Visitation and Custody of Children in Oklahoma

Visitation and Custody of Children in Oklahoma

The “best interests of the child” criteria is used by Oklahoma courts, like those in other states, to make decisions about child custody and visitation. The usual inquiries about Oklahoma’s custody and visitation laws are addressed in this page.

Visit our Oklahoma website for further details on concerns related to Oklahoma family law. In our Child Custody section, you can also discover articles about custody and visitation.

Child Custody Laws in Oklahoma
The term “child custody” refers to all parental rights in a child’s upbringing, including the authority to control a kid’s activities and make decisions about their upbringing, care, education, health, and religion. Physical custody and legal custody are distinguished under Oklahoma’s child custody statutes.

Physical and Legal Custody
A parent who has “physical custody” of the child resides with them. One parent may have sole physical custody while the other enjoys visitation rights, or the parents may split physical custody. Legal custody is the authority a parent has to act in a child’s best interests.

A parent with legal custody has the authority to determine whether a kid should receive a particular medical treatment, where they should go to school, and if they should practice a particular religion.

Equal legal rights apply to mothers and fathers when requesting custody of their minor children. The judge’s choice will ultimately be based on what is best for the child. This holds true for both paternity and divorce cases.

Joint Parentage
Joint custody means that both parents share some or all of the responsibilities for a child’s physical and legal upbringing, custody, and control. Joint legal custody parents share responsibility for their children’s upbringing and collaborate on important decisions.

Although not always equally, parents who have joint physical custody will spend a lot of time together as a family. For instance, if you were granted joint custody, one parent might spend 4 nights a week with the child while the other spends 3 nights a week with the child.

Solitary Custody
Both sole physical and/or exclusive legal custody may be given to one parent. Sole custody, as the name suggests, grants the child’s legal or physical custody to just one parent.

Without the other parent’s input, a parent with sole legal custody can choose where their child will go to school. The other parent (known as the “noncustodial parent”) is nonetheless allowed frequent visits even if the parent with sole physical custody spends the majority of time with the child.

Shared Custody
Split custody refers to a custody agreement in which one or more of the children of the couple are given to each parent. For instance, in a divided custody arrangement, one parent might be given custody of the couple’s twin daughters while the other is given custody of the boy. In addition to having the right to frequent visits with the kids they don’t live with, both parents must reside with some of their kids.

Divided custody arrangements known as “birdnesting” give kids more stability. The children will reside at the family home full-time under a bird’s nest custody arrangement, and the parents will alternately move in and out of the house. Birdnesting arrangements are uncommon and demand a great deal of parental collaboration.

How Does an Oklahoma Court Determine Custody?
Any custody decision in Oklahoma must be made with the child’s best interests in mind. The following elements, among others, will be considered by the judge when assessing the child’s requirements, the parents’ capacity to meet those needs, and all other pertinent circumstances:

willingness of each parent to help establish a bond between the child and the other parent
the physical and mental well-being of each parent
educational and emotional requirements of the child
each parent’s general stability and either parent’s history of domestic violence, child abuse, or neglect
the child’s bond with siblings and other family members the child’s adjustment to school, home, and community
The use of drugs or alcohol by either parent, as well as a child’s preference in some situations.
In Oklahoma, there is a rebuttable presumption against granting custody, legal guardianship, or unsupervised visitation to those who are registered sexual offenders, anyone living with a registered sex offender, convicted child abusers, people living with convicted child abusers, people who are alcohol or drug dependent, and those who are domestic abusers or people living with domestic abusers. Refer to OK Stat. 43-112.5. (2020).

A violent parent will likely not be granted custody, but he or she will still be allowed visitation, most likely under supervision. Unless the court is confident that the kid is secure in that parent’s care, restrictions on a parent’s visitation, such as supervised visits, remain in place.

It’s crucial to understand that a judge cannot decide custody based on a parent’s ethnicity or gender. A judge cannot, for example, grant custody to a mother over a father based only on the woman’s gender.

What Is the Oklahoman Norm for Visitation?
Any visitation plan can be created by parents who can agree on custody, provided it is in the child’s best interests. When parents are unable to come to an agreement, a judge will set up a visitation schedule. Minimum visitation requirements are outlined in the Oklahoma visitation form.

A noncustodial parent may have more visitation than the minimum permitted by the guidelines, but not less. This often entails overnight visits every other weekend and one weekday with the child per week for the noncustodial parent.

