Tips on How to Be an Effective Manager

Tips on How to Be an Effective Manager

Tips on How to Be an Effective Manager

Being a manager can be a challenging task at best. There are numerous tasks that they will be expected to complete throughout their career, and they never stop. There are many skills that they will need to master to be successful in their position, and these skills vary from employee to employee. Jordan Sudberg is a talented manager who has worked diligently to be successful in her position. She has several pieces of advice that can help others be successful managers. Working on this list will help them become a more effective manager.

5 Tips on How to Be an Effective Manager

1. Give Clear Instructions

One of the most important things a manager can do is to be clear when giving out tasks to employees. These straightforward instructions will help to give them a specific and detailed plan on what the manager should do to finish your task. A manager should provide enough details so that the employee knows exactly how they are expected to manage their job, but no more than needed so that the employee does not get bored or confused.

2. Plan your Day

A great way to manage employees is to plan their day to ensure they accomplish all of their tasks. Sometimes it is difficult for managers to finish all their plans, but by planning out their day beforehand, they will reduce the chances of forgetting important tasks. A manager should also give other team members instructions and assignments to know what they need to do at the start of their jobs.

3. Be Consistent

One of the most important things a manager must do is be consistent. They will lose control very quickly if they are not consistent with their employees. These employees will not know what to expect and will become confused or stressed with this change in routine. A manager should also be consistent with what he says, including any rules he might have for their position. It can help to get essential tasks done on time and in a timely fashion, just like the manager wants it done.

4. Treat People Fairly

The best way to manage employees is to treat them equally, even if they are a special one of them. This treatment should be based on performance and results. If a person is not meeting the standards of their business, then they should be reprimanded accordingly. Also, people should not be given preferential treatment just because they are friends, family, or workers with seniority.

5. Be Dependable

One of the most important aspects of being a good manager is being dependable, showing up for work at the same time each day, and finishing all assignments they have given themself or their team members by a specific deadline. Jordan Sudberg suggests that they should strive to be one of the first people in and last person out of their office every day. It will help to show reliability and trustworthiness in their employees.

These five skills are essential for any manager, especially in today’s business environment. By implementing these skills, they can develop a great team and work together to accomplish necessary tasks and make themselves successful as managers.

Business Communication Tactics

Business Communication Tactics

Business Communication Tactics

Business communication is a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy. From developing innovative digital advertising strategies to launching new products and services, businesses use marketing to drive word-of-mouth recommendations, increase brand recognition, and enhance their customer service experience. As such, effective business communication tactics are essential in today’s market. Jonathan Osler San Francisco believes that these tactics not only establish trust but also help build a positive customer experience by diffusing potential problems before they escalate into complaints or lawsuits.

1. Build is Strong Brand

The brand name refers to the perception of a company in the minds of customers. A strong brand name can be a result of a company’s consistent marketing efforts and can also be a result of having an effective image. When choosing a brand name, it is best to: Choose quality names that are unique and memorable.

2. Be Transparent About Your Pricing

When a customer contacts a company, they are looking for information about pricing and services. If the company is not clear about its pricing or services provided, customers may be confused and frustrated. This can result in negative reviews on social media sites such as Yelp or Google Reviews. When contacting a company, it is also important to be transparent about how much it costs to get started and what the customer will need to pay for ongoing services.

3. Provide Helpful Customer Service Information

Customer service is an essential part of a company’s marketing strategy. Customers want to feel that their needs are being met and that customer service representatives are helpful, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. When contacting a company, it is important to provide the right information about pricing and services. This can help build customer trust and reduce negative reviews on social media sites.

4. Make Your Marketing Transparent

According to Jonathan Osler San Francisco, “Marketing is an essential part of a company’s marketing strategy. Advertising is an effective way to reach customers and build brand recognition among consumers. Various marketing methods can be used to promote a company such as word-of-mouth, social media, email marketing, and viral campaigns.”

5. Build Trust With Customers

Trust is a key part of the customer experience. It is important to build trust with customers by providing them with high-quality services and helpful information. When contacting a company, it is also important to be transparent about how much it costs to get started and what the customer will need to pay for ongoing services. According to Osler, we should “make sure to provide helpful information about your company, such as when and how you can expect to receive the products or services you purchase. It is also important to be transparent about your pricing so that customers are aware of what they will pay for the products or services.”

