Benjamin Cory Harow Talks About How to Embrace Post Covid Life

Benjamin Cory Harow Talks About How to Embrace Post Covid Life

The emergence of COVID 19 has affected the livelihood of many people across the world. People’s lives have changed, and we have witnessed the introduction of new ways of doing things. Many things that we were used to changed because of the adjustments we have had to make in life. Social distancing, sanitizing and wearing masks are our new normal. People have been forced to cut on international travel because of the effects of the pandemic across nations. Many schools and social places have also been closed to mitigate the spread of the disease. Other countries like the UK and India have witnessed the emergence of a new coronavirus variant that is more lethal and claims many lives. According to the World Health Organization, over 25 million people have lost their lives to COVID 19.

Fast forward towards the end of 2020, scientists started working on developing a vaccine that will help curb the spread of the virus. This elicited more reaction, with people feeling optimistic that their lives are going to return to normalcy. However, with the introduction of different vaccines across many countries, people’s lives are yet to return to normal. Therefore, we shall have to adapt to a new way of doing things, as discussed below.

We Shall Have to Change the Way We Greet Each Other

For sure, the coronavirus is still around for some time, which brings in the notion of how we shall be exchanging pleasantries. People are being discouraged from having physical contact and shaking hands as it has been the norm during greetings. Instead, we are encouraged to embrace contactless greetings like waving as a form of greeting to minimize the spread of the virus. In the future, we shall see contactless greetings being entrenched as a way of greeting to minimize the spread of the disease.

Introduction of the New Way of Learning

Many learning institutions have encouraged learners to use alternative forms of remote learning to reduce crowds in schools. As a result, learners have embraced cloud learning as the new norm of attending classes. Benjamin Cory Harow is an emergency medical specialist at the West Boca Medical Center in Florida. He is optimistic that people will embrace technology much to minimize physical contact. In particular, people have embraced zoom cloud meeting as a software that enables you to meet online and exchange ideas by minimizing contact.

Better Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions like fresh air have improved since the emergence of COVID 19. This is attributed to the reduced number of vehicles and industrial emissions. People were forced to stay at home due to the introduction of lockdowns, which meant fewer vehicles were on the roads. With no vehicles on the streets, carbon emissions have been reduced, and the ozone layer remains clean. In addition, industrial emissions reduced drastically because many industries closed due to coronavirus effects, which also reduced carbon emissions.

Though the vaccine has been introduced and international travels have resumed partially, Benjamin Cory Harow is very happy to start travelling again once the restrictions are obliterated.

Helping the Less Fortunate During a Pandemic

Helping the Less Fortunate During a Pandemic

Diego Ruiz Duran as well as anyone could not have anticipated the ongoing global effects of COVID-19 or the trickle-down effect it would have on the workforce. The pandemic has stunted the world in many ways – from mass layoffs to record evictions and foreclosures. When the pandemic hit, nothing could have prepared those affected most for what was to come and the long-lasting issues that will continue even when the world goes back to normal.

More people are finding themselves unemployed daily with no immediate options available. The United Nations estimates that approximately 150 million people are unemployed globally. With social distancing being one of the main suggestions for slowing the spread of the pandemic, so many of the things we used to do pose health threats to us and those around us. Vital industries like hospitality, dining, and entertainment have taken an especially hard hit due to the pandemic. We saw a hopeful turnaround for the restaurant industry during the warmer months as outdoor dining was a safer option. In areas of the world where it turned colder, the issue only took many in these industries to the beginning of the pandemic, with magnified financial hardship.

Diego Ruiz Duran, Senior Law Partner & Founder at Law Offices of Diego Ruiz Durán in Mexico City, found a way to help. By offering more pro-bono work and saying yes to people in need, he was able to use his area of expertise for the greater good. This is just one example of how many people are finding better ways to use their work to help others in an extreme time of need. He believes there are numerous ways people can come together as a community to add value during these unprecedented times.

Even people who are still employed are struggling to either make ends meet or simply keep their sanity. This has not only become an unemployment crisis, or public health crisis, but a mental health crisis. Some feel like their lives are on hold, while others are finding ways to not only focus on their area of work to help others, but use their passions to create solutions for people who cannot help themselves right now.

There are ways to find purpose right now in helping others. Consider these options:

  • Put together care packages for essential goods – groceries, personal hygiene products, blankets, tents
  • Volunteer time with organizations in a local area – food banks, homeless shelters committed to make sure no one is sleeping outside in frigid temperatures
  • Donate – either directly to an organization that is helping those in need, or crowdsource a fundraiser to help individuals or families in need

The pandemic has shown it will be around for a while. The least we can do as a population is find purpose in helping those who need help immediately, whether it be honing the skills we already have to offer or finding new ways to lend a hand.