Holiday and summer vacation visits will be specified in the visitation orders. On important holidays, parents typically alternate who has the kids. The children may spend Thanksgiving with one parent, while Hanukkah or Christmas may be spent with the other parent. The mechanics of visitation, such as transportation between visits, will be covered in your visitation order as well.

Holiday and summer vacation visits will be specified in the visitation orders. On important holidays, parents typically alternate who has the kids.

In Oklahoma, do kids have a voice in custody disputes?
Even if a child displays a preference for which parent gets to have custody, the decision in the case will be based on what is best for the child, not what the youngster wants. Children who are 12 years old or older are given some consideration under Oklahoma’s child custody rules.

Typically, a youngster can express a thoughtful, well-informed preference when they are 12 years old. The custody requests of a younger child may still be taken into account by the judge, but they won’t likely be given much weight.

Why, if I’m a good parent, do I need to take parenting classes?
Regardless of how terrific a parent you are, a divorce can significantly alter how parents interact with their children. The impact of those adjustments on the kids must be as little as possible. Parents involved in a custody dispute must go to a parenting education course, according to Oklahoma law and local court regulations as well as joint custody Oklahoma laws saying that too.

The conference will cover a variety of topics, including the effects of co-parenting and separate parenting on children, visitation and dispute resolution, developmental stages of children, and child financial responsibilities. Individual treatment is not the intended purpose of the course. The session will have been worthwhile if you learn even one thing that will benefit you or your kids.

Can My Custody Order Be Modified?
A request to change a custody arrangement may be made by either parent. The parent requesting a change in custody must demonstrate that there has been a significant change in circumstances since the previous custody arrangement and that changing custody is in the best interests of the kid.

Particularly, a parent’s second marriage or new employment is typically insufficient to support a change in custody. A custody change might be necessary if one parent has moved abroad or the custodial parent is experiencing a serious health issue.

Can the child move with one parent?
One parent must give written notice to the other parent of their intention to move with the kid at least 60 days before the relocation is anticipated or within ten days of learning of the move. When a parent is relocating more than 75 miles away, this regulation is applicable.

The notification should include the moving parent’s new address, phone number, moving date, moving-related details, and a suggested timetable for time-sharing with the kids after the move.

The opposing parent may launch a lawsuit to stop the relocation of the custodial parent if they object to the move. In order to determine if the move is justified and whether it would be in the child’s best interests for the moving parent to retain custody, a court will schedule a hearing and analyze the available information.

If one parent isn’t providing child support, can the other parent refuse visitation?
No, a parent cannot deny their child visitation because the other parent hasn’t made a support payment. In other words, a right doesn’t result from two wrongs. Both failing to grant access to a kid and failing to pay child support do not justify depriving a parent of their right to do so.

If the court determines that the custodial parent has interfered with the non-custodial parent’s right to visitation in an unreasonable manner, the court may order make-up visits, the posting of a bond that will be forfeited if visitation does not take place, attorneys’ fees and costs, or another suitable remedy.

5 Reasons to Get an Outdoor Kitchen

5 Reasons to Get an Outdoor Kitchen

Do you want to get an outdoor kitchen for your property? Buying an outdoor kitchen means increasing your seating capacity and saving money on energy expenses. But there are other benefits you can unlock by repurposing your back deck into a more useable space.

One source says that outdoor kitchens ranked as the top kitchen trend of 2022. And once you learn how an outdoor kitchen can help you, you’ll likely want one for your backyard space.

Continue reading for five reasons why you need an outdoor kitchen if you don’t already have one.

1. Make the Most of Your Exterior Space

One reason you should consider installing an outdoor kitchen is that it’ll allow you to make the most of your home’s exterior space. It’ll almost be like adding to your home’s usable square footage. Many homeowners seek to create outdoor living spaces to enjoy every nook and cranny of their properties. Getting an online kitchen will help.

2. Enjoy the Benefits of Being Outdoors

Spending time outdoors has many benefits, including physical and mental wellness, since you can enjoy nature, which can lower stress, cortisol levels, heart rates, and muscle tension. Fresh air will also clean your lungs, boost your energy, and improve your digestion. So, there’s something to be said about spending as much outdoors as possible. An outdoor kitchen will provide the perfect time to spend with family and friends.

