What Are the Most Common Bike Accidents?

There are lots of people who love to ride bikes both as a form of transportation and as a form of exercise; however, similar to other vehicles, there is a chance that a bicycle accident could unfold. It is important for everyone to know about some of the most common causes of bicycle accidents and how they can be avoided. This could prevent potentially serious injuries from taking place.

One of the most common bicycle accidents that might take place is called a left hook. There is a vehicle that is turning left across a lane of oncoming traffic. While the driver of the car may look for cars, he or she is not looking for a bike that is traveling straight. Therefore, the oncoming car turns left in front of the cyclist, who has the right of way as he or she is going straight. Then, a serious bicycle accident takes place. In order to avoid these accidents, cyclists must never assume that a vehicle that is turning left has seen the car. In addition, drivers of cars must keep their eyes open cyclists who also share the road.

Another similar accident is called a right hook. In this scenario, the car and the cyclist are traveling straight. The car passes the cyclist and forget about him or her. The car has passed the cyclist on the left and then, shortly thereafter, needs to make a right turn. When the car slows down, the cyclist catches up to the car. Then, the driver turns right directly in front of the cyclist. The results of this bicycle accident could be devastating and might lead to catastrophic injuries. In order to avoid this, the cyclist must watch for brake lights and think about what the car is doing. The car needs to remember that there is a bicycle just behind the vehicle.

Finally, it is possible for a car and a bike to suffer a T-bone collision. This often happens when a cyclist comes out of a driveway and enters the road without pausing to look both ways. This is a situation where the cyclist has failed to yield the right of way to the car and the fault will often be placed at the feet of the cyclist. To avoid this accident, cyclists must always come to a stop before entering the road. A cyclist needs to remember that he or she is a vehicle and must obey the various traffic laws.

These are a few of the most common reasons why someone might be involved in a bicycle accident. It is critical for everyone to take extra steps to remain safe.