Even for those of us that enjoy our work, at the end of the day we need a little time to decompress and unwind. But it’s not always easy to figure out how – and we often end up just sitting on the sofa scrolling on our phones or watching television. So here, we’ve put together a few suggestions for better ways to get that dose of downtime after work.
- Play your favourite sport
Though some days just leave you too tired, exercise can actually be a fantastic stress buster and great way to reinvigorate yourself. Counter-intuitively, it may even be the best idea if you have to go out again later on, as exercising can actually refresh you and give you a burst of energy for later on. Additionally, exercising regularly aids your mental wellbeing and physical health – so whether it’s football or badminton, make sure you make time to enjoy your favourite activity.
- Enjoy some time with friends
This may seem obvious, but is unfortunately often neglected! After a long day or week at work, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is spend time with people who care about you and make you laugh. The chance to offload about work, listen to their stories too, share jokes and stories, and generally lighten the load of life can be the ultimate cure to a tiring work day or week.
- Explore your local area
Everybody knows that exercise is a great stress buster, but this doesn’t always have to mean playing a sport, going to the gym, or even going for a run – you can get your physical activity in by simply exploring your local area through walking around. What’s more, you will often end up discovering something interesting or unknown about your neighbourhood which brightens up your day with interest – and, even if you do know your local area like the back of your hand already, there’s always the possibility that you will end up having a pleasant conversation with a stranger or meet a furry friend.
- Try a new coffee shop
It can be nice to unwind at the end of a long day by treating yourself to a hot drink. However it’s also too easy to get stuck in a rut with your daily routine and find yourself frequenting the same places too often, which eventually takes the enjoyment out of the activity. So, why not start making yourself try a new coffee shop each time you do this? Some you’ll like more than others, but even when your visit is a misfire you will have added a little variety to your day and hopefully alleviated some of the stress you have felt throughout the day or week.
- Cook a nice meal
Though some people find cooking to be a chore, for many people it’s an enjoyable part of the day – and even for people who dislike it, the opportunity to cook something really enjoyable can be fun regardless. So maybe one week, buy some ingredients or a recipe box to make yourself a delicious meal that evening. You’ll look forward to it all day, and be rewarded with a nourishing and tasty finale to the day.
Unwinding after work is an important aspect of achieving work life balance, and additionally contributes to your positive attitude and performance at work as a result. So hopefully the suggestions on this list can help you to unwind successfully and enjoy your leisure hours!