What to Look Forward to in 2021

Helen Lee Schifter is an arbitrage trader on Wall Street; she is also a former editor at Hearst and Condé Nast. She graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and Amherst College, which she attended both during pioneering transitions to coeducation. 

She says to herself and thinks 2021 starts the same as 2020. She has big plans in 2021 plans that will change her life forever. She has hope for 2021 to be a better year than 2020. Anything would be better than going through 2021 again. Her plans can’t be that big to not put other people at risk, but she still has big plans to still blow your mind.

She plans on being more confident in 2021 to make sure all of the stuff she wants to do is done and not push to the side. Helen Schifter always enjoys not letting stress get in the way of her having fun.

She plans on going to the beach, but not when it is crowded. She wants to be safe but still have fun and focus on the stuff she wants to do for 2021 going into 2022. Her business is very successful and is helping a lot of people. She plans on keeping the business going so it can keep on growing. She plans on doing more things to help others like donating money for people in need of money if they are struggling.

Her career has just started and she is not planning on stopping anytime soon. She has plenty of things planned to do, even though the thought can be overwhelming. However, she feels the confidence to do them.

2020 has woken her up and she realizes she can’t keep on pushing it to another day to a month. She realizes that even though it might be tough she has to keep on going and not give up. If she kept on getting scared then she would have never started a business of her own. She learned that 2021 is a new year. It is a fresh start to do new things to start over and to leave the old stuff behind.