Clear some space on your bookshelf and brace yourselves! P. L. Hampton is the literary maverick sending shivers down spines straight from Seattle. A maestro in melding family sagas with ancient enigmas, Hampton’s pen is mightier and murkier than ever. While he educates by day as a college professor and chases that coveted JD, by night, he crafts tales that echo with whispers from the shadows. Dive deep into “Shadowland” and emerge transformed, wondering where fact ends and fiction begins.
Q If you could give your book to one person in the entire world to read, who would it be and why?
I know this question asks what person I would give my book to, but at this current time in America, I would give my book to a library. The reason is so everyone can have the opportunity and access to read it. American history is a rich history made up of so many colorful voices. It is necessary we hear all the voices that come together and make up this beautiful tapestry we call America.
Q How did you come up with your title?
The title of my novel deals with the gray area the main character, Aaron, finds himself in regarding his familial situation, his inner struggles, and the mystery shrouding the supernatural and spiritual journey he finds himself on.
Q When did you decide to write this story and why?
I started writing this story roughly a decade ago. The inspiration for this story came from my wife, Tonya. She had awakened me one night professing to have seen the shadow of a man in the living room. Fortunately, there was no man actually in my house. Nevertheless, the thought of a shadowy figure lurking in my home sent my imagination racing. I started writing Shadowland that night.
Q What has been your favorite comment/review so far about your book?

My favorite comment came from my sister. She loved how the novel weaved African, African American history, spirituality, and horror into this enthralling tale.
Q What is something you learned while writing this book?
. I learned about the richness of African history and spirituality. I wanted this novel to be as authentic to African history and spirituality as possible. Thus, the reason it took me some time to write this novel.
Q Who is your celebrity crush?
I would not per se call it a crush. Instead, I would call it admiration. That would be former President Barack and Michelle Obama. They carry themselves with dignity, grace, and yet they are very relatable.
Q Which fictional character would be most exciting to meet in real life?
Urbi Houna. Hands down. I found it very hard to not let this character take over Shadowland. In reading the novel you will find out why. She is such a rich character. That is why I feel compelled to give Urbi, her own story.
Q What is the most useless talent you have?
That’s a good question. I’ll have to think about that one.
Q What got you into writing?
My father recommended I read Watership Down by Richard Adams as a teenager. I was fascinated by the journey of these rabbits to find a home of their own. Octavia Butler also was a huge inspiration in compelling me to put my words and ideas down on paper.
Q. Coffee or tea?
A. Coffee
Q. Dinosaurs or princesses?
A. Dinosaurs
Q. Laptop or phone?
A. Laptop (Old School)
Q. Mountain or Beach?
A. Beach
Q. Beer or Vodka?
A. Neither. I don’t drink.
Q. Fame or Fortune?
A. Neither. I chose happiness.
Q. Love or Money?
A. Love! Every day, all day!
Q. Sky diving or Scuba diving?
A. Scuba diving. The finality of jumping out of a plane and the parachute not working scares you know what out of me.
Q. Scented Candles or Inscense?
A. Scented candles. Candlelight is so serene and peaceful.
Q. Red Meat or White Meat?
A. I don’t eat beef or pork. I’m a chicken and fish guy.
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