Closing the Gaps In Modern Medicine with Biohacking

What Is Biohacking?

You’ve heard of ‘Life Hacks’ that ultimately make your life easier. But, have you heard about Bio Hacks? Biohacking is an emerging term in the health and wellness space. It is based upon the idea that what you put into your body has a huge impact on the way that you feel on the outside. It goes back to basics, understanding the building blocks of human biology, and the ways in which we can look and feel our best. Movement, nutrition, gratitude and even music are some examples of biohacks that individuals have found to alter their health for the better. It’s about shifting the right things in the body and the mind to boost energy, to enhance memory, to become free of disease, and to live the most healthful lives possible.

Addressing the Root Cause of Disease

Biohacking encourages us to look within and understand how different inputs yield significant outputs. This is different from modern healthcare, which tends to respond to the disease instead of the source of imbalance. According to board-certified physician of internal medicine, Dr. John Limansky, modern medications work to suppress symptoms and fail to address the root cause of modern western diseases. Essentially, traditional medicine caters to Sick Care, rather than Health Care today. This is exactly what he hopes to change with his medicinal platform. “By taking simple steps such as modifying diet, exercising, incorporating stress reduction, improving sleep and focusing on meditation among other techniques, many of the diseases afflicting our society may be reversed,” Limansky contributes.

Enhancing Interaction in Medicine

Another problem with traditional medicine is a lack of interaction. Older physicians will reminisce on the days where they were on a first name basis with their patients. They miss having adequate time to delve into the real issues behind the disease and find a personalized solution. As a practicing physician, Dr. Limansky is also limited in the number of patients he can interact with on an individual basis. It is for this reason why he and his team created online platform, biohackMD.

The patient-facing platform educates the public on the benefits of biohacking as well as the ketogenic diet. It is a place where readers can find research-backed information that is also processed by a physician. All content is free and available on multiple platforms. Essentially, biohackMD serves as a conversation between you and your physician. It provides a sense of personal power as well. “By introducing the concept of biohacking to the public, my goal is to show how everyone can regain their health, wellness and increase longevity while being able to stop taking medications,” Dr. Limansky adds.

Coupling the Ketogenic Diet with Biohacking

While biohacking is a new and emerging concept, the ketogenic diet has been recognized with a great deal of popularity in the last couple of years. It is also one of the oldest diets in terms of research. Back in the early 1920s, the keto diet emerged as a medicinal treatment for children with epilepsy. Today, the diet continues to be studied as a potential remedy for type two diabetes as the disease continues to skyrocket among young populations.

Recognized as ‘The Keto Doctor’ and one of the foremost authorities on the Ketogenic lifestyle, Dr. Limansky sees Keto as a sustainable tool that boasts a variety of benefits. “The ketogenic diet has gained in popularity for the simple reason that it works. It is a pathway to eating real non-processed foods in the right ratio. By incorporating a ketogenic diet, we are able to gain control over our insulin levels, improve hormone levels, lose fat while gaining control over our hunger signals. A ketogenic diet enables us to relearn what it means to be hungry instead of simply craving foods,” he adds.

Supplementing Health

By coupling the Ketogenic Diet with Biohacking, Dr. Limansky helps to point individuals towards optimum health and longevity. Consulting performance athletes and everyday champions, he demonstrates how health is a personal practice and gives individuals the tools to take back control of their health. Supplementing nutrition and modern medicine, biohackMD provides a variety of keto supplements to help achieve and maintain ketosis. The company currently offers Keto Matrix, Green Matrix, Whey Matrix & Multi Collagen Matrix to support individuals on their health journey.

Getting back to healthy basics has never been easier.  Having a deeper understanding of the physical body, and the factors that contribute to health, enables us to rediscover ourselves in a new light.