Beatrice Adenodi is telling the world to evolve their behavior, anazlyze their problems, and learn their patterns. She believes most of life’s problems can be boiled down to a handful of issues. Let her explain more:
Q. If you could give your book to one celebrity, who would it be and why?
– I don’t have a Celebrity that I admire and want to be like. I don’t know what mask they are wearing even to want to put that admiration in a mainstream figure.
Q. Who is your biggest writing inspiration?
I was going through a transitional period in her life that made me reflect on my career, relationships, and faith. Through my professional and personal experience, I realized a growing trend of not valuing the human experience. People fascinate me. Their unawareness and my shortcomings lead me to believe that many societal issues stem from a lack of self-empowerment, community support, and many environmental conditions we must endure through our growing years. Societal systems do not effectively promote empowerment and community involvement in the workplace, education, and communities.
Q. Give us the scoop about your book.
– The reader would be able to identify with some of the characters in the book. They will also learn different ways to become aware of their situation and view their challenges from another perspective. Also, the reader would know that they are not alone with their problems and know how to identify sustainable solutions.
Q. Can you tell us three fun facts about you?
– I started my college career studying opera
– I used to march in the band during Mardi gras in high school
– I got to meet a lot of the Medal of Honor recipients
Q. What’s one secret about you that you’ll share with the world?
– Secrets are for kids. After a certain age, they are not relevant.
Q. What is the core message you want to deliver to the world through your writing/books/stories?
The book catalyzes our awareness of daily behaviors that keep us stuck in a reactive cycle. Through storytelling, I gave examples of specific behaviors about how far the rabbit hole goes and the conditioning we have been subjected to by our families, social constructs, unlearned behaviors through experiences, AND circular patterns that we readily overlook that eventually balloon through time. I bring the reader through a journey of self-awareness.
Q. Tell us something about you that no one else knows
– I am a wounded healer.
Q. What book has made you cry? Why?
– Great Expectations made me cry. It’s a literal and metaphorical representation of real-life relationships in society today. It illustrates the deep suffering and pain that happens after a broken heart. The trauma and emotional torture were overwhelming.
Q. What has been your favorite comment/review about your book?
– Adenodi’s debut as an author with “Mindless Behaviors: Breaking through Unseen Barriers” weaves allegory with the understanding of our underlying metaphorical context of the world. It is well crafted, evoking hubris to humor, but ultimately lending a mirror into sub/unconscious behaviors and bias that we all universally share. Your takeaway will be personal to you, but the perspectives in leadership, CDI—culture, inclusion, diversity, and self-awareness are more important than ever across our enterprises, work teams, families, and communities.
Q. What is something you learned while writing this book?
I learned that we are in constant battle with our light and shadow side of the self and that every day we have a choice to live in peace or chaos.
Rapid Fire Questions and Answers
Q. Phone call or text?
A. Phone call
Q. Reading or writing?
A. Writing
Q. Wine or beer?
A. Wine
Q. Karaoke or bowling?
A. Karoke
Q. The ability to fly or invisibility?
A. The ability to fly.
Q. Selfie or group photo?
A. Group Photo
Q. Bacon or Tofu?
A. Bacon