When contacting a company, it is important to be transparent about how much it costs to get started and what the customer will need to pay for ongoing services. This helps build customer trust and reduce negative reviews on social media sites. It is also important to make your marketing transparent by providing helpful information about your company.

Knight Aerospace: Growth and Expansion in a Fast-Paced Industry

Knight Aerospace: Growth and Expansion in a Fast-Paced Industry

There’s no doubt about it: Aerospace companies are growing quickly as interest in using flight technology to benefit humankind increases. At Knight Aerospace, the opportunity for growth is expanding by the day. CEO Bianca Rhodes is working to take the San Antonio-based OEM to the next level, specifically focusing on creating a standard of safety for how in-flight medical care is administered.

‘It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way’

Aerospace technology is lifesaving, especially when it comes to getting military members out of tough situations to get needed medical assistance. In the past, many soldiers have dealt with less-than-desirable conditions when flying to receive treatment.

Knight CEO Bianca Rhodes is working to change that.

Rhodes has an industry-famous catchphrase: “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Rhodes and the team at Knight are working to change in-flight medicine to provide soldiers with the care they deserve from the moment they’re lifted from the field.

An outbreak of Ebola years ago prompted Knight to focus on how to create aircraft that weren’t just better for patients but also crew members, care providers, and other passengers. Concerns were raised about the lack of containment for passengers carrying highly contagious viruses. When infected patients infect the staff of an aircraft, the entire plane may need to be put out of commission until replacement staff members are found and the vehicle is thoroughly decontaminated. Creating an aerospace module for patients who may be experiencing severe communicable diseases is critical for efficient, effective, and safe treatment.

Michael Knight, the senior vice president of international sales for Knight Aerospace, says: “The back of a cargo aircraft is loud and dark, and most importantly, it’s not environmentally-controlled. These factors negatively impact any sort of medical care needing to be provided during in-flight missions. This is what led us to find a better solution and ultimately inspired the development of the aeromedical module.”

Listening to the Experts

Knight Aerospace realizes that while its team members have the aerospace technology necessary to change the way air medicine is performed, they don’t have the expertise to know exactly what soldiers need during transport.

Engineers at Knight are working to create solutions that make sense for the military, and they’re working closely with people in the field to understand how aerospace medicine needs to change.

Michael Knight says it’s key to understand the environment in which they’re working and the technical aspects of what needs to happen to create the right space for soldiers who need medical treatment.

In addition to working closely with military flight surgeons, military experts, and others who understand the ins and outs of military medical treatment, Knight strives to create an ongoing partnership to continuously improve the craft. According to Knight, “We actually bring them in to serve as permanent advisers to us while we work to expand and improve the technology and engineering and all the products.”

Beyond Earth: How Knight Is Staying on Top of Aerospace Trends

Aerospace travel is no longer limited to Earth’s atmosphere. While billionaire dreams of flights to Mars are what make headlines, Knight Aerospace is working on using atmospheric travel to benefit Earth in different ways.

The future of aerospace is not just about atmospheric travel but suborbital and orbital travel. Use cases for Knight could be suborbital transport to take critical equipment or people from North America to Australia in far less time than it currently takes. Knight aims to help create the cargo standards for these sort of missions and even the medical standards for safe orbital travel.

Raising the Bar

There’s no way around it — aerospace is a fast-paced business and companies that rise to the top need to be innovators and creators. Knight is working to revamp the way cargo systems currently operate in cargo carriers bound to the Earth’s atmosphere. The change in design — moving from a plane to a rocket — offers new options that could streamline shipping processes.

“There’s an opportunity to create a standard for spacecraft because now you’ve got to get the cargo vertically to the tip of the rocket up high,” says Michael Knight. “It’s no longer a roll into a horizontal fuselage; it’s standing on its tail. There may be an opportunity for us to set those standards and be the lead.”

Careers in Education

Careers in Education

Careers in Education

For the average student, a career in education is an appealing prospect. Whether as just a teacher or as a school administrator and higher-ranking member of staff, working in education offers some seriously rewarding and fulfilling options that are certain to keep students on their toes. One of the most rewarding aspects of a career in education is learning outside the classroom. For example, if they are an educator, they can work for their favorite sports team or join the faculty of vocal coaches at their local recording studio. This article discusses tips for choosing careers in education.