3. Provide Opportunities for Socializing

Another reason you’ll want to get an outdoor kitchen is that it’ll allow you to bring together family, friends, and neighbors. Perhaps you’re the sort of person who likes to have company. Whether you have the space inside your kitchen or not, gathering on the back deck can make a get-together even more fun. You can seat your guests on the back deck and then cook the meal in the outdoor kitchen. An outdoor kitchen can come equipped with whatever you want, such as a sink with running water, cabinets, countertops, a grill, and whatever else you fancy having.

It wasn’t that long ago that people were forced to stay home and avoid large gatherings. Now that those mandates are over, why not enjoy time outside with people you know and care about? Besides, meeting outside means you won’t be cooped up in your indoor kitchen.

4. Boost Valuation of Your Home

Yet another reason to get an outdoor kitchen is that you’ll boost the valuation of your home by so doing. How many homeowners do you know who have invested in equipping their outdoor living spaces with outdoor kitchens? While more and more people are going this route, that doesn’t mean every home has one. You can differentiate your property, make it more desirable to homebuyers, and increase its valuation by installing an outdoor kitchen. Whether you plan to sell or stay put, your residence will be worth more.

5. Keep the Cooking Smells Outside

Even if you cook the most mouth-watering meals, you don’t want the scents to linger for hours or even days after the meals. But that’s what you might face if you cook inside your kitchen. It’s one thing if it’s the aroma of fresh bread or oatmeal-and-raisin cookies. But it’s another thing if it’s the aroma of a garlic-heavy meal. You can avoid this if you cook in your outdoor kitchen. You won’t have to worry about lingering aromas that you don’t care to keep smelling after eating.

These are just a handful of reasons why it makes sense to have an outdoor kitchen. If you finally get one for your property, you’ll likely discover more benefits of having an outdoor kitchen.

Why Personal Notes Mean More Than Generic Cards

Why Personal Notes Mean More Than Generic Cards

It’s common practice to get someone a card from a store for a specific holiday, birthday, or special event. Some of these cards are funny, charming, or creative, but none of them will mean as much to your recipient as a handwritten, personal note.

What makes a personal note so impactful? And what steps can you take to make your notes mean more to your recipients?

There’s Nothing Wrong With a Card

First off, whether you’re sending flowers on Valentine’s Day or just telling someone special how much they mean to you, there’s nothing wrong with buying or sending a card. In fact, you can hypothetically get the best of both worlds by sending a card that includes a handwritten note as an extra. If you don’t have the energy or desire to include a handwritten note, it’s perfectly fine to give someone a generic card that’s otherwise empty, too.

This article isn’t meant to condemn card giving, or even giving gifts with the absence of a card or message. Instead, it’s only meant to highlight just how valuable a personal note can be.

The Power of a Note

Let’s take a look at why personal notes typically mean more than generic cards:

  • The message is unique. It’s human nature to like rare and unique things. It’s debatable as to why this is a feature of our collective minds. For example, it could be that this is an evolutionary trait that arose from our foraging nature. Early human beings were hunter-gatherers who scoured the forests for things to eat. A rare find is something exciting and unusual that triggers the reward centers of our brain and encourages us to keep looking for more; some vestige of this trait may be at play here. But regardless of the origin, people love unique messages – and generally prefer them over mass marketed ones.
  • The message shows your personality and style. Writing a personal note is an opportunity to show off your personality and individual style. Even if you don’t spend much thought or effort on your message, the message will naturally radiate with your best characteristics. This is true even if your message feels clumsy or awkward; in fact, your clumsiness or awkwardness might be the trait that this person loves most about you, making your message all that more special to them.
  • The message expresses your most important thoughts. And of course, writing a personal note means you’ll get the opportunity to express your most important thoughts. Instead of browsing a selection of cards and choosing the one that happens to be the closest fit to what you’re feeling, you can simply write what you’re feeling.

Writing Better Notes

So what steps can you take to write better personal notes to the most important people in your life?

