5 Ways for Christian Families to Spend Time Together

Christian families must spend time together. It is in the home that solid biblical principles will be shaped and formed. But knowing this is not enough. Christian families must know how to spend time together wisely.


Therefore, Christian families will benefit from a careful consideration of the following practical ideas for 5 ways that Christian families can choose to spend time together.


Family devotions


With all the distractions and time apart, it is important to come together and worship God as a family. Family devotions were a major part of an era gone by. Now, they are on the rise again.


Family devotions do not need to be long. It is more important that they are done consistently than that they are lengthy. A family devotion consists of Bible reading and prayer. It can also consist of singing a worship song together as a family.


The length of the devotion time should take into consideration the age of the children. The song choices should also take into consideration the age of the children. The devotion can start with a simple reading of a passage of Scripture, followed by questions and an explanation of the passage. Then the singing of a song or chorus could take place. Finally, each family member can pray.


Volunteer/service projects


It is also important to serve others as a family. Serving others as a family will help to develop bonds within the family and teach good habits. Jesus showed the world that He was and is a Servant. Thus, the Christian should live in the same way. The local church should be full of these opportunities.


Faith-based movie or show


The dinner table is an important setting and atmosphere. It is around the dinner table that families come together and are united once again after the many events of the day. Narroway offers dinner combined with a Christian show that could prove to be highly encouraging to a Christian family. Such an outing could also create valuable memories that young and old alike will never forget.


Prayer walks


Prayer is like spiritual air to the believer. Without prayer, the spiritual life of the Christian will suffer tremendously. But prayer is not meant to be done in isolation alone. While there are remarkable benefits to alone-time with God, prayer should also be a collective experience.


As a result, the Christian family may benefit from going on prayer walks. If you live near the woods, find a nice trail to walk with your family. It could be good to have ideas of topics to pray about ahead of time so that you can stay on track.


Seasonal celebrations and traditions


Celebrations and traditions can also be beneficial. So often, it is the traditions within a family that create some of the fondest memories. How much more so if these traditions are rooted in Scripture? Plan events and practices that are refreshing and aid in reminding everyone of the goodness of God and the forgiveness of Christ. Such traditions and celebrations will never be forgotten.