5 Signs That It May Be Time to Replace Your Carpet

Even a well-maintained carpet will eventually need to be replaced, with experts suggesting that a full replacement is often necessary after about 10 years. Replacing your home’s carpeting is beneficial to you no matter what the reason for it is. Here are five signs that your home’s carpet may be due for replacement.


1. You’re About to Sell Your House

Before putting your home on the market, you should replace the carpeting. Not only will it be a selling feature to prospective buyers, but it will also raise your home’s value. Buyers want the house to be in good condition, and adding new carpeting will help achieve that.


2. Odors Won’t Go Away


If a cleaning doesn’t get rid of unpleasant odors, it’s possible that the issue isn’t the carpet itself. Instead, the padding beneath the carpet or the floor itself might be the problem. If so, you’ll need to replace your carpet in order to get to the root of the problem.


Water damage can be a particular hazard when it comes to odors, as lingering moisture can create mildew and mold beneath your carpet. You won’t see it, but the unpleasant smell can eventually indicate that you need to replace the carpet to get underneath and clean up that mildew or mold.


3. You Are Redoing Your Home’s Look

Whether you’re simply refreshing your home’s decor, painting the walls, or doing a full remodel, replacing your carpet is a good idea when doing any type of home improvement project. Adding new carpet to your home while you’re upgrading your home’s aesthetics is smart because it will enhance the overall look and add to the appearance of a new space.


4. Allergies Are Becoming More of a Problem


This can be one of the more subtle and hard-to-realize reasons it’s time to replace your carpet, because you may not make the connection. But if you or other residents of the household seem to be struggling more with coughing, itchy eyes, runny nose, or sneezing as the years go on, it’s possible that the carpet is the culprit here.


Over time, pet dander, dust, and pollen will embed themselves into the fibers of the carpet, and eventually, this can compound to the point where it begins to negatively affect your health. Vacuuming with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter can help, but eventually, the carpet will need to be replaced.


5. Your Carpet Has Reached a Certain Age


Like any other material, carpet degrades over time even with excellent care. It doesn’t need to be something as obvious as stains, rips, or burns. It might be that the color has faded or washed out a little bit. The padding might not have as much spring or give to it. You may begin to see wrinkles or ripples in places.


In some cases, it may be possible to avoid a replacement by having your carpet re-stretched by a flooring professional. But that procedure is a significant process, and it may make more sense to replace the carpet rather than undergo it.