How Shalom Lamm Is Staying Safe During COVID-19

How Shalom Lamm Is Staying Safe During COVID-19

During COVID-19 there is a deliberate calling for more positivity to be spread around the nation. With the current events dividing people all around the nation, it’s obvious that there is a need to focus on more positive endeavors. Shalom Lamm, who lost his parents to COVID-19, is still struggling to understand why this has happened. Overall, because he knows the unparalleled pain people go through when they lose someone believed in this virus. There is no description Lamm can offer as to how melancholy he feels that his parents passed because of COVID-19. Nevertheless, he is now even more empowered to practice safety measures that ensure his family’s safety. 

Now that Lamm knows the side effects and the symptoms of COVID-19 first hand, he has done everything in his power to not mess around with safety precautions. Every time Lamm leaves his home, he immediately dresses up from head to toe. Using gloves, long trousers, long socks, and long sleeves are his immediate barriers to the airborne illness. Of course, given that he is located in New York, he has to be very cautious when coming in close distance to anyone. Keeping Six feet apart minimum is a must for him and he urges others to do the same. 

Although there is a struggle to maintain distances away from family and friends it is non-negotiable for Lamm. He understands just how critical online communication is over in-person contact. Just like most Americans, he has a Zoom account in which he regularly speaks to his family. In addition, he also makes sure to call or text people he wants to communicate with throughout the week. It’s his way of maintaining the friendships and relationships he has. Lamm believes that just because he went through such a catastrophe, doesn’t mean others are spared. “I always make sure to check on my friends, especially since we are all older. It’s hard to say just how detrimental it would be if something else happens to more people I love”, Lamm says on Space Coast Daily.

In addition, to warn people about the person symptoms he saw, also makes sure to give back to his community. Anyone he knows in need or disinfectants or sanitizers, he surely helps them. He’d rather help others than save some for himself. In addition, he is maintaining his own health by being a very clean individual. Not only does he sanitize constantly but he makes sure that he doesn’t touch any surfaces whilst outside. Obviously, there is a lesser chance of someone having contracted COVID-19 from a surface, but it is still very possible. By not touching unnecessary items in the grocery store or any other market he might be at, he feels much safer. 

Although Lamm has had the worst experience of his life in regards to his parents, he understands that there is nothing more beneficial than having a positive outlook. After grieving for many months, he decided that the best way he could help himself is by helping others. Being a liaison for people, a shoulder to count on, and someone whose friends can trust is the best way Lamm is maintaining during the pandemic. “Staying present in people’s lives makes for a much better story”, Lamm states. “I had to experience a tragedy that I wish on no other. Being there for people in their most critical time of need is how I am managing during this time”.

At the end of the pandemic, Lam hopes to have shed some light on how he reminds himself of himself and others. There is no way of knowing how long it will last, but he is sure that with a healthier mindset, more is possible. On Thrive Global, Shalom Lamm admits to having hardship throughout his life, but none like that compared to the loss of his parents. He wishes that everyone remains safe and secure during this unprecedented time. 

Do Doctors Recommend Wearing Masks?

Do Doctors Recommend Wearing Masks?

Doctors from all over the world are recommending wearing masks. It is critical for people to protect themselves in this type of environment. Many states have permitted people to choose whether or not they should be able to wear masks. If so, why are doctors like Benjamin Harow wearing a mask in the hospital? Many people seem to be confused as to why masks are valued so highly. Since COVID-19 is an airborne illness, masks have the ability to cover a person’s nose and mouth from breathing it in. Of course, there are other ways, like touching someone, to get sick but it is more contagious via close conversation with a person. That is another reason why social distancing is so important. That in addition to earning a mask is very helpful in a given situation. The virus can be fatal, especially for those of other ages.That is why wearing masks out of the interest of others is highly recommended by doctors and even lawyers. 

Many people find this a controversial topic. However, this is a matter of life and death. If a person is asymptomatic to coronavirus they can still spread it. That means, next time they go to a grocery store without a mask, a nice, sweet old lady will be in harm’s way. What is the point of hurting people based on selfish intent? Doctors, nurses, frontline workers, all wear them to protect people and themselves. It shouldn’t be an issue for people to help their communities by being responsible and proactive. 

Doctors understand the amendment right and the value of livery and freedom to do what people want. However, in a public setting, these masks need to be worn to safeguard people, especially children, and elders. Benjamin Harow agrees that wearing a mask is very important. The virus is airborne and people need to take that into consideration. There can be so many deaths that are avoided. It is simply too dangerous of illness to trifle with. As liberating it is to take it off at home, it is important to put the value of other human lives first. The particles that are floating in the air are filled with different bacterias and dust. That being said, we are constantly breathing in air that might be somewhat polluted. By wearing a mask, a person, and until healthy habits and practices. Children growing up in this era will hopefully have a greater understanding of why doctors recommend wearing masks. It takes a community and national effort to fight this virus. Without the assistance of every American, there will be no progress. It is time to put the people in our communities first and not engage in the unnecessary activity. The sooner people give up their luxuries the sooner more people will experience them. As a team, this virus can be conquered as it has been in many other parts of the world. Other counties are now mask-free because of their positive works to fight the virus together and for the greater good.