Ethical Issues in Business

Ethical Issues in Business

Ethical Issues in Business

Ethical issues in business are often overlooked. In today’s global business environment, ethical issues are a significant concern for many organizations. The emergence of globalization and the internet has created new opportunities for companies to expand their operations into foreign markets.

Still, it also presents more significant challenges concerning managing these new risks. This blog post will explore some of the most prevalent ethical dilemmas businesses face in an increasingly complex social context.

1. Ethics in Accounting Practices

Father George Rutler believes that businesses in today’s society are expected to operate ethically and be transparent. This means that accounting practices must comply with all laws and regulations, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

The FCPA prohibits companies from giving anything of value to foreign officials for obtaining or retaining business. While this legislation has been on the books since 1977, the US government has made enforcement of this law a priority in recent years. This is important because accounting practices are essential in running business operations effectively and maintaining financial transparency for investors.

2. Ethics in Pricing Decisions

Pricing decisions are important because they impact the success of a business. For companies that sell products globally, it is essential to price goods and services appropriately based on local market conditions while complying with all applicable laws. This includes making sure prices do not violate antitrust or competition rules when setting prices for products.

This means that businesses can adapt their pricing strategies under changing market conditions while remaining competitive and profitable. They also ensure they do not violate rules governing price-fixing or predatory pricing. A business sets prices artificially low to drive competitors out of the marketplace, enabling them to control the industry.

3. Ethics in Marketing Practices

When it comes to marketing, several ethical issues need to be considered. These include:

– The sale and use of illegal products such as drugs or firearms. – Deceptive advertising practices mislead customers into purchasing goods they did not intend to buy.

– Unfair business competition practices such as price-fixing and predatory pricing.

– The exploitation of children for marketing purposes.

Several companies have been criticized for unethical practices relating to their advertising campaigns, particularly when it comes to younger customers. This is an area where businesses must be careful about how they market products or services because there are legal limits on the acceptable type of advertising.

This means that companies must adopt ethical marketing practices that are sensitive to the social and cultural environment in which they operate while remaining profitable at the same time. This may involve creating campaigns geared towards specific demographics based on age, gender, or ethnicity rather than targeting everyone equally across different groups.

4. Ethics in Workplace Practices

Worker exploitation is one of the most significant ethical issues facing businesses today. This includes human trafficking, unfair labor compensation, and unequal treatment of workers based on race or gender. While companies are expected to abide by all local laws regarding worker rights, many have been criticized for not ensuring they are not involved in unethical labor practices.

Father George Rutler suggests that businesses must ensure they comply with all applicable laws and regulations to protect the rights of their workers, including ensuring workplace safety standards are met and banning any form of worker exploitation such as human trafficking for work purposes. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights issued by the United Nations (UN) in 2011 states that businesses are responsible for respecting human rights.

Businesses who violate ethical business practices may be subject to legal penalties and sanctions, including fines, lawsuits, reputational damage, and reduced sales due to loss of customer trust.

According to Rutler, the key to successful business practices is adhering to ethical principles and ensuring that all employees adhere to the same standards for dealing with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. This means implementing a practical, ethical framework within a company’s business operations and creating internal systems such as grievance reporting processes so any unethical behavior can be dealt with promptly before it affects the business’s bottom line.

Remote Employees Are Entitled to Receive Workers’ Compensation for These 8 Injuries

Remote Employees Are Entitled to Receive Workers’ Compensation for These 8 Injuries

Workplace injuries can happen in any industry, even to employees who work from home. Although most workplace injuries and deaths occur in industries like construction, remote workers can develop painful, serious injuries from working on the computer.

Remote employees are legally treated as in-house employees

When remote workers are injured on the job, they’re entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim just like anyone else. However, remote workers might have a harder time proving their injuries. Like all employees, remote workers have a better chance at getting compensated by hiring a workers’ comp attorney.

Here are some of the most common injuries sustained by remote workers that deserve to be compensated:

Cumulative injuries

  1. Back and neck pain. Many things can cause back pain, including a bad chair, a desk set to the wrong height, and a computer monitor that is too high or too low.
  2. Carpal tunnel. This is a common problem not limited to remote workers, although typing all day long does increase the risk.
  3. Tendonitis. Tendonitis is painful. Mild injuries are resolved in 2-3 weeks, but it requires taking a break from using the injured tendon.
  4. Bursitis. Bursitis is an inflamed bursa. Bursas are fluid-filled sacs that serve as a cushion between bodily tissues in key areas of the body. Bursitis is most common in remote workers in the shoulder and elbow.

Cumulative injuries are easily prevented with ergonomic office furniture. However, the right ergonomic furniture will vary between people based on their height, weight, and other physical differences.

