Nicolas Krafft

Relocating for a Job

Relocating for a Job

Moving for a job is never an easy decision, but it can be one of the most rewarding decisions you make in your life. For those who want to relocate, there are many factors that need to be considered as they weigh their options. Understanding these factors to know if moving is right for you will ensure that your new location is the best option for you and your future career, says Dr. Jordan Sudberg.

How to Decide Whether to Relocate for a Job

Whether you are considering moving for your old job or a new one, there are some things that you will want to consider before moving. Here are some of the most important factors Dr. Sudberg has come up with.

1. Evaluate the Job Opportunity

This is the most obvious question to ask when considering whether or not to relocate for your job. If the company has an excellent benefits package and competitive salary, it would be worth considering relocation. But, if there is a better job in your present position, then do not move for it.

2. Location of the Job

This is one of the most important factors to consider before moving for a job. If you are currently working for a company that is in close proximity to both your home and the new location, it would be worthwhile looking into relocating. Having this close proximity to the new location may make it easier to drive. If you work long hours and miss your children when they are at school or have other obligations, then you may determine that it is not worth moving if the job is not right next door.

3. Time Committed to the Job

If you are relocating for a job that will be short term, such as 6 months or less, it may not be worth moving. Although the salary offered would be more than you could make at your present position, you may end up spending more for housing and transportation in order to get to work. Before making such a decision, you should try and negotiate the time commitment for the job.

4. Evaluate the Personal Costs

Relocation is not just a short-term job change. It is a lifestyle change as well. In order to prepare yourself for a possible relocation, you need to consider the following:

• School Costs – Are your children in school? Do they want to graduate where they are? If you have children, you should find out how much tuition would be if you moved to another state.

• Family Ties – If you have family that lives in another state, then moving may not be a good idea if you want to stay close. But if a family member is ill and requires over-site, then moving may be necessary.

5. Relocation Costs

This is the largest expense that people usually overlook when they consider making the move. You need to factor the price of relocating into your budget before you decide to move.


Dr. Jordan Sudberg believes that relocating for a job is not a decision that you should make quickly. You need to consider the benefits and costs of moving before you do so. Make sure that you have enough time for the move, that you can find a job in your new location, and that your family does not suffer from relocation anxiety.