Simple Ways to Unwind and Recharge After a Long Day at The Office

Simple Ways to Unwind and Recharge After a Long Day at The Office

Working all day can leave you wiped out when it comes to heading home, but the last thing you want to do is just call it a day. Then the next thing you know it’s the next morning and you get into this vicious cycle or all work and no play.

Now, you have to take your work seriously, especially if you want to grow a successful business, but that doesn’t mean you have to eliminate all social activities and fun from your life. Doing that would drive you insane and it would lead to stress piling on your back, eventually collapsing you.

It’s always a good idea to find ways to relax and unwind after a long day of work. This helps to reduce stress and it’s also an effective method of recharging your batteries. Here are a few ways to help you spark some ideas of your own.

Spend time with family or friends.

“If you have a family then something as simple as having dinner together or going out to eat as a group is a great way to spend quality time together as well as pre-occupy your mind, taking it off work and your business,” says Darryl Howard, founder of the online resource that helps people make money blogging.

You can also stay in and do a group activity, like have a game night, where you play board games and just spend time interacting. In a day and age where we are glued to our phones and social media all day, something like this is a great way to interact and unwind.

Rotate each game night, allowing a new family member to pick the games played. You can even make it more interesting by awarding prizes.

Physical activity outside or at the gym.

A lot of people use the gym as their time to get away from work and to unwind at the end of the day. It’s also a great form of healthy weight loss, as sitting behind a desk all day and not exercising will lead to unwanted gains in the belly area. If a night time workout is best for you, then by all means take full advantage of it. The gym is often the best place to disconnect and recharge.

But, if you prefer to work out in the morning or if lifting weights just isn’t your thing, then you can do some other form of physical activity instead.

“Something like going for a bike ride or paddle boarding is also great, because it gets you outside and it involves physical activity,” says Ignacio Soria of CANN & Co. “If you are in an office environment all day working on the computer then the time outside and in the fresh air will be great for you.”

Netflix and relaxation.

There is nothing wrong with watching TV, so don’t feel bad if your favorite way to unwind involves the television and some good movies.

One of the most popular streaming services is Netflix and many times a good movie, from a new release or a classic favorite, is all that is needed to disconnect.

“Rest and sleep is vital for recharging your body,” says marketing agency CEO April Gillmore, whose ClickFirst Marketing’s services are tailored for businesses of all sizes and industries. “While you don’t want to veg out on the couch every night, there is nothing wrong with it once in a while. Sometimes you need to just plunk down and do nothing. Listen to your body. If it’s telling you to rest, do it.”

Cook dinner from scratch.

“Cooking can be one of the best stress relievers, and it’s something you can do with your significant other as well,” says Andrew Tran of anxiety blanket manufacturer Therapy Blanket. “It can be quite relaxing as well as satisfying, since you are creating something from scratch.”

You can carve out a few hours and dedicate it to this, from initial prep time to the actual meal itself. A lot of people get into cooking as a way to start a hobby, and they soon realize they truly enjoy it.

Many even say that cooking is therapeutic and relaxing. It’s something that you might not think you will enjoy until you actually give it a try.

Partake in a specialty hobby.

Do you like golfing? Bowling? How about painting? Any hobby that pulls your mind and focus away from work is something that you should make sure you allocate some time to each week.

“Many people will join a sporting league simply to have something to go to,” says Karen Anderson, probate application process specialist at The Probate Law House. “This forces them to commit and for many, they need to have that commitment to pull them out of the office.” Many self-employed people are so wrapped up in their business that they will not leave unless they have that commitment and other people counting on them showing up.

If you fall into this category then it’s a great way to leverage that pressure and commitment to get you away from work and focused on something other than work.

Read a book.

Reading is beneficial for a few reasons. It’s a great personal development tool and it can help expand your mind. It is also very relaxing to many people.

“If you are connected to technology all day reading allows you to stimulate your mind without technology,” suggests Pedro Del Nero of Vaporizer Vendor. “You read and make your own picture in your head.” This type of creative freedom is needed by many, and technology prevents a lot of free thinking.

