Probiotic health is heavily underrated. A probiotic is bacteria that is like and good for you. It is especially great for the digestive system because it is helpful in keeping guts healthy. Our bodies are filled with good and bad bacterias. This is what keeps our immune systems going and they have many other benefits as well. The two types of probiotics are lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. Lactobacillus is the most common and it is found in fermented foods, like yogurt. It helps with bowel movements and those who cannot digest lactose products. Bifidobacterium is found in some dairy products and eases irritable bowel syndrome. The yeast that is found in these probiotics is saccharomyces boulardii. They both immensely help in gut movement. Not only are they great for digestion but also skin conditions, urinary health, preventing allergies, and even dental hygiene. They can be found in many different forms like tablets, capsules, gummy, power, and liquid. Gastrointestinal illness is very important for people to maintain. In addition to taking probiotics, if people want to have better gut health, then working out should also be part of a person’s schedule. The addition of working out to taking probiotics is extremely beneficial. The moment of the body is very good for joints and muscles. Probiotics work best when a person is active because the body naturally moves the bowels after a workout. This can induce the number of healthy bacteria that gets dispersed in the boy. Many people question whether probiotics should be taken with or without food. It’s best to take some before a meal. The most important aspect to focus on is consistency. Not taking a probiotic a few days in a row can highly disrupt the progress the body makes. This is because the body is constantly taking what we insert into it and using it or converting it as energy. It’s obvious that before taking a probiotic, one should contact their health specialist to ensure it is not going to harm them in any way. Probiotics are usually harmless but some of the ingredients can hurt people who haven’t had their allergy tests done. Before taking a probiotic, drinking or eating something with probiotic bacteria in it might be the more suitable option. For example, sourdough bread, dairy products, sauerkraut, kombucha, miso soup, and soy tempeh. These foods are filled with probiotics and if there is any negative reaction to them, it’s best to talk to a professional. Alex Djerassi suggests researching the brand you buy before purchasing it. Some brands differ in the make and there probiotics in different ways. There are brands like HUM Nutrition, Primal Gut, Love Wellness, Primal Harvest, Athletic Greens, 1MD Official, MenoLabsm The Nue Co, and so much more.