  • Use your own handwriting if possible. We’ll start with an easy task; use your own handwriting if possible. Depending on the context, you might be tempted to send an email, type and print a note, or include your message in some other rigid format. But writing with pen or pencil on paper usually makes a more lasting impression.
  • Be honest and direct. Notes are powerful in part because of how sincere they are. It’s important to be honest and direct in your message, even if it makes you feel vulnerable. In fact, if you feel vulnerable while writing the message, it’s a sign you’re probably doing things right.
  • Exercise some creativity. Loosen up and exercise your creativity. There are dozens of little ways you can make your message more creative, more unique, and more enjoyable to the person receiving and reading it. Little touches, like including more exclamation points or tossing in a couple of tongue-in-cheek jokes could take your message to the next level.
  • Don’t sweat it if you don’t come up with something brilliant. Some people never write personal notes because they get stuck on the creation process. Instead of writing something down, they agonize over word choices and the overall direction of the message. But try not to sweat it if you don’t come up with something brilliant, even simple messages work.
  • Consider adding a doodle. If you want to add even more personality to the message, consider adding a simple doodle at the end. You don’t have to be a great artist; a little animal or geometric shape is plenty.
  • Include your signature. Signatures have historically been used as a unique identifier – and one that could prove the legitimacy of a given document because of how unique they are. Signing your message legitimizes it and makes it uniquely branded as yours.

Finally, remember that you don’t need a special occasion to send someone a handwritten note. You don’t have to wait until the next major holiday, nor do you have to give someone a gift with your note. Instead, if you’re thinking of someone special in your life, why not sit down and write them a nice letter right now? There’s no time like the present.

Why You Should Convert Your VHS Tapes to Digital Format

Why You Should Convert Your VHS Tapes to Digital Format

If you lived through the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, you probably have a collection of old VHS tapes somewhere in your home. While these are amazing to hang onto because of the nostalgia they bring, they are also old and outdated pieces of technology that can be difficult to store.

If you’re not already aware, digital conversion of VHS is an easy way to preserve your old home videos or favorite kids’ movies and make them more accessible. But why take the time to convert your VHS tapes to digital format? Here are a few key reasons to consider

VHS Tapes Are Fragile

One of the most significant benefits of VHS to digital conversion is that it can help preserve your old tapes from degrading and becoming unplayable over time.

Unlike digital formats, VHS tapes are sensitive to temperature changes and humidity levels, which means they can become damaged or ruined if not stored properly. This means that all those old home videos and VHS tapes you’ve been hanging onto for years could become completely unwatchable if not digitized soon.

Be sure to check out your VHS tapes often to ensure that they are in good condition and not showing any signs of deterioration.

VHS Tapes Take Up Space

Another practical benefit of VHS to digital conversion is that it can help you save valuable storage space in your home.

If you have an extensive collection of VHS tapes, then storing them in boxes or cabinets can take up a lot of room and make your home feel cluttered. Plus, it’s a perfect place for accumulating dust and dirt, which can quickly reduce your favorite movies to worthless pieces of junk.

Converting VHS tapes to a digital format is an easy way to free up some much-needed space in your home while still having access to all of your old videos and movies at any time.

Converting to Digital Format Is Easy and Cheap

While taking a physical VHS tape and transferring it to a digital format may sound complicated and very expensive, it’s actually straightforward and affordable.

The rise of the new technology in Capture Memories digitization is the one behind these changes.

Created by the team at Capture, they make it easy to send your VHS tapes directly to them by mail and have them converted to a digital format in just a few days.

Plus, they offer one of the fastest VHS to digital conversion services on the market, meaning you won’t have to be without your favorite home videos or movies for long. Capture is the clear choice for VHS to digital conversion, compared to other services that require a long and drawn-out process that can take weeks or even months to complete.

Practical Benefits

Instead of letting those old home videos or movies just sit as static, outdated pieces of technology, you can have a little fun with the digital versions.

Creating edited versions on your computer means you can create fun mashups of your old home videos and share them with friends and family.

Plus, the digital conversion also allows you to watch your favorite movies and shows on any screen or device you want. You’ll be able to take them with you wherever you go, so even if you’re away from home for an extended period, you can still watch all your favorite tapes you want.


If you’re still hanging onto your old VHS tapes, it’s time to consider VHS to digital conversion. 

Not only can this help preserve your old home videos and movies by making them less fragile and more accessible, but it is also an easy way to save valuable storage space in your home while still enjoying all of your favorite memories.

Preserve your old home videos and movies by converting them to digital today!

8 Great Benefits of Buying a New Vehicle at the Start of the Year

8 Great Benefits of Buying a New Vehicle at the Start of the Year

Most people have a New Year’s Resolution that includes bettering themselves or the lives of others. Purchasing a new car is one of the most direct ways to improve your life in 2023. The effects are long-term, as you get to enjoy your vehicle for years to come. You’ll also feel proud and confident when you drive it around town or take it on long road trips with family and friends.  