Importance of a career in education.

Working in such an extensive career field, such as education, offers many pre-and post-grad opportunities for students. As a student in a program that connects to education, working toward a degree in teaching can help them gain valuable experience. And when they graduate, they will have a competitive edge for the jobs out there. Experience working with children of all ages can be quite important. Summers might be a bit slow so looking into being a counselor for a camp can be so important. Raleigh summer camps can be such a great opportunity to grow your teaching expertise in your time off from your full-time job.

Tips on choosing careers in education

Understand their motivations.

Motivation will help them decide whether the career decisions surrounding education are right for them. Motivate themselves by exploring how they can directly impact other people’s lives, including children’s. Whether they are confident that a career in education is right for them, take the time to explore these career opportunities and make an educated decision.

Research before making a decision.

Jonathan Osler San Francisco stated that educators have to learn on the job, meaning they should know what their regions need before heading out into the workforce. They can make a big difference in the classroom if they are aware of a particular school district’s specific needs and challenges.

Focus on communication skills.

Not only do educators have to build relationships with children, but they also have to communicate effectively with each other, parents, and other teachers in the community. Communication skills are essential for almost every career, but this is particularly true in education.

Choose a field within the education field.

They can specialize in administration, early childhood education, English, or many other areas. An advanced degree in a particular field will help them stand out from other applicants and advance their careers sooner. Ask themselves what they enjoy studying and why, and then investigate the career options that align with their goals and interests.

Prepare themselves for life as an educator.

That means researching salaries and benefits, including retirement options and medical coverage. There are good career options outside the traditional classroom, including working for sports teams or schools or even taking online courses.

Explore these options and others to find out which is right for them.

Working in education can be one of the most rewarding careers they will ever pursue. If this is an option that appeals to them, try to learn more about it today.

In conclusion, Jonathan Osler San Francisco recommended from coaching to administration, many different careers can be pursued in education. It’s important to understand their motivations and how they can impact the lives of others. Then, research the best opportunities for their interests, skill set, and goals. Finally, be prepared for life as an educator by researching salary and benefits packages ahead of time.

Is Avoiding Student Loans Possible?

Is Avoiding Student Loans Possible?

Is Avoiding Student Loans Possible?

Jonathan Osler San Francisco explains that student loans can be a real burden. Even if you do manage to graduate, you may still find yourself owing money for your education. That’s because student loans are lifetime financial commitments that are often difficult to repay. Here are seven ways you can avoid student loans:

1. Save money and invest it

One of the best ways to avoid student loans is to save money and invest it. If you’re not in a position to save money, then try to get a part-time job if you can. This will allow you to start saving money from day one, which will help you avoid student loans later on in life.

2. Take advantage of an income-based repayment plan

This is the most common way for people with student loan debt to repay their debt without paying as many interest payments as they would have otherwise paid had they not taken out a loan. Your school may offer this option, and it may be worth checking if you still have debt after graduation.

3. Try refinancing your student loans

Many people fall behind on their payments when they graduate because of rising costs or because their income doesn’t cover the amount they owe after taxes and other deductions are made from their paychecks. In this case, a refinancing option may be available through their lender. This could result in lowered monthly payments and a lower overall interest rate on loans, which could help people avoid future interest charges on unpaid balances left over from graduation day.

4. Consider private education lenders that specialize in helping students who need financial aid apply for scholarships or grants

Some private education lenders may be willing to loan money to students who have not yet graduated but need financial aid. It’s important to note that these lenders are not typical student loan lenders, so you should always check the terms and conditions of any such loan before you take it out. Jonathan Osler San Francisco says, “Some private lenders offer loan programs that can be used to pay college tuition and fees.”

5. Work part-time during college

You may be able to work part-time while in college, which would allow you to avoid taking out student loans. This is a good option for people who don’t know exactly what they want to do in life and are not sure they’ll have a job when they finish school. Osler says, “Working part-time in college can help you pay for school, but it can also help you figure out what kind of work you want to do and what it takes to make a career out of it.”

If you are in college and have student loan debt, it’s essential to start thinking about how you can get rid of your loans as soon as possible. If you don’t, you could pay more interest charges than the amount of money the government will forgive for qualifying for federal loan forgiveness programs.

