
Do Doctors Recommend Wearing Masks?

Doctors from all over the world are recommending wearing masks. It is critical for people to protect themselves in this type of environment. Many states have permitted people to choose whether or not they should be able to wear masks. If so, why are doctors like Benjamin Harow wearing a mask in the hospital? Many people seem to be confused as to why masks are valued so highly. Since COVID-19 is an airborne illness, masks have the ability to cover a person’s nose and mouth from breathing it in. Of course, there are other ways, like touching someone, to get sick but it is more contagious via close conversation with a person. That is another reason why social distancing is so important. That in addition to earning a mask is very helpful in a given situation. The virus can be fatal, especially for those of other ages.That is why wearing masks out of the interest of others is highly recommended by doctors and even lawyers. 

Many people find this a controversial topic. However, this is a matter of life and death. If a person is asymptomatic to coronavirus they can still spread it. That means, next time they go to a grocery store without a mask, a nice, sweet old lady will be in harm’s way. What is the point of hurting people based on selfish intent? Doctors, nurses, frontline workers, all wear them to protect people and themselves. It shouldn’t be an issue for people to help their communities by being responsible and proactive. 

Doctors understand the amendment right and the value of livery and freedom to do what people want. However, in a public setting, these masks need to be worn to safeguard people, especially children, and elders. Benjamin Harow agrees that wearing a mask is very important. The virus is airborne and people need to take that into consideration. There can be so many deaths that are avoided. It is simply too dangerous of illness to trifle with. As liberating it is to take it off at home, it is important to put the value of other human lives first. The particles that are floating in the air are filled with different bacterias and dust. That being said, we are constantly breathing in air that might be somewhat polluted. By wearing a mask, a person, and until healthy habits and practices. Children growing up in this era will hopefully have a greater understanding of why doctors recommend wearing masks. It takes a community and national effort to fight this virus. Without the assistance of every American, there will be no progress. It is time to put the people in our communities first and not engage in the unnecessary activity. The sooner people give up their luxuries the sooner more people will experience them. As a team, this virus can be conquered as it has been in many other parts of the world. Other counties are now mask-free because of their positive works to fight the virus together and for the greater good.