When you work long hours, and especially if the workload is stressful, then you most certainly should consider supplementation. There are certain things your body needs to perform at the top level, and if you aren’t getting enough nutrients the natural way then taking supplements can help fill that void.
Additionally, there are some supplements you can take daily that will contribute to a healthier lifestyle and even promote increased fat loss. Every person is different and you should always consult a doctor or health professional before starting to take any supplements, even those sold over the counter.
But, there are some common supplements you should start to look into if you are serious about taking your health, energy and overall performance to the next level. Here are a few that are worth looking into.
BCAAs are Branched-Chain Amino Acids, and they are something that promotes overall health and contribute to high energy levels. Your body needs these and it’s something that most people do not get enough of, which is why there are so many options when it comes to supplements.
“There are drinks that contain BCAAs, there are BCAA-specific powders that you can stack with other supplements, and there are even pill form BCAAs,” says Pat Skinner of answerfirst.com. So, no matter how you want to consume them, you have an option. This is something you take daily.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is what I like to call healthy fat. It’s the kind of fat your body needs and it’s great for your joints and muscle recovery. This is why it’s such a popular supplement for athletes that put a lot of wear and tear on their bodies.
But, it’s a basic supplement that everyone can benefit from. Personally, I don’t eat fish, so I have to make sure to get my fish oil daily via a pill. There are no special formulas when it comes to fish oil supplements. It’s exactly what you think it is — fish oil.
“Most fish oil companies extract it from cod and other common fish,” says Irene McConnell of Arielle Executive, a company that helps professionals learn how to write a resume. “It’s very inexpensive and most supplement manufactures sell it. You can also get it at any grocery store. It’s very common.”
Stimulant-Free Fat Burner or L-Carnitine
Want to drop weight? If so, then you need to cut fat, and one of the easiest ways to do that is by taking a daily fat burning supplement. While they work best when combined with daily exercise, there are some that have l-carnitine that can benefit those that aren’t very active in the gym.
“When taken at night, a fat burner can work to help reduce fat build up, but opt for a stimulant-free one so you can sleep,” says best mattress review site Slumber Search’s President, Chris Moberg. “Now there is no such thing as a magical fat burner, they can help when you eat clean.” For example, someone that removes fat from his or her diet and eats a protein rich diet, with minimal bad carbs and fat, and adds in a supplement like this they can see results.
Protein Powder
Consuming protein is something that needs to be done if you burn off a lot of calories working or being physical. This is why bodybuilders must take so much protein in order to maintain their gains. If not they will lose mass and muscle.
“Protein is clean energy,” says Oliver James of Perth Web Design. If you ate skinless chicken breast you would consume pure protein with little to no fat. This isn’t always convenient, so many turn to protein powders. This is a great option, but you need to be careful when selecting a powder. Make sure you avoid the ones packed with sugar at fat. Look for clean ones that have a healthy formula.
Daily Multi-Vitamin
“Busy entrepreneurs are always on the go and it makes it hard to eat healthy no matter how hard one tries,” says Tad Thomas, whose law firm handles truck accidents. “If you aren’t eating balanced meals then you are probably missing out on a lot of needed vitamins and minerals.”
Don’t worry, there is a supplement for that. There are several multi-vitamin options out there that will give you all the daily requirements in a pill or powder form.
All major grocery chains have their own multi-vitamin product and the cost is low. Everyone can benefit from adding this into his or her daily supplementation.
Along with owning a business comes a lot of stress and sleepless nights. This can wreak havoc on your skin, from dark circles under your eyes to outbreaks and acne. To help combat that, take a biotin pill daily.
“Biotin is a supplement that helps to promote healthy hair, skin and nails,” offers Loren Taylor of Soothing Company, maker of indoor fountains. “It’s actually something that everyone can benefit from, as we don’t generally get enough of it naturally. Busy working professionals just have the added stress, which can magnify things like acne and poor skin quality.”
Again, cost is minimal and there are many options. Combine this with a daily multi-vitamin for the best outcome