The Influence of Politics in Business

The Influence of Politics in Business

The Influence of Politics in Business

Politics and business have been intertwined since the beginning of time. When running a business, you must consider what legislation may be passed in the future and how laws will affect your livelihood. If you do not take the time to become informed, you may be faced with some less-than-desirable outcomes. Please look at the history of politics and business throughout the years explained by Dr. Jordan Sudberg and discover how they have affected one another.

Ways in which politics influence business

1. The government can effectively legislate against businesses that are considered to be unethical, sometimes even openly declaring them illegal. This is not an ideal circumstance for businesses. This can also be seen in many countries around the world enacting regulations or laws that significantly hamper business operations or profits (this concept is known as ‘Regulation’). This can have a significant impact on a business and its employees.

2. The government passes policies to control business decisions related to jobs and working conditions. Often, this will negatively influence the company’s decision-making processes. The government has shown an interest in how business is conducted in recent years, trying to intervene to create legislation that gives them the power of greater control over businesses.

3. Governments regularly give certain businesses special favors, such as tax breaks and subsidies. These “subsidies” are paid for by tax money, so each taxpayer is paying for a particular company to be broken even or turn a profit. As per Dr. Jordan Sudberg, This can cause problems for a company, especially if they are getting free money from the government but also have competition. These competitors may not be getting these subsidies and thus have an unfair advantage. Oil companies are a perfect example of a firm being subsidized by the government, which the US government is constantly subsidizing.

4. According to him, governments often give certain businesses unique benefits, such as tax breaks and subsidies. These “subsidies” are paid for by tax money, so each taxpayer is paying for a particular company to be broken even or turn a profit. This can cause problems with the business because they must take partial credit for this growth while also taking the blame if they fall short of expectations. An example of businesses receiving unique benefits from the government is oil companies that receive considerable subsidies to drill in foreign countries and turn a profit, at the same time being used as an example of why it is not feasible that other countries should do this.

5. Government policies affect how we live by dictating how we shop, travel, eat and conduct our daily lives. Some businesses, such as airlines, have had to make considerable changes to provide better service and increase security to comply with new regulations. From now on, they will have to be able to check their bodies for weapons at security checkpoints, which means that staff will have to be able to handle this task to pass the background check. Furthermore, passengers will not be allowed to bring their weapons onto planes, directly impacting many business models in how they sell their goods and services.

As we can see, politics and business have been intertwined since the beginning. When running a business, you must consider what legislation may be passed in the future and how laws will affect your livelihood. If you do not take the time to become informed, you may be faced with some less-than-desirable outcomes. Please look at the history of politics and business throughout the years and discover how they have affected one another.

How a Company Can Become Competitive

How a Company Can Become Competitive

How a Company Can Become Competitive

In the modern business environment being competitive is imperative for a company to survive. Today, in order for a company to remain competitive, the management must be proactive in all facets of business. This article discusses the key components to successfully becoming and remaining competitive.

The first step is fostering and maintaining superior customer satisfaction. Superior customer satisfaction will lead customers to repurchase products or services from your company which will lead to higher profits margins as well as satisfied employees who have better morale. The second step is establishing an effective budgeting system that accurately predicts and drives expenditures while keeping accurate records to meet financial obligations.

The third step is to stay on top of the competition by knowing exactly what business strategies and other actions that your competitors are taking. According to Jordan Sudberg, understanding the strategies by your competitors will help you always stay one step ahead.

The fourth step is to conduct effective market analysis to understand who your customers are and what products or services they are looking for. This will help you to determine the types of changes that your company needs in order to stay competitive.

The fifth step is to use the laws of supply and demand in order to maximize profits by stocking products efficiently, which will help reduce losses for any resold products.

The sixth step is to have a well defined pricing strategy that can help maximize profits when selling products and services to customers. An effective pricing strategy will ensure that you are maximizing your profits while also ensuring that customers purchase the products or services that are needed.

The seventh step is to develop strong business relationships with suppliers, distributors, and producers in order to supply whatever products or services are needed for your business. This will ensure that the business has enough access to supply its own needs for owning a successful business. Maintaining a good relationship will also improve the reputation of your business and this could be crucial in getting new customers. This will also help to increase the margins for product sales.

