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3 Ways to Become More Patient  

How Can Leaders Be More Patient?

Patience has always been thought of as a virtue, but it can be way more than that. Patience includes a lot of tolerance, humility, mercy, hope, and even self-control. Not many people can have all these attributes at a go. Sometimes things can get overwhelming, and the result is losing patience. This happens to people in business too. Take the example of Jonathan Osler. He has too much on his hands such that it amazes people how he does what he does in the best version of himself.

Jonathan Osler is a popularly known independent consultant and an anti-racist tutor based in Oakland, California. He is a family person, a baker, a coach, and a writer. Team management, leadership, and strategizing on fundraising and partnerships are things he does best. The question is, how is he able to handle all these tasks at a go? Patience must be one of the secrets.

For business owners to prosper, they need a lot of patience. Patience with the business and the people they work with. After being patient, a business or brand gets positive recognition from its customers and the surrounding people. Better sales and bigger profits follow after that. This article will help such people get tips on what they can do to improve their patience.

3 Tips to being a more patient leader

1. Improve communication skills

How well a leader communicates determines the success or the failure of the organization. Communication does not only mean how well a leader can speak to their employees and the other stakeholders. It also means how patient they are when listening to them. A good leader should always know what is going on in the ground and be ready to handle things as they come. Being ready for the worst will reduce the chances of getting impatient.

2. Respect and trust go together.

As much as employees should respect their leader, respect is earned. It is two-way traffic. Every leader should remember that the people working under them are there to help with the organization’s growth. Making sure that respect exists between the two parties builds on the leaders. On the other hand, trust will help leaders stay relaxed as they know that even if there are problems at the moment, the able teams work with them.

3. Stay focused and persistent.

Rome was not built in a day. That means that every leader that wants to prosper must stay focused and persistent in whatever circumstances. All leaders should, however, get this right. The focus is not on oneself but the organization and the workforce. There will be storms along the way, but leaders should take responsibility for their actions and think of ways of getting out of the storm by showing true patience. That way, the leader will be engaged with their organization as they inspire positive results.


Jonathan Osler thinks that practicing patience helps organizations build a good workforce culture. Positive growth is experienced, and better future relationships are built.