Make up has been in use since ancient times to enhance beauty. There was high creativity among the women when it came to makeup. Most of the women used berries to darken their lips. In ancient Egypt makeup was widely used. The women from Egypt were among the first in the world to use makeup. As early as the 1st Dynasty, tombs in Egypt revealed unguent jars. These jars were scented and unguent was used to hydrate the skin. Dark green colors were also used to decorate the eyes. The Romans also used cosmetics widely in ancient times.
According to Helen Lee Schifter, understanding the history behind makeup can help us understand the ever-changing trends in cosmetics. Schifter enjoys wearing her makeup and understands the ever-changing trends in the industry. She knows the importance of makeup and how it can help build confidence and enhance beauty. Rarely will you find her without makeup whenever she is out of the house? So, when did makeup start and how has it evolved over the years?
Natural Homemade Cosmetics in the Ancient World
Women in the ancient world understand all about beauty. While they might not have considered the safe beauty practices, they still used a variety of homemade makeup. Some of the homemade makeup used included lead, mercury, arsenic, and leeches. These products were used to achieve pale beauty which was appropriate during those times.
Victorian Era Makeup
This is the era when most European ladies began to wear makeup. During this era, ladies used dust found on rice powder to hide face redness, blotches, and freckles. The cosmetic powder was also common during this era. The powder consisted of pearl and zinc oxide mixed in specific amounts to create the cosmetic powder. They also used clear pomade which acted as lip balm. It appeared much like beeswax and applied every morning to add some shine and protect the lips.
Another popular makeup in this era was eye paint which is now commonly known as eyeshadow. However, some of the most respected women during this era used very subtle amounts of makeup.
The Eyeshadow History
The earliest examples of eye shadow were found in Egypt. Here they used a substance called kohl which created color marking along the eyes. This substance was made by grinding stibnite. Kohl was applied to make Egyptians appear more like their gods. This trend quickly spread to ancient Rome and Greece. In Europe, women wore eyeshades for beauty reasons as opposed to religion. The use of eyeshade soon spread to other parts of the world where it was used by high-class women in the society.
Eye Shadow in the Modern Era
Eye shadow has gone through numerous transformations in the modern era to meet the ever-increasing demands. The smoky eye shadow was quite popular in the 20s. In the 30s, there were several eye shadow colors from soft pinks to greens. In the 70s, women started to mix a variety of eye shadow colors. Nowadays, there are several eye shadow colors and finishes on the market.
Final Verdict
In conclusion, makeup has evolved over the years. Today, there is makeup at least for every application. It is a multi-billion industry with government regulation. Helen Lee Schifter also wants to point out that the products on the market are also safer as compared to ancient times.