The Unexpected Comeback of Video Arcades

There are two major revitalizations going on in the arcade industry at the moment, so some pundits feel that they must be completely separate from one another. Retro gaming parlors that try to capture the feel of another era have become extremely popular with those who want to recapture a glorious past while, at the same time, high-tech arcades have taken the world by storm. What’s surprising isn’t that these two trends exist, but rather that they’re actually feeding off one another.


Companies that hope to play on the retro charm of these titles have found ready audiences among the most tech-savvy people around. Years of so-called let’s play videos posted on social sites have primed them to enjoy yesterday’s classics in a whole new light. At the same time, arcades are incorporating modern cutting-edge games that incorporate virtual reality and positioning these side-by-side with older titles. Giving gamers the opportunity to let all of them compete alongside one another is creating a sort of economy of ideas that’s spilling out onto social media.


Becoming Social Gaming Hubs


Specialist publications that monitor major social media trends have found that arcades have quickly become the new hangout spots for a group of people raised on influencer content and alternative media. Digital natives who’ve never lived without access to the Internet might never have heard of certain titles if it weren’t for the fact that they’ve been highly promoted through certain channels. These channels, in turn, have become highly interactive with fans reposting content that then continues to promote their favorite arcades organically.


Ironically it’s those who have a long background in gaming that seem to be the most attracted to novel experiences. They’re coming to check out the latest VR titles in droves. Though many of these people frequent more legacy-minded social media haunts, their actions still promote arcade destinations in much the same way that younger individuals do.


Moving Beyond Mere Games


Some arcades are now experimenting with immersive films that leverage existing arcade technology for different roles. An arcade manager could show a sort of interactive movie that takes advantage of the displays and stereo sound equipment they already have installed. Others might instead try organizing competitions or inviting certain professionals to come and meet with others for a gaming competition. 


People have long gone to certain types of sports shows in the hopes of meeting a top player. The same is quickly coming true of the video game circuit as well. Food-based events and even hybrid social media meet-and-greets are becoming popular with those who want to want to explore the boundaries of culture in an entirely new way.


An anime promoter once said that his brand reached out to comic book fans as well as skateboarders and Internet surfers because of the fact that there were so many intersections between different pop culture scenes. That kind of insight is driving a whole new generation of professional video arcade operators who are coming up with new innovative concepts.