They say the most intelligent people in the world read daily. So, doing so in the evening sure can’t hurt.

Write in a journal.

Before you cringe at the thought of more ‘work’ you can’t think of it like this, and if it would feel like work to you then this isn’t something you should consider. Remember, not every tip is going to be ideal for everyone. The key is to find things that work and are effective for you, personally.

For many people, writing is almost therapeutic, as it allows them to get thoughts and ideas off their mind and onto paper. This de-clutters the minds, reduces stress and is actually quite enjoyable to some people,” says top cosmetic dentist Brett Moore DDS, of Smile Design Dentistry. “You can write about anything you like; a hobby, and interest or just life happenings.”

Conducting Employee Background Checks: Everything You Need to Know

Conducting Employee Background Checks: Everything You Need to Know

Before hiring someone, people usually want to do a background check on the people they want to hire. A wrong hiring decision will ruin your company, and you probably don’t want that to happen to you or to your business. Let’s not even mention time or money, and, in the worst-case scenario, lawsuits.  

7 out of 10 companies have claimed that they have conducted criminal background checks in all their job candidates. It’s a normal thing to do.

We’ve written this article to give you some tips on how to conduct a successful background check.

Be thorough

Don’t settle for less, find out everything you can about that person, from education, past employment, criminal history to social media and driving history. Companies lose a lot of great people because they only focus on one aspect they were able to find out easily. According to Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) you cannot exclude applicants who have a criminal record, no matter the charge or when it has happened.

Stay away from the “box”

EEOC and many other local counties try their best to ban the “box”. The box is that question that says “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”. This way, you discriminate people, instead of of interviewing and considering all of them equally.

Respect the law

When it comes to the background check, you’ll have to have a legal release form, that was completed by the applicant, informing the person of the right he or she has.  You’ll also have to give the person a copy, and adverse actions communications.

Do not bend the law

You can conduct a background check the wrong way – there are so many ways – but you need to be careful and follow the rules. No bending whatsoever. The rules are all about federal, state or local specific laws. Make sure you talk to your company’s legal counsel to see how you can proceed well.

Be consistent

Make sure that the process for all the applicants is consistent. No matter how many people apply for the same job, they should have the same chances at getting it, and they should also have the same searches and investigations run on them. It’s true, some jobs require different levels of investigation, but when it comes to the same job title, make sure the process is uniform. No discrimination whatsoever.

Always communicate

When you find something uncomfortable while conducting the background check, you should talk to the applicant about it. There are so many mistakes, sometimes misconceptions, that can be solved, simply by talking.


4 Critical Things to Consider While Choosing the Right Warehouse for Your Business

4 Critical Things to Consider While Choosing the Right Warehouse for Your Business

Helping businesses maintain adequate inventory in a secure way, warehouses are an extremely important part of any business. Leasing or purchasing a warehouse is a major business investment. Having the right warehouse space, at the best possible location, can enhance efficiency and profitability for a business. It can ensure that the company is able to compete in the market and serve their customers effectively.

At present, the US is witnessing low vacancy and strong absorption rates, along with high demand for warehouse space. Although the conditions seem perfect for the growth of the warehousing sector in 2018, business owners need to put in some extra efforts to find the perfect space that will ensure the quickest possible delivery to customers.

As a quick suggestion, it is wise to look for warehouse space for rent in central locations like Houston, TX, which also boasts affordable prices.

