Who defines beauty? Why should big girls feel any different about their bodies than others? For ages, television shows and lifestyle brands have defined the standards of what they consider beautiful or sexy. But it is changing now. We see a gradual shift, thanks to the true influencers like Patrice Brown. Patrice chose to live her life fat, free and fabulous! She’s here to motivate you.
Here’s a candid interview with the author and founder of the “Confident Fat Girls Movement,” Patrice Brown:
Could you share a little bit about your journey leading up to the “Confident Fat Girls Movement”?
I was personally going through transition with my career and my mom dying from Cancer. I kept thinking about ways of motivating other women around me, including myself. Although i was struggling with a weight issue each day, i still felt the need to get up and do my thing.
How does your new book “A Fat Girl’s Confidence: I’m Fat. So What?” relate to the issues young girls face today?
Each day when any girl gets on social media we see all these perfect beautiful women, we see bullying and can feel insecure. My new book a fat girls confidence is motivational book that’s says just accept who you are even if you are different. It does not matter your size, just love you and have fun.
In your opinion which song defines the spirit of “A Fat Girl’s Confidence” and why?
The Spirit of a Fat Girls Confidence is Just Fine by Mary j Blidge. When she says ” When I’m walking past the mirror
Don’t stress through the night, at a time in my life
Ain’t worried about if you feel it
Got my head on straight, I got my vibe right
I ain’t gonna let you kill it
See I wouldn’t change my life, my life’s just fine
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh!”
That song makes you feel good no matter how you look or feel. You are just going to get up and dance.
If you could give your book to one celebrity, who would it be and why?
I would give my book to Lizzo because she is already the representation of a fat girls movement. She is a bold woman and people love seeing her confidence across the world. She is inspiring for all plus size women because she lets nothing get in her way.
What’s your best scar? Tell us the story behind it.
My best scar is not even about me. Its more about my sister dealing with sickness her entire life. She was born with a brain tumor and it has had a big effect on me since she was born. I have always felt like i have to defend and protect her through it all. As a child people would be rude with stares and say ugly things about my sister and her face.
As a Mental health counselor, can you recommend a few things one try do to uplift their mood during the Pandemic?
Laughing, Listening and singing to music. Don’t forget dancing and connecting with a spiritual leaders or groups.
Say a genie appeared to grant you three wishes. What would you ask for? (no more than 3 wishes!)
A new home, good health with peace and happiness.
Now, some quick-fire questions. Say the first thing that comes to you mind.

-R&B or Hip-Hop
-Pizzas or Tapas
-One movie you watch over and over
Coming to America
-You really can’t stand…
Complaining and Begging
-Your favourite Harry Potter character
Loud Screammmmm, I dont watch or have never read Harry Potter. lol
-Fiction or Non-fiction
Non-Fiction i enjoy books, movies or stories based on real life situations.
-Your motto is life?
Live life and love living no matter what.
We hope you liked this interview. Don’t forget to get your copy of A Fat Girl’s Confidence: I’m Fat. So What? today.