Slips, trips, and falls

  1. Slipping on spilled liquid. Any risk that exists in the home remains a risk to remote workers while they’re on the job. One of the most common causes for slips and falls is liquid. For example, it might be liquid soap, water, or spilled cooking oil.
  2. Tripping over cords or rugs. Messy, tangled cords strewn across carpet would never fly in an office. However, this is how most people have their electronics cords at home. In an office, rugs are wall-to-wall carpeting, but at home, area rugs pose a trip hazard.
  3. Falling while multi-tasking and not paying attention. Some falls occur when the person isn’t paying attention to what they’re doing. They might trip over a dog toy, one of their kid’s toys, or they might fall for another reason.
  4. Falling down stairs. Every year, about 12,000 people die after falling down stairs. Although it’s mostly older people and children who fall down the stairs, it can happen to anyone.

Remote workers need an attorney to win maximum compensation

Proving an injury was a direct result of work duties is a challenge many remote employees face when pursuing a workers’ compensation claim. While employers can maintain the safety conditions in an office, they can’t control the conditions in a remote employee’s home. Therefore, when a remote employee gets injured, their injury gets scrutinized.

It’s absolutely critical for injured remote workers to hire a workers’ comp attorney to ensure they get the compensation they deserve. It’s too risky trying to pursue a claim without a skilled lawyer.

Since some injuries aren’t the result of work, not all injuries get compensated. For example, a remote worker named Tammitha Valcourt-Williams tripped over her dog while reaching for her coffee. She sustained injuries to her knee, shoulder, and hip.

At first, her employer denied her workers’ comp claim, but the judge approved her claim. Her employer appealed, but the court found that her work didn’t cause her injury, but rather, it was her non-employment life (her dog, being in her kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee) that caused her accident.

Have you been injured while working from home? Don’t hesitate to file a claim

Every injury deserves to be compensated. Your employer is required to carry workers’ compensation for a reason. It’s an insurance policy that pays compensation to injured workers regardless of fault. Workers’ comp was created to prevent businesses from getting sued for each injury. In many cases, it also serves the employee better than filing a lawsuit.

If you’ve been injured while working from home, whether it’s a serious physical injury or a cumulative injury like carpal tunnel or back pain, don’t hesitate to file a claim. If you were sitting in an office every day, you’d still be accumulating the same pain over time, and eventually, you’d end up injured all the same.

Harness The Power Of Your Brain Like Never Before

Harness The Power Of Your Brain Like Never Before

We all know the sayings suggesting that we should “grow old gracefully” or that “age is a state of mind.”  But scientists have literally proven that we have both a chronological age and a mental one.  The chronological one can’t be changed; however, there is a lot we can do to reduce our cognitive age.  Exercise, diet, rest, and nutrition impact our brain health.  But, research has found that adding a memory supplement, like Braini, also plays a significant role in slowing down our cognitive age while improving our day-to-day functionality.

According to a recent report by, “memory supplements are anticipated to gain higher acceptance for the purpose of improving attention and focus. Increasing demand among sportspersons for supplements that improve concentration and focus is expected to generate growth opportunities for the North American market.”

Braini, a patented and clinical tested formula designed specifically to improve memory and cognitive function, is one of the few clinically trialed supplements that has consistently shown improvement in brain function with continued use.  The company is so confident that you will see improvement, that when you purchase your first product they offer a free online “Braini Powered Memory Test” secured by a third party testing company.  Thirty days after taking the first test, the customer will receive a second test link so they can retest and visually see the improvements from taking the Braini product(s). 

Troy Ball, the CEO and Co-Founder of Braini knows the supplement market like the palm of her hand.  As the spokesperson for the company, she regularly educates consumers about her product line.   “Braini is approved by the FDA for all ages.  Initially it was created for healthy aging and for those with learning differences, but over time we have learned that it can benefit healthy customers as well as athletes, and children,” says Ball.

This is an extremely important differentiator from other memory supplement products on the market today.  The supplement space is enormous and is focused on many verticals.  Ball believes, “the biggest misconception about supplements is that they are not regulated.  We are a regulated industry, though there is little enforcement which is sad.  The biggest misconception about the brain supplement space is that there are potentially many products that work.  Many stimulant products on the market use caffeine and B vitamins to give a person a brief buzz in performance, but those are not lasting changes.”  

As the market continues to mature, academicians, integrative care and traditional medical professionals are expected to focus more on the demand for memory supplements over the next decade.  The ResearchandMarkets report noted that, “these products are likely to gain high acceptance among people suffering from various cognitive ailments and conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression, anxiety, and insomnia.”

Whether you’re looking to extend your youth or harness the power of your brain functionality or your memory, the Braini family of supplements are likely what you’ve been searching for.  With a long-acting, documented, and patent pending formulation, this family of products includes some of today’s most critical vitamins and minerals.

