Family is the most important thing for doctors like Benjamin Harow. He is very dedicated to making sure they are as happy as can be. He loves his family with his whole heart. His beautiful wife, Rachel Harow, has been a pillar in their community and a very dedicated mother as well. It takes a lot of dedication to be as good parents as Benjamin and Harrow.
For many, this pandemic had been an opportunity for people to get closer to their families and grow together. How has it been said that being able to look through old pictures as a family has been a great pastime? Although his children are much too young to understand what cassette tapes are, it was such a great experience showing them old videos of the family.
When the children saw these old films, they were flabbergasted. As many children are acquainted with high-quality images and videos, it’s hard for them to imagine what it was like twenty years ago. Recording devices use to have a physical attribute to them and not everything was directly on the cloud. However, Harow expresses how excited his children were to see these old videotapes.
With social media being so substantial in the world of his children, he enjoyed separating them from that virtual world for a few hours. To Harow, it’s still such an uncommon factor in life, that his children have the availability to connect with people from all over the world at the click of their fingers. That being said, he trusts them completely. Harow is an advocate for his children and believes they will make the best decisions in regards to their online media presence.
His family takes so many pictures and that is because they are so important to Harow. HE enjoys having all these memories so that years down the line, they can reminisce as a family. Harow likes to maintain a private space but also shares his pictures online, like DeviantArt, so that his family can see. He uses social media as a way to show the important people in his life and update private members of his circle about anything that might be happening.
In addition, Harrow said that they went through more recent vacation pictures. “It gave the family something to look forward to”, Harrows states. Being stuck inside was hard for his children to deal with in the beginning since they are naturally very active and outgoing. Due to the pandemic, Harow was worried about how he’d keep them safe, given that he is a doctor.
Thanks to the high protective gear he wears to work every day, he keeps his family very safe. In addition, he is so very protective of his family. Harow’s family is the most important thing in the world to him. He was terrified that he would infect the people that matter most.
In all, people like Benjamin have really done their best to show his children how much he loves them. He attends their shows, practices, and anything else they may be involved with. He and his wife are their biggest supporters and continue to do so. The family will forever be the most important to Harow, according to Care Dash. Many families should learn from these examples and remember old memories with their loved ones. It can be such a comforting experience and really bring everyone together.