As alluring as a new car may seem, it’s important to note that you can get better deals at the beginning of the year for multiple reasons. You’ll find that auto dealerships have a less competitive environment as everyone is scrambling for their sales numbers, and inventory usually needs to be higher. With less competition, you can get more vehicle options with better warranties, financing rates, and incentives than in December or later in January. Here we will explore the most significant benefits of buying a new vehicle at the start of the year.

1. Lease Rates Decrease

The reduction of lease rates in January is also an added benefit, as you get to pay less for your new vehicle with no down payment. That’s because dealers use their inventory as a loss leader for customers looking for a new car and have plenty of cash to spend. There is less competition for leasing the exact vehicle available to you in the first two quarters of the year, so you’ll find lower rates than you would in December or later.

2. Finance Rates Lower

Another benefit is that you can get lower financing rates in January. In December, dealers are seeking to sell their current inventory and are faced with the possibility of being left with a more significant chunk of older cars that need to be sold quickly. This means that dealerships need to compete aggressively on prices, especially on financing, as it’s one of the most common ways people purchase a new car.

3. Incentives Increased

Dealerships are facing a competitive area of the automotive industry and want to generate the highest sales numbers. With this in mind, they increase their incentives on new cars in January rather than December because it is more competitive for large sales and inventory moves. This means you can get more money back from your dealership for your vehicle purchase or lease than other discounts given in December.

4. Limited Competition

A big bonus of buying a new vehicle at the start of the year is that you find much less competition compared to December. Once the automakers have released their new models for the year, most dealerships have to contend with a less competitive environment as they compete for the same buyers.

5. Offer Extended

The final bonus you’ll enjoy from buying your new car at the start of the year is that you can get it delivered and picked up later in your time frame. As it gets later in the year, auto manufacturers offer different models or even stop production on select automobiles. This means that you’ll be able to get a car delivered and picked up within your time frame without having to rush or worry about it not being available due to limited supply.

6. Enjoy Your Car

Buying a new car at the beginning of the year enables you to enjoy your vehicle for an entire year. That’s because most auto manufacturers release their models at or before the start of January and have them delivered and picked up by the end of March. As a result, you can enjoy your new car for at least nine months before getting another one in December or January of the following year.

7. Get the Latest Technology

Purchasing your car on the first of the year enables you to get the latest technology. Dealerships know that these are their best-selling models and want to incentivize customers to purchase them sooner rather than later. That’s why they offer even better incentives and money-back deals on new cars in January than in December or later.

8. Look Your Best

The final benefit of buying a new car in January is that you’ll feel great about yourself. As we all know, a new car feels great and looks great. Your new vehicle is a status symbol, indicating that you’re on your way to success.

The benefits of buying a new vehicle at the start of the year are endless. By taking advantage of these benefits, you can drive around town with a new car in 2023.

How to Properly Measure a Space Before Buying a New Rug

How to Properly Measure a Space Before Buying a New Rug

The size of an area rug can dramatically alter the room’s overall look and feel. And while there are some things to keep in mind before you buy, such as the room’s purpose, your needs, and the rug’s pattern, it is essential to measure the space correctly before you make a purchase. To ensure that you will be happy with both size and fit of the rug in any room space, we have compiled all of our best tips on measuring a length for a new rug.

1. Measure the Space

The most crucial aspect of rug-buying is measuring the area correctly. Before buying a new rug and investing in the space, it is allowed to be in, measure the room and decide how much floor space you will need. Pay attention to length and widthwise measurements to ensure that you get an area rug that will fit perfectly in your room and look great there.

2. Pay Attention to the Pattern

While you want to ensure that the rug will fit your space correctly, paying attention to the pattern is also essential. Specific practices, such as those with very large or small pieces and sharp angles, are not recommended for long rooms because they may look out of place and not transition well with the rest of the furniture. However, feel free of your space if you have a long room. Instead, choose a pattern with large pieces to make the area look balanced and exciting. For smaller spaces, on the other hand, you’ll want to select a design that is much more compact so that it can be manageable and manageable.

3. Pay Attention to Quality

Choose a high-quality one to ensure that your space rug lasts a long time. While some cheap-looking area rugs are on the market today, they can void the warranty on your floors and cause issues with your home’s energy efficiency. A high-quality rug will last longer, provide better value to you over its lifespan, and look nicer as it ages.