Another key step is developing and maintaining effective organizational structure. This will be crucial in identifying and improving any areas of weakness in your company which can be improved by hiring new employees who have the skills that you need as well as training them properly. Understanding how different departments in the company operate and their needs will help you to create the right environment for employees.

The last step is maintaining a competitive advantage by always being updated on any advancements in technology, sales tactics, new clientele, etc. Jordan Sudberg states that keeping up with the current trends can be crucial to the operations of an organization especially if the environment and trends of the industry are always changing.

In conclusion, becoming competitive requires more than just the creation of more products and new services, it requires knowing how your customers are going to benefit from the new product or service that has been created as well as how to maintain and improve the current performance of an organization.

Relocating for a Job

Relocating for a Job

Relocating for a Job

Moving for a job is never an easy decision, but it can be one of the most rewarding decisions you make in your life. For those who want to relocate, there are many factors that need to be considered as they weigh their options. Understanding these factors to know if moving is right for you will ensure that your new location is the best option for you and your future career, says Dr. Jordan Sudberg.

How to Decide Whether to Relocate for a Job

Whether you are considering moving for your old job or a new one, there are some things that you will want to consider before moving. Here are some of the most important factors Dr. Sudberg has come up with.

1. Evaluate the Job Opportunity

This is the most obvious question to ask when considering whether or not to relocate for your job. If the company has an excellent benefits package and competitive salary, it would be worth considering relocation. But, if there is a better job in your present position, then do not move for it.

2. Location of the Job

This is one of the most important factors to consider before moving for a job. If you are currently working for a company that is in close proximity to both your home and the new location, it would be worthwhile looking into relocating. Having this close proximity to the new location may make it easier to drive. If you work long hours and miss your children when they are at school or have other obligations, then you may determine that it is not worth moving if the job is not right next door.

3. Time Committed to the Job

If you are relocating for a job that will be short term, such as 6 months or less, it may not be worth moving. Although the salary offered would be more than you could make at your present position, you may end up spending more for housing and transportation in order to get to work. Before making such a decision, you should try and negotiate the time commitment for the job.

4. Evaluate the Personal Costs

Relocation is not just a short-term job change. It is a lifestyle change as well. In order to prepare yourself for a possible relocation, you need to consider the following:

• School Costs – Are your children in school? Do they want to graduate where they are? If you have children, you should find out how much tuition would be if you moved to another state.

• Family Ties – If you have family that lives in another state, then moving may not be a good idea if you want to stay close. But if a family member is ill and requires over-site, then moving may be necessary.

5. Relocation Costs

This is the largest expense that people usually overlook when they consider making the move. You need to factor the price of relocating into your budget before you decide to move.


Dr. Jordan Sudberg believes that relocating for a job is not a decision that you should make quickly. You need to consider the benefits and costs of moving before you do so. Make sure that you have enough time for the move, that you can find a job in your new location, and that your family does not suffer from relocation anxiety.

Finding a New Career Path

Finding a New Career Path

Finding a New Career Path

Finding a new career path can be challenging and a little scary, and often it feels like there is no way to know if you will be able to succeed in the career you want. Thankfully, there are steps that one can take that will help improve their chances of finding work in a new field. According to educator Jonathan Osler San Francisco, here are some suggestions for finding a new career path.

Each person is allowed to have their reasons for wanting a new career path, but an excellent place to start is by identifying what one feels drawn towards. There are many different career paths available to the average person, so finding something they care about will be critical. For example, some people may want to discover a career where they help and connect with others in some way. Others may feel drawn toward careers revolving around aesthetics or art and design. Other people may find themselves drawn to careers that involve helping others or even helping the environment.

According to Jonathan Osler San Francisco, once a person has found something that they like, it is essential to look at the individual’s skills and abilities. Many people do not realize how much their actual work skills are affected by things like their own interests, hobbies, and other activities. For example, if a person has always liked cooking and baking, it could be very beneficial for them to look into a career in the culinary field.

Once a person finds a career path that matches their interests and work skills, it is essential to look at the market for their new profession. Many jobs exist in different areas of the economy, so it is important to look into these other areas. The average person will have some idea of which careers would make sense for them, but exploring these different possible careers can be an interesting way to find something new.

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to finding a new career path is that it is okay for someone to try one career and then later switch to something else. Many people hold various jobs throughout their lives, especially if they are interested in multiple fields. It will not be seen as a failure if someone finds that their chosen career is not what they expected or wanted. People should look for something that makes them happy and allows them to enjoy their work.

