Set in a distant future and far-away galaxy, “The Commander: Guardian of the Utopia” reflects the disturbing realities of today’s world. A passionate gamer with strong moral ethics and questions about life, the young and gifted German-based Kevin Groh brings his acclaimed Omni Legends series to the sci-fi & fantasy fans in the US. While entertaining and giving readers an enjoyable experience, the book raises questions about our evolution as a species. It also acts like a mirror where you can see the reflection of the hero within you.
Here’s how Kevin Groh started his journey of self-discovery as a sci-fi fantasy writer.
If you could give your book to one celebrity, who would it be and why?
Elon Musk – I heard he enjoys reading Sci-Fi and I would want my book to go to someone who can appreciate it and enjoy the story. Besides, the second book will feature some action on Mars and I would love to hear how he likes that part.
Give us the scoop about your book.
Every hero has an origin. Carter Sanders grew up as a privileged teen with private education. When he is drafted into the military, he has to face the harsh reality of discipline, comradery, romance, and tough training. With nothing but his instincts, he has to endure training missions and survival situations. As an actual war breaks loose, he must face involuntary body modifications that turn him into more than just a soldier. When his homeworld is under attack, he needs to make a tough choice: Should he follow his orders or save the world?
If your book was turned into a film/TV show, who would you tap to play the lead(s)? Why?
Since this book is just the beginning of a long and exciting story. The main characters are pretty young at this point so I would go with an actor that can grow with the story. I envisioned Carter like Brenton Thwaites who played Dick Grayson in DCs Titans, a character that turns from a recruit to an experienced leader. His best buddy Roderick would be someone like Ray Fisher or Michael B. Jordan. All those actors have a talent for portraying young and energetic characters as well as more experienced and battle-hardened versions of them.
Kevin, can you tell us something about you that no one else knows?
If I do that, then it won’t be a secret anymore, would it?
I do love to listen to epic orchestral music for almost any occasion – during sports, when I want to just think and brainstorm, and also when I am writing stories. Some people may call it weird but I actually prefer it to almost any other kind of music because I feel it inspires the mind.
Can you tell us three fun facts about you?
I am a German who doesn’t like beer at all.
Even though all of Germany goes crazy about soccer, I couldn’t care less about it.
I possess 7 Japanese swords, and I don’t regret a single one of them.
What makes your book unputdownable?
Q What makes your book unputdownable?
The Commander is about a very relatable character going through some very exciting adventures in a fascinating world. It has action, jokes, romance, and serious topics to think about. There is just so much happening that people won’t realize how time flies by.
What book are you currently reading, or last read?
I actually re-read the Lord of the Rings trilogy a couple of weeks ago. It is a magnificent story that I can read or watch over and over again.
Rapid Fire Questions and Answers
Q. Morning person or night owl?
A. Definitely morning person
Q. Reading or writing?
A. Writing
Q. Kittens or puppies?
A. Love puppies, allergic to kittens
Q. The city or the country?
A. I am a countryside guy
Q. Road trip or Cruise ship?
A. Cruise Ship, I love the sound of the waves
Q. Wine or beer?
A. Rum.
Q. Karaoke or bowling?
A. Bowling
Q. The ability to fly or invisibility?
A. Fly
Q. Bacon or Tofu?
A. Bacon and more bacon
Pre-order your copy of The Commander: Guardian of the Utopia by Kevin Groh today.