4. Know Your Room’s Purpose

To ensure that your rug fits appropriately and looks great in the room, you must first determine what the space is used for. Are you a family of four, or do you have guests visiting frequently? Do you need a rug to go underneath the furniture in the room? To ensure that any area rug will be both durable and stylish in its placement, you must know the purpose of your space before deciding on a new rug.

5. Learn the Size of a Square Foot

Most rugs are available in several sizes, with their measurements in feet. To ensure that your rug will fit the space properly, learn to calculate the size of one square foot. Most rugs come with a grid; each square on this grid is considered one square foot. The best way to do this is by measuring off the floor and marking each section, making it easy to estimate how many feet you will need for your new rug.

Facts Regarding the Death Penalty in the USA

Facts Regarding the Death Penalty in the USA

Before deciding whether or not to apply the death penalty, there are numerous factors to consider. For instance, the offender’s race, age, gender, and execution technique. Below, you’ll find some facts to help you make the decision.

Juvenile Offenders

Only the United States permits juvenile offenders to receive the death penalty. Nevertheless, the practice is criticized worldwide. As a result, several countries have banned or reduced their use of the juvenile death penalty. The United States has executed more juveniles in the past decade than any other nation. Several countries have also taken a stand against the juvenile death penalty, including Yemen and Pakistan.

After seeing the death row information, many states have rescinded their death-penalty policies, with some going to ban the juvenile death penalty altogether. However, despite these recent developments, the U.S. continues to maintain a controversial and barbaric practice of juvenile executions.

Juvenile offenders are not protected under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, signed by the U.S. Government. They are subject to the same racial disparities that apply to capital punishment. Moreover, juveniles have incomplete brain development, making them unable to exert self-control. Ultimately, this makes the juvenile death penalty a cruel and ineffective punishment.


The death penalty’s history in the United States has not been a smooth ride. Some states have abolished it, while others have not. Many people question the efficacy of capital punishment. Others believe it deters crime.

The United States shares the tradition of capital punishment with other countries. Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are among the states that use the penalty. Most states use it for murder.

Some of the first attempts to eliminate the penalty were made in the late 1840s. These include the creation of abolitionist societies in New York and Connecticut. A few state legislatures voted to abolish the practice.

The New York Tribune’s creator, Horace Greeley, was a prominent supporter of the movement. The American Society for Abolition of Capital Punishment was founded in 1845.

Methods of Execution

The two most common methods of execution in the United States in the past were hanging and electrocution. The use of electrocution has decreased since the advent of lethal injection.

Electrocution involves the use of electricity to stop a prisoner’s heart. The prisoner’s forehead is covered by an electrode made of metal in the form of a skullcap. Another electrode is placed on the prisoner’s right leg. Finally, a copper wire mesh screen is used to connect the electrodes.


Studies have shown that race is critical in the United States’ death penalty. In particular, studies have found that the racial difference in the imposition of the death penalty varies across several dimensions, including the type of crime, geographical bias, and charging practices. However, no study has conclusively determined a definitive cause for these racial disparities.

The relationship between race and capital punishment has been extensively studied, with many statistical analyses conducted. While not all of these studies have been conclusive, they have found significant differences. The likelihood of a capital murder case being charged and/or prosecuted has been shown to depend, among other things, on the defendant’s race and the victim.

Despite the presence of a black defendant in most cases that have led to a death sentence, no empirical studies have conclusively determined the most likely cause for the disproportionately high rate of death sentences. Some studies have indicated that a lack of competent capital defense can be the deciding factor in a death sentence.


The classification of the death penalty in the United States involves a variety of crimes. These include murder and other forms of homicide, as well as non-homicidal offenses. It is also used to punish terrorism.

The Attorney General makes recommendations for review to determine which classification of the death penalty is appropriate for a case. The Department of Justice reviews the process for efficiency and fairness.

If the Attorney General accepts the recommendation, the case goes forward. If the Attorney General rejects the request, a full review is conducted. This includes an opportunity for defense counsel to present their arguments.


Women represent only a tiny portion of the death row inmates in the U.S., but they are disproportionately targeted for the death penalty. It is crucial to look at the connection between gender and the death penalty.

This study investigated several aspects of the relationship, including the effect on support for capital punishment, the most effective means of advocating for women on death row, and the most efficient way to get them off. The study examined various factors, from political ideology to crime-related literature, to determine the most valuable measures.

