The authorities might be doing everything they can to manage the issue, but to say that smoking is still a worldwide problem would be an understatement. Let’s not forget that 1 billion people are still thought to smoke cigarettes, although on the plus side this is a number that has decreased over recent years.
Nevertheless, the figures are still high. Not only that, the effects haven’t changed, and this is why countless e-liquid flavours and other alternatives have entered the market.
The problem is, quitting isn’t easy. It’s not something that you can wake up and decide to do one morning – it’s something which can take years, or even decades, to master.
To make things more complicated, there are umpteen myths doing the rounds about what quitting entails – and the remainder of today’s article will look to get to the bottom of them.
Myth #1 – You will increase your waistline
OK, so there can be an element of truth to this first myth – but it’s all about how you approach the situation.
One of the ‘good’ things about nicotine is that it can suppress your appetite. As a result, a lot of smokers find that they actually don’t eat as much as they normally would.
However, to suggest that you will definitely put on weight because of this small factor is an exaggeration. If you make bad dietary decisions, and perhaps swap cigarettes for unhealthy snacks, you may have a problem. Take the correct course of action and this will not occur though.
Myth #2 – Nicotine is bad for your health
It’s the substance which grabs all of the headlines, but don’t be under the impression that nicotine is harmful. Sure, it is addictive, but this isn’t the chemical in cigarettes which is damaging your lungs (carbon monoxide and tar take this mantle).
Why are we honing in on nicotine? In your battle to quit, don’t be put off by nicotine replacement products.
Myth #3 – Turning to hand-rolled tobacco is a good start
A lot of people are under the impression that hand-rolled tobacco is a healthier option when it comes to cigarettes. Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Some studies have suggested that those who turn to hand-rolled cigarettes are subject to more poisonous and carcinogenic chemicals. When one also considers the fact that filters aren’t often used with these cigarettes, it’s a sure-fire reason not to turn to this approach.
Myth #4 – It’s too late
Even if you have been smoking for the past few decades, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that now is too late.
Short-term improvements to your breathing will become obvious, while over time your body will start to repair itself so it’s less likely to succumb to all of the health issues that smoking prompts.
Not only that, but when you do stop, you will also be improving the health of those who are regularly around you.