The skin is arguably the most sensitive part of your body. It is also the part that is exposed to too many chemicals and the harmful sun rays. Protecting the skin becomes a challenge, and if anything goes wrong or you happen to apply the wrong chemicals, the results can be depressing. You, therefore, have to be very careful about the type of products you use on your skin.
Foundations come in different shades and from different manufacturers. What works perfectly for your friend might not work for you. What worked for you in the summer might not work in winter. This means you have a very difficult task choosing a foundation for your skin. These tips will make your work easier by giving you the best guide to choosing the right foundation.
Know Your Skin Type
One reason why you can’t use the same foundation your friend uses is that you might have completely different skin types. Choosing the right foundation starts with knowing your skin type and how your skin reacts to chemicals and sun exposure. The different skin types include oily skin, dry skin, normal skin, combination skin, aging skin, acne-prone skin, and sensitive skin, among others.
You need to understand the type of your skin and know which foundation suits it best. For instance, you can use a foundation meant for dry skin on oily skin. This will make your skin even oilier because it will moisturize your skin. Likewise, those with sensitive skin should be very careful on the foundation they choose because the skin might react in a negative way causing damage.
Consult a Professional
If you can’t tell your skin type, don’t take chances. Professional help may be necessary. You can either consult a dermatologist or a makeup artist to tell you wants best for your skin. This will help you avoid trial and error, which can cause permanent damage to your skin. You can get free advice from a professional makeup artist if you buy your foundation from a department store.
If you have some money to spare, a dermatologist will be the best choice. They will be able to check your skin type to determine if it has any problems and advise you on the best products to purchase.
Should You Choose Liquid or Powder Foundation?
This is also another dilemma when it comes to choosing the best foundation for your skin. Both are good for your skin. The different narrows back to skin type and coverage. Powder foundation is good for people with oily or acne-prone skin because it will not clog the skin pores with extra moisture. The powder is also good for those who want medium coverage. It only means you’ll need to do regular touch-ups.
If you have dry skin, the liquid foundation will be best for you, thanks to their moisturizing effect. It also files up the fine lines and wrinkles to give you more youthful skin. It is also perfect for those who need a heavier foundation that can add some protective coating and take you throughout the day without any touch-ups.
Match the Shades
I bet you’ve come across people looking weird with different colors for their face and neck. This is simply because they didn’t get a matching foundation shade for their skin tone. A perfect shade is one that makes it difficult for someone else to notice that you’re wearing any makeup. It should perfectly blend with your skin tone. The right shade should not make you look darker or whitish.
Test it
Before you buy your foundation, make sure you test it. This is especially important for beginners since you still don’t know the suitable shade for your skin. While testing, you should remember that your hands might not have the same tone as your face. This is where many people get it wrong because they test on their hands.
Pick shades that are closer to your skin tone and dab on your jawline and neck and pick the closest match. Ensure you only end up with the most natural-looking color. Don’t be afraid to walk out of the store if you don’t find your perfect matching shade. It’s your skin we’re talking about here so you can’t take chances.
Consider the Season
This might be a shocker, but it’s true. Your skin tone changes with the season. This means you won’t use one shade of foundation all year-round. If you haven’t been paying attention to your skin tone in different seasons, then you should start now. Before you set out to buy your favorite foundation, know the season and identify the change in your skin tone.
You will notice that you need a lighter shade during summer as the skin tends to warm up due to exposure. Even if you’re wearing sunscreen and sunblock, you’ll still see the change. Winter calls for a darker shade because the weather is cooler and you tend to be indoors most of the time.
Don’t Ignore the Undertone
Don’t confuse the undertone with your actual skin tone. The undertones are simply other colors that come through your skin. They can be warm, cool, or neutral. You can determine the undertone by looking at the veins inside your arms. A cool tone is indicated by blue veins, while a warm tone shows green veins. If you can’t determine the exact color, then you’re neutral.
Now that you know the undertone, how do you choose a foundation? If you’re lucky enough, you will find foundations with cool, warm, or neutral tone labels. That will make your choice easier. If that’s not indicated, then know that warm skin tones will go with yellow undertones while cool tones will go with pink undertones.
Beauty requires some sacrifices, and when it’s your skin at stake, you’re in for a harder task. You can’t bear to see your previously beautiful skin damaged because of your carelessness. The above are the most important factors to consider when choosing a foundation. In addition to selecting the right foundation, incorporating quality skin care products into your daily routine is essential to protect and nourish your skin. Of course, there are other factors such as the brand and the price, but all these will come after knowing your skin tone and the type of foundation you need.
Resources – InStyle, StyleCraze, Bustle