5-Star Hotel Vacations – How to Stay Healthy on Holiday

Booking a luxury trip away is a call for celebration, but if you like to live a healthy lifestyle, it isn’t an excuse to slack on your exercise and do whatever you like. We all know that holidays come with a lot of temptation, but there are ways to resist bad urges and keep to your healthy habits. While enjoying your trip, remember these tips to ensure you stay on the right track.

Use the Hotel Facilities

You are staying in a luxury hotel with modern facilities, so why not take full advantage of them. It is best to get up early in the morning and get your fitness programme out of the way, so you have the rest of the day to enjoy your vacation.

If they have a swimming pool, mix your programme up and do a few laps instead of your usual 30 minutes on the treadmill. A 5-star hotel in Yangon or anywhere else in the world will have modern exercise equipment and a first-class swimming pool to ensure you stay fit and healthy

Go Easy on the Alcohol

When we go on holiday, we tend to have a lot of extra time on our hands. This results in more alcohol consumption than normal as we enjoy a drink at the pool or later on in the day at a beach party. Holiday makers are more likely to binge drink when on vacation and in hot climates this can carry extra risks.

Exercise with a Partner or Friend

The best way to ensure you stick to your exercise routine and keep fit when on holiday is to work out with a partner or friend. They can motivate you to exercise when you don’t feel like it, and vice versa. If you are travelling alone, ask the hotel about personal training or see if they have any group classes on offer. Training with others is a great way to stay motivated and stick to your daily exercise routine.

Outdoor Activities

Aside from working out in the hotel gym and getting a few laps in at the pool, you can also go on excursions that are physically demanding. Instead of sitting on a bus and viewing the sights, why not opt for a walking tour of the city or a mountain bike trip around the forest? Always try to find trips that involve some form of physical activity.

Stay Hydrated

Whether you are sitting at the pool or walking around the local temples, you must stay hydrated when on holiday, especially in a warm climate. It is important to drink regularly and before you start to feel thirsty. Increase your water intake when exercising in hot weather.

Even on holiday, you should set some time aside to continue with your exercise regime. There is no excuse not to keep active when on holiday, especially if you are booked into a 5-star hotel. They will have modern facilities and fully equipped gyms which enable you to conveniently work out at any time of the day.