While the connection between gender and the death penalty may be more complicated than one would expect, the link is undoubtedly real. Research has shown that gender plays a significant role in determining who is sent to jail and who is released. The death penalty is a powerful tool that should not be used in a discriminatory fashion.

Mass Clemencies

Clemency grants are used for several different purposes. They are intended to help people in trouble with the law, but they can also serve as a safety valve for those wrongly convicted.

Most clemency procedures in the United States are defined by statutes and unwritten conventions. These laws are designed to regulate the use of compassion, and they often limit its discretion in one of three ways.

The most common profile for clemency recipients is prisoners near sentences, aged, poor, or have severe health issues. In addition, a significant amount of academic literature suggests that autocratic chief executives use clemency grants to boost perceived legitimacy and benevolence.

5 Pieces of Equipment for a Hectic Schedule

5 Pieces of Equipment for a Hectic Schedule

It’s so easy these days to feel like you are busy every second of every day, whether it’s work, social commitments, family, or other activities taking up your time. But how can you make sure you don’t become overstressed? Luckily, we’ve listed just a few hacks here that can make the hectic everyday run a little more smoothly.

  1. A versatile bag

Though this may sound silly, having a versatile bag can make a big difference especially if you are someone who goes from activity to activity without much time in between. For example, if you have to be at the gym half an hour after work finishes, you will be going straight from one place to another and need to have everything on you; and wouldn’t it be better to have a well packed, functional tennis bag on you which holds everything than a few different bags you have to keep track of? Being able to keep your things all in one place is a great way to minimise stress and create a grab-and-go morning routine.

  1. A functional calendar

There are seemingly millions of organisational solutions out there – from the old school filofax and week to view diaries, to more tech based solutions like google calendars, it can feel like no one should ever struggle with shceduling problems ever again. However, just because there are a million solutions doesn’t mean you’ve found the right one for you and when you do it can make the world of difference. For example, some people find having a whole year-to-view calendar on their wall makes things instantly easier to visualise and plan for, while others prefer a detailed plan of each day and are able to visualise the long term future mentally. Whatever works for you – nailing your calendar habits can make your hectic life so much easier to manage.

  1. Snack stashes

When you’re really busy, it can be so easy to forget little things – like eating. Somehow it can be four o’clock, and you realise nothing but coffee has passed your lips since your morning toast. If your schedule is too busy to factor in proper food breaks, it may be time to take a look at your priorities and change that – but if you can’t or don’t want to, a simple solution can be to ensure you always have snacks accessible. Perhaps you can keep some cereal or protein bars in a drawer at work, on a shelf in your home office, or even in your bag to make sure you have easy, quick access to a healthy snack whenever you get a chance (or just whenever you remember).

  1. A capsule wardrobe

When your lifestyle is already busy, there are many little things that can tip you over the edge from simply ‘busy’ to ‘overwrought and stressed.’ For many people, one such thing can be the stress of picking out an outfit for every day and for different events. While one way to mitigate this is the age-old advice of laying out an outfit the night before, this isn’t necessarily a catch all solution if the problem is that you simply have too many outfits to choose from. Developing a capsule wardrobe, which means maintaining a small selection of timeless, classic pieces which are easy to pair and style, can take a huge amount of stress out of making sure you look good each day.

  1. A recipe subscription service

If you find yourself torn between prioritising health and budgeting against a busy lifestyle, subscribing to recipe boxes may be the answer; they cut out the need to spend time shopping and searching for recipes, while still allowing you to maintain a healthy diet.

A hectic schedule doesn’t necessarily have to be a stressful one if it’s managed correctly – hopefully these five ideas will help you to enjoy your busy life without being overwhelmed.

Great Ways To Unwind After Work

Great Ways To Unwind After Work

Even for those of us that enjoy our work, at the end of the day we need a little time to decompress and unwind. But it’s not always easy to figure out how – and we often end up just sitting on the sofa scrolling on our phones or watching television. So here, we’ve put together a few suggestions for better ways to get that dose of downtime after work.

  1. Play your favourite sport

Though some days just leave you too tired, exercise can actually be a fantastic stress buster and great way to reinvigorate yourself. Counter-intuitively, it may even be the best idea if you have to go out again later on, as exercising can actually refresh you and give you a burst of energy for later on. Additionally, exercising regularly aids your mental wellbeing and physical health – so whether it’s football or badminton, make sure you make time to enjoy your favourite activity.