4 Important Things to Consider When Choosing a Warehouse

  1. Location: Although warehouses are essentially “big boxes” or large commercial buildings meant for the storage of goods by manufacturers, exporters, importers, wholesalers, customs, etc., each warehouse has some distinguishable features that decide its suitability for certain business types, says an expert at Samuel L. Bryant Investments, leading providers of warehouse with office for rent in Houston. Take your business needs into consideration to understand whether a given layout, size and the facilities would suit you.
  2. Rent & Taxes: In the US, rental rates are usually based on square feet (SF). Given the rising demand for warehouse space in the country, it is obvious that average prices will spike. Cost is a major criterion when selecting a location for a warehouse, but it must not be the only one. Businesses should focus on other hidden costs and taxes that could derail their budget before deciding on the rent. Fortunately, there are some warehouse providers who are dedicated to offering the most affordable facilities with great amenities.
  3. Workforce Availability: Even if you have invested in warehouse space for rent at a great location, unless it is easy to access for your employees, there is going to be a problem. Also, if it in a region where it is difficult to find skilled workforce, it will cost your business. Local demographics play a major role in deciding workforce availability, skills and labor costs. It is really important to consider the geographical location of a warehouse for lease, such as Houston, to ensure access to a skilled workforce.
  4. Connectivity: Impacting the attractiveness of the warehousing facility and competitiveness of the company, connectivity is the cornerstone of running a business. No matter what the business type is, the space should have accessibility to roads, highways and any other mode of transportation you might need to ensure smooth delivery of goods.

So, keep these crucial aspects in mind the next time you are looking for appropriate warehouse space for rent, such as those available in Houston.

An Introduction to Corporate Resolutions Executive Background Checks As Requested by Employers

An Introduction to Corporate Resolutions Executive Background Checks As Requested by Employers

More employers have realized that they can prevent hiring employees who commit theft and security breaches. They particularly have become more active in the executive background check process.

What an Executive Background is Versus a Standard Employee Check

Many aspects of researching an executive resemble that of checking out any job applicant. For instance, companies seeking to hire a CEO or vice-president will usually ask for either personal or business references like they would for any employee. The same is true of requesting permission to view credit history and criminal records. However, executive background checks may involve taking time to investigate more than what a hiring manager might hear during an interview or find printed on a resume.

Concerning executive screenings, it perhaps will require supplemental verification, which may include finding out if employment candidates have provided authentic reference contact information. Additional investigation might involve requests beyond the usual two identification forms required by an employer when confirming a name, address, phone number, citizenship and qualifications.

Searches for information in databases not accessible to the public might also take place. Some of this may require an employee applicant’s permission, but certain aspects of verification might not. Either way, the goal of conducting an executive screening usually is to uncover truth that might not appear in everyday search engine results. Data about potential business owners, corporate executives and investment partners might include information about prior employer disciplinary actions, arrest records and embezzlement convictions, or reference character assessments.

Why Executive Background Checks are Usually Necessary

Not everyone tells the truth about where they worked in the past. They also might have exaggerated their skills, abilities, or education and experience to gain a position. These same people might have told employers what they want to hear in the past only to have gained access to proprietary information, client accounts and company holdings. Some of these people who lied to potential employers previously might have already used company resources to make an illegal profit or perhaps have made money after stealing clients from the owner of the company where they last worked.

If a thorough executive background check is conducted, it can stop illegal or unethical activity before it is allowed to transpire. This can save large corporations in upwards of maybe millions or even billions of dollars and will protect assets from lawsuits. Performing executive screenings can also save a company’s reputation and prevent profit loss that could occur when the public becomes aware of criminal activity taking place at a business. Even small, growing companies who might hire an upper management team for the first time could save money as well as prevent reputation damage if they screen all candidates applying for skilled positions.

How Corporate Resolutions Typically Conducts Executive Background Checks

Corporate Resolutions performs both local and global searches on executives. This may include observation of social media interactions in addition to investigating dealings with former project teams, bosses, companies or colleagues. It also might involve evaluation of positive or negative activity within non-profit associations and could include scrutinization of public relations events.

Some executives might even be members of political or governmental teams and have a role in shaping international policy. Without discriminating, Corporate Solutions will use any means of information gathering while adhering to corporate laws and individual privacy regulations. At the same time, professional executive background check teams might look for signs of “whistle blowing” that might involve wrongful confidentiality breaches.

Usually, all background checks will determine the level of trust in a person an employer can have. This includes revelation of any alleged shadiness or inconsistencies that could lead to clues of possible untrustworthiness.