product. And last, but certainly not least, you can find ChubRub on Amazon or at Even more exciting is the news that beginning in March you will be able to purchase ChubRub in Walmart stores nationwide. Just think, you can go to Walmart to purchase your ChubRub, while you spend time shopping and even, just maybe, working a dab of it off. Now that’s a win/win to me!