Paul Shapiro Plant Based

Going Vegan!: A Life Choice Inspired by Clean Meat Advocate Paul Shapiro

Throughout the majority of my adult life, I’ve considered myself a pretty healthy eater, with an average penchant for at-home cooking. I’ve dabbled in the occasional meal prepping trends. I’ve even purchased a Slow Cooker or two. Simultaneously, I’ve also considered myself fairly aware of the proverbial behind-the-scenes processes in the food industry. I’ve read up on mislabeling of products, and have made various alterations to my diet based on my findings. After following clean meat and sustainability advocate Paul Shapiro for a while, I decided to plunge into veganism. Shapiro’s informative book, “Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World” lit the spark for this transformative change.

Paul Shapiro Breakfast

How To Quit Meat

I’ve always wrestled with the strain that the traditional meat manufacturing industry places on the environment at large. I’ve adhered to multiple “Meatless Monday” victories. However, it never lasted long. The lack of tasty meat-alternatives on the market left meals lackluster. Simultaneously, my own knowledge of vegan-friendly recipes was very limited. Inspired by Shapiro, himself a long-time vegan, I swiftly found a plethora of resources to resolve these issues.

A quick internet search provided me with easy vegan-friendly recipes, ingredient substitutions, and creative ideas. A trip to the grocery store showcased the ever-growing meat-alternative section. With so many vegan-friendly offerings of frozen foods, meat alternatives, and tofu products, I found the selections to be wholesome.

What Is Clean Meat According to Paul Shapiro?

Paul Shapiro’s prolific book explores the burgeoning efforts to commercialize the clean meat movement. Unlike meat-alternatives, clean meat is real meat grown in a laboratory setting from animal cells. The process of growing (or brewing) clean meat eliminates the need for traditional meat farming of animals. Paul Shapiro has purported that “clean meat is not an alternative to meat. It is actual meat that is grown from animal cells. The primary audience for clean meat will be meat eaters, not vegetarians.”

Though “clean meat” wouldn’t fit into the traditional vegan diet, I found myself amazed at the innovation that is poised to revolutionize the traditional meat industry. By eliminating the environmental strain and ethical considerations associated with the industry through this process, “clean meat” can be a great facilitator for change. After all, these considerations are the reason behind my decision to become vegan.

Plant Power

After a few days of abstaining from all animal products, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was getting the hang of the whole vegan thing! With so much readily available information, I found all of the resources I needed to help with meal planning, shopping, and nutrition. As a bonus, I found myself consuming a wider variety of healthy foods. I ate leafy greens, legumes, and everything in between.

Overall, the process of going vegan has been positive, inspirational, and delicious!