The broad idea of electrical safety unites methods and precautions meant to safeguard humans from electric shock when working with electrical infrastructure. It comprises, among other things, instruction for the proper use of the necessary equipment and assessment of newly learned information. The administration of the business must approve calendar plans and schedules and inform employees in advance of the timing and frequency of electrical safety knowledge testing to organize the process of attesting theoretical knowledge and practical skills of employees involved in work in electrical installations. This might be carried out in accordance with a specified electrical safety program The employer is in charge of planning, carrying out, and testing knowledge of issues relating to workplace technology, fire safety, and labor protection.
The reason for the electrical safety knowledge test
Although daily operations at the company can continue as usual, eventually, an incident happens that changes how the company as a whole or some personnel operate. Employees regularly participate in electrical safety training for the following reasons:
- New equipment appears at the enterprise, which entails a change in technological processes.
- An employee enters a new position that requires new knowledge and skills from them.
- An employee, for one reason or another, had a break in work lasting more than six months.
- There was an accident at work or a case of injury was recorded.
- Violations of labor protection rules by officials were revealed.
- At the request of supervisory authorities.
The frequency of testing knowledge on electrical safety
There are two types of electrical safety knowledge tests: primary and periodic. The two types of periodic inspections are regular and extraordinary. If an employee has never worked with electrical installations before or if it has been more than three years since they last tested their knowledge of the subject, they will need to take an introductory test. The due dates for the next review are:
- for electrical personnel servicing or repairing electrical installations, the inspection is carried out once a year;
- for other administrative and technical personnel – once every three years.
Electrical Safety Knowledge Test Program
Electrical professionals undergo training and testing in accordance with a specifically designed program Depending on the access groups for which workers apply, these programs will change. The chiefs of the structural divisions create the preparation plans, which are then approved by those in charge of the company’s electrical infrastructure. A candidate for the II group position will research the general operating principles of the electrical installations they will be working on, as well as the procedures for administering first aid in the event of an electric shock.
The employee who receives the most authority will be held accountable heavily. Their expertise ought to be the most comprehensive as a result. They must know the diagrams and layout of all electrical equipment in their charge, understand safety standards, the rules for the use of PPE, and the timing of testing. Additionally, they must be knowledgeable about current regulatory standards, possess the ability to deliver briefings, and, most importantly, be able to supervise work on any complexity in any electrical project.