Getting Your SweatZone Glow On

If you aren’t a big fan of sweating, you’re in good company. After all, it causes your skin to become clammy, and you might not feel very fresh.  It even smells at times, but it also makes you feel like you have accomplished something big.

You might be surprised to find out that sweating is actually a good thing. It can help your body rid itself of excess chemicals, including heavy metals, chemicals and bacteria. Sweat also can help wounds, scrapes and burns heal faster. Sweating also helps release endorphins, which can improve your mood. It’s also natural; sweating is nature’s way of cooling your body. 

But sweating earns the highest marks when it comes to physical fitness. In fact, it’s critical to a good workout. It can make you work harder, recover faster, and lose more weight.

Let’s take those one by one.

Getting A Harder Workout: Sweat helps your body maintain a healthy temperature. Because it keeps your core temperature from getting too high, you can work harder. A prevalent study of cyclists found that the hotter they were, the faster they cycled.

Healthier Recovery: Because sweating increases blood flow to your muscles, it can reduce the time it takes to recover from muscle strains. 

More Weight Loss: That’s what we all show up to the gym for, right? Whether sweating more actually makes you burn more calories is a hotly debated subject, but you can’t ignore the statistics. Typically, for every pint you sweat, you will lose one pound of body weight. According to a recent story in a running magazine, you will lose about 17 ounces during an hour run.

Long story short: The sooner you sweat, the sooner you reap the benefits. That’s why we created SweatZone, a topical gel that enhances your workout by insulating the sweat near your skin and creating a sauna effect. In other words, it helps you sweat more while you work out.

Here’s how it works: you apply the gel to your skin before any type of exercise. This helps insulate the sweat you produce in those areas, which allows your body to sweat even more. It’s great for everyone who want to work out and maximize their time. It’s great for every type of activity: running, walking, cycling, CrossFit and weightlifting. 

Although the product has been on the market for less than a year, it’s getting rave reviews. One recent client review pointed out that SweatZone “not only increased sweating, but it also created a slimming effect.” When applied it before a yoga session, the reviewer found that it was easier to achieve better pose postures. It also resulted in less joint clicking and restriction.

You can get SweatZone almost anywhere—including: or in the Sports section of Walmart.

Gyms and fitness centers, along with additional retailers, will be selling SweatZone shortly.