Why We All Need Goals in Our Lives

Life is a journey, a mixture of ups and downs as we gradually age, with experiences that shape and define us; and when you analyse a journey, there is a start and a finish point and if you have no goals in your life, your journey becomes a meander. It’s a bit like setting off from your home and not knowing where you are going and the magical mystery tour we call life is much improved when we set firm long and short-term goals.

Something to Strive For

Your goal might be to run a marathon, which is over 26 miles, yet setting such a goal requires that you first set your sights on a 5- mile run, and the physio at Rouse Hill will help your body become stronger and fitter. It is important to set a date with a suitable timeline – without this, there is little urgency and it is very easy for your goal to slip by the wayside – and for a marathon, one year would be a fitting timeline. That gives you time to transition from 5 to 10 miles and then onto 15 and 20 miles, before starting on the actual marathon distance. Only then will you develop the stamina required to run for a few hours.

Finding your Passion in Life

Many people have a problem setting a long-term goal, as they don’t really know what they want from this life and this is a step that you must overcome, as without any long-term interest, it is pointless setting short-term goals. A good strategy is to try new things, don’t be afraid to take up a sport that interests you, or an art form that seems to draw you and if you keep experiencing new things, you should find your passion in life. Spending time with yourself can be a very beneficial experience, which could lead to meditation.

Career Goals

If you have just started out on a career, it is worth noting that almost all of the successful people in any industry had a plan that outlined each step of their career, so don’t be afraid to aim high. We all need motivation to go that extra mile whatever our profession is; hard work and commitment always pays off in the long term and never think that your hard work goes unnoticed, as managers are trained to spot the high achiever.

Don’t Be Influenced By Others

It is very easy to wrapped up in someone else’s dream and before long, you realise that this is not what you really want. Many young adults wasted 4 years of their life following a career path encouraged by their parents, so it is imperative that your goal is one that excites you. You can set goals in every aspect of your life; saving money, becoming better at a sport, physical fitness, or even a hobby that you would like to master. If you think you might have mental health issues, here are a few things that you can do.

If you sit down with yourself and ask some searching questions, while being very honest with your answers, this will help you to find something in life that stirs something inside and by setting lots of small goals, you will eventually reach that final point of achievement.