Asking for advice from others is another strategy for finding a new career path. It can be very helpful to talk with friends, family members, and people in the same industry about what they do and what they find enjoyable or challenging about their jobs. This way, a person can get feedback on their ideas for a new career and possibly even try out these different options. In addition, it can be helpful to speak with experts and people in charge of jobs that are similar to the one that the person is interested in. These people can give helpful insights into how one can go about this new career, what steps to take, and other information.

When a person is trying to find a new career path, they need to keep an open mind about different types of options. Some people may have certain ideas about what they would like their new job to be, but many careers are more focused on teaching and learning.

Convincing Consumers to Buy Products

Convincing Consumers to Buy Products

How to Convince Consumers to Buy Your Product

Digital marketing tools have made it easier for companies to target customers directly with ads and websites. The downside is that advertising has become so saturated that consumers are now immune to new advertisements. As a result, convincing them to buy your product is no easy feat. If you’re selling a product, service, or brand, you need to find ways to convince your target audience that your offering is worth their money and time. This can be an especially strenuous task if you’re trying to sell something that isn’t a necessity, like a video game or an app. You can’t just expect people to buy it just because they might enjoy it or another person did. There are many different ways you can convince customers to purchase your product, despite whether they need it or not. Still, the most important thing is that you find a way to sell yourself (or your company) as much as you sell the tangible object you are trying to sell.

According to educator Jonathan Osler San Francisco, the first and most important step to convincing consumers to buy your product is to know your audience. You need to be able to understand their needs and wants and their daily lives and lifestyles. If you know your target audience inside and out, you’ll be able to tailor your sales pitch to them in a way that will resonate. You can’t make your audience happy if you don’t know who they are.

as per Osler, you ought to utilize the following tips in pursuit of 

Convincing Consumers to Buy Your Product;

Use a hook to make sure people hear your message.

One way to make sure your sales pitch sticks is to use a hook. A hook is a one-sentence statement that describes the benefits of your product. For example, if you’re selling designer sunglasses, you could use a hook-like, “Our sunglasses are made for those who want to look trendy, but care about the environment.” When you put a hook at the beginning of your sales pitch, you’re attaching a rubber band to your product. The hook will pull in consumers interested in your product, and they will want to hear more about what you have to offer.

Use social media influencers to spread the word.

Another way to convince consumers to buy your product is to partner with social media influencers. Influencers have large followings on social media, and they are often celebrities or personalities who use their following to make money by promoting products. If you can find an influencer with a large following that matches your target audience, you could strike gold. Influencers can help convince their followers to buy your product simply by talking about it in their posts.

Find ways to tie in your product with current events.

If you have a product that ties in with a current event, you have a built-in audience. For example, if you have a new sports drink designed to help athletes recover from intense workouts faster, you could tie it in with the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. If you can find a way to market your product that involves a big event or holiday, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience. You can also find ways to tie in your product with political issues if you’re trying to appeal to a wider audience.

Give away something for free.

If you’re trying to sell luxury items like designer handbags, cars, or even a high-end service, you may run into a problem with how to convince consumers to buy your product. One way to overcome this challenge is to give something away for free. For example, if you’re trying to sell designer handbags from a famous designer, you could offer free shipping to anyone who purchases one of their products. This will help convince consumers that your product is worth the money because they’re getting something that is usually expensive for free.

Show consumers how easy it is to use your product.

Another way to convince consumers to buy your product is to show them how easy it is to use. If you’re attempting to sell a sports drink, you can show people how easy it is to mix with water and how quickly it dissolves. If you’re trying to make a sale on social media, you can also offer a free trial period. This will help convince consumers to buy your product because they’ll be able to try it out themselves and see how easy it is to use.

If you want to sell your product, you have to be willing to sell yourself first. Jonathan Osler San Francisco thinks that consumers need to trust you and your brand to buy your product, so you have to find ways to make them believe in you. You can use several strategies to convince consumers to buy your product, but the most important thing is to understand who you are selling to and what they want. If you know your audience inside out, you can tailor your sales pitch to them in a way that will resonate. You can’t make a sale to your audience if you don’t know who they are. When you know your audience, you can use various strategies to convince consumers to buy your product.