  1. Enjoy some time with friends

This may seem obvious, but is unfortunately often neglected! After a long day or week at work, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is spend time with people who care about you and make you laugh. The chance to offload about work, listen to their stories too, share jokes and stories, and generally lighten the load of life can be the ultimate cure to a tiring work day or week.

  1. Explore your local area

Everybody knows that exercise is a great stress buster, but this doesn’t always have to mean playing a sport, going to the gym, or even going for a run – you can get your physical activity in by simply exploring your local area through walking around. What’s more, you will often end up discovering something interesting or unknown about your  neighbourhood which brightens up your day with interest – and, even if you do know your local area like the back of your hand already, there’s always the possibility that you will end up having a pleasant conversation with a stranger or meet a furry friend.

  1. Try a new coffee shop

It can be nice to unwind at the end of a long day by treating yourself to a hot drink. However it’s also too easy to get stuck in a rut with your daily routine and find yourself frequenting the same places too often, which eventually takes the enjoyment out of the activity. So, why not start making yourself try a new coffee shop each time you do this? Some you’ll like more than others, but even when your visit is a misfire you will have added a little variety to your day and hopefully alleviated some of the stress you have felt throughout the day or week.

  1. Cook a nice meal

Though some people find cooking to be a chore, for many people it’s an enjoyable part of the day – and even for people who dislike it, the opportunity to cook something really enjoyable can be fun regardless. So maybe one week, buy some ingredients or a recipe box to make yourself a delicious meal that evening. You’ll look forward to it all day, and be rewarded with a nourishing and tasty finale to the day.

Unwinding after work is an important aspect of achieving work life balance, and additionally contributes to your positive attitude and performance at work as a result. So hopefully the suggestions on this list can help you to unwind successfully and enjoy your leisure hours!

5 Things That Can Make You a More Attractive Person

5 Things That Can Make You a More Attractive Person

No matter where you are in your life, sometimes you hit a point where you want to meet new people. Whether you’re looking for a romantic partner, some new friends, or just trying to fit in with a new group of colleagues, meeting new people is nerve wracking and it’s natural to worry about being liked. Luckily, we’ve put together these simple tips for how you can turn yourself into an attractive presence to have around.

  1. Have exciting hobbies

Though you should never push yourself to do something completely outside your comfort zone just for the sake of it, a great way to make yourself more attractive is to be interested in something unusual or interesting that makes people want to know more about you. This can be totally different depending on who you are and the kind of people you are friends with – for example, Henry Cavill is very into Warhammer, which many consider incredibly niche and nerdy, but certainly makes it apparent that there is more to the actor than meets the eye. So whether that means going out and learning to make sushi or buying yourself a stunt scooter, go and develop your interests.

  1. Develop your conversation

Not everyone is born to be a conversationalist, but it is important to have at least basic conversational skills to ensure that you can hold your own socially and enjoy getting to meet new people rather than finding it an ordeal. Pick a few common topics – books or films, for example – and make sure you have a few comments and questions to offer on those topics. You’ll find your interactions at work dos and parties get a lot easier! Additionally, if people know you are easy to talk to, this makes you a much more attractive person to be around.

  1. Be willing to put yourself out there

Though everyone is different and there’s nothing wrong with being an introvert, it’s important not to let your quiet tendencies get in the way of your willingness to try new things and meet new people. Even if that new thing is something quiet like going to a poetry reading, the willingness to be adventurous or learn new things is a quality that makes people happy to engage with you and which enables you to become a part of your important people’s lives.

  1. Know what you want out of life

Knowing your goals is one of the best ways to make yourself attractive to those around you. While having your life together in the moment is important, people also like to understand where you are headed with your life and see that you have a little drive and ambition, and having clear goals is a great way to display that. Additionally, having goals set for your future shows that you have a strong sense of yourself and what you want your life to look like, which helps you to attract the kind of people you will be compatible with and be able to share your life with successfully.

  1. Look after yourself

While physical health is indeed important and can improve your attractiveness, looking after yourself in general means so much more than that. Ensuring you have a handle not only on your physical health, but your mental and financial wellbeing as well as ensuring you know where you stand in terms of your priorities and goals, all adds to how attractive a person is as a friend, partner or colleague. Not only does it enhance your own life but additionally improves your impression of reliability, confidence, and authority, making you a desirable person to have around.

Being an attractive person is about so much more than just being physically attractive – and developing these traits will help enormously!