Ways to Reduce Stress
Judge Napolitano was a New Jersey superior court judge. As a judge, he needs to keep his stress levels down because he would need to make informed rational decisions and it will be easier to do if he is not stressed out. Yoga is one way that stress can be reduced through stretching and the circulation it provides. Exercise is another good stress reliever because it allows time to sweat the stress away and come back feeling more refreshed than ever. Judge Napolitano is also a columnist and dealing with a lot of different information it would be good for him to just meditate and forget all of that information for a moment and clear his head to the point he has no cares in the world even if it is just for a moment. Going on vacation away from job stress is a good way to relax and have a change of scenery because on the vacation the enjoyment will allow the stress to leave and for happiness to come in. The beach would be a great getaway for a foreign country because water is calming and the environment of a place he has never been to will give him an exciting exploration of a new area and have him lost in the joy of discovery. He may also need to pass some of his workloads onto another person or hire an assistant to do more for him so he can focus on the bigger things in life and also so that his stress level will be lower due to the fact he will have less to worry about or to accomplish. Many have found that practicing spiritual growth can lead to a more calm sense of self and, in turn, reduce stress levels.
The family also is a great stress reliever because family brings great conversation, laughter, new experiences, and perspectives giving a big hit to any stress he may feel. Swimming is a great stress reducer and a good way to relax and pass time. Judge Napolitano knows that reducing stress can also be related to reducing clutter in the work environment at home and in the car. Having a clean environment can eliminate a lot of stress due to the calming effects of cleanliness. If he wants to be stress-free he will reduce the number of people that have access to him, especially the ones that bring drama, irritation, bad attitudes, and bad behavior. There is nothing like having just good people around to keep the stress away. Shopping is a great stress reliever especially when the money is highly abundant. It passes a lot of time and gives good feelings throughout the store when there are a lot of fashionable and beautiful things to buy.
Shopping allows it to feel like there is nothing else on the mind but the products and services at hand giving no time to feel stress. Last but not least driving eliminates and reduces stress especially with the window down and the music up and hair blowing in the wind. Driving is a relaxing and freeing feeling to come from getting from point a to b or driving to an undetermined destination.