How Can Business Process Mapping Improve Business Operations

How Can Business Process Mapping Improve Business Operations

Employee onboarding, invoicing, market research, and accounting are just a few of the hundreds of processes that make businesses tick. These processes are made up of smaller, individual tasks that must be done in a precise sequence to complete a job.

Now, if you ask someone in your team to draw out the process, what will the result look like? Will there be a lot of question marks, the blueprint of a home, or ambiguous lines that go nowhere?

This is where business process mapping might come in handy. You can make these maps using online diagram makers to document your business process more efficiently.

What Is Business Process Mapping?

Business process mapping outlines the details of a process in the form of visuals. These visuals guide the stakeholders through every task or step of a process.

With the help of these maps, you define the “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and “how” of a process. This requires the support of symbols and shapes to depict the flow of processes. These shapes and symbols include diamonds, rectangles, circles, and arrows. Moreover, the different components of BPM can be stakeholders, controls, inputs, and outputs.

Let’s explore the purpose and advantage of a business process mapping.

Purpose Of Business Process Mapping

Businesses use BPM for documentation of a current business process or to model a new one. However, the real purpose of BPM is to make processes and their components simple to understand. Therefore, it can potentially simplify a complex process and make it more efficient to improve the output.

Its real-world applications also include standardizing procedures and meeting audit requirements. So even if you are sure you have your business processes sorted, you will discover new twists and turn when you map them outs.

Advantages Of Creating A Business Process Diagram

Business process mapping is a valuable technique and has many advantages. It focuses and clarifies more practical steps of a process. Here are a few benefits to a BPM that can bring efficiency to your current business processes:

Encourages Collaboration

Everyone is aware of what the other team members are doing when the entire business process is mapped out for everyone to see. Being on the same page helps build a strong foundation for a business and its employees. They are guided to embrace collaboration and make a mutual mindset, reducing the risk of misunderstanding, miscommunication, and disagreements.

Simplifies Complex Processes

Business process diagrams eliminate any redundant or repetitive information, which allows everyone to focus on the facts that really matter. In addition, this makes the tasks seem more straightforward, helping stakeholders avoid any confusion.

Provides A Reference

It’s always good to have a detailed document to refer back to while leading a project. BPM provides a visual representation of the whole plan or process, which can be extremely useful for quick reference. In addition, keeping it on display can serve as a motivator.

Documents Progress

BPM is a great tool to document your progress in a way that everyone can understand. All employees are able to see where they stand and where they need to be to reach their goals.

Tips To Create A Business Process Diagram

We have a few tips you can consider using to create your business process diagram:

Make It Readable

Business process diagrams need to be legible to fulfill their purpose. The more understandable your diagram is, the more likely you’ll increase its usability. So, make it convenient and straightforward to read.

Don’t Overload It With Information

Try not to congest it with a lot of information and avoid redundancy to ensure everyone knows what they should do. Your employees should be able to get the directions they’re looking for with just one glance.

Create Additional Diagrams

If you have a plethora of information to share, consider creating several BPMs instead of congesting the same diagram. This way, you will be able to focus on one topic at a time. 

Wrapping Up

Business owners and managers must prioritize creating efficient business processes to succeed in the long run. Tools like business process mapping can enable effective automation in workflows which are vital to business operations optimization. If you want to step up to the winning edge, use business process mapping software and achieve top-level efficiency.

Marketing Tactics for Clothing Businesses

Marketing Tactics for Clothing Businesses

Marketing Tactics for Clothing Businesses

With the rise of online, fashion firms are no longer competing only for foot traffic and brick-and-mortar sales. They’re vying for internet shoppers’ late-night clicks and early-morning purchases.

Unless a person has a lot of money, the most excellent method to promote their clothes company these days is via internet marketing and social media interaction. Indeed, an increasing number of individuals are purchasing apparel online, making it much simpler to reach one’s target demographic than via retail and conventional venues.

Displays of Windows.

Window displays may be described as the art that effectively showcases an establishment’s merchandise for sale via the use of a variety of items and materials. The power of window displays should never be underestimated, as shown by the fact that one of the most popular pastimes while traveling is strolling along the golden sidewalks or major metropolitan thoroughfares where one can examine the display windows of the big enterprises.

Organize a giveaway campaign to debut one’s brand.

Giveaway programs are very effective and, when executed correctly, may result in a flood of publicity for an individual’s apparel business within its first month of operation. It’s all about brand exposure at this vital early phase. The majority of firms are focused on sales and do not consider the larger picture.

While revenues are critical, brand awareness should take precedence at launch and even afterward.

Helen Lee Schifter urges people to create one-of-a-kind freebies. It might be a personal item or another kind of gift. The critical point is that the giveaway campaign should be aggressively promoted on the company’s website, social media platforms, and other public relations outlets.

Paid Advertising.

Paid advertising is an excellent option. If a person has the finances and technological knowledge, they may efficiently advertise their apparel business via sponsored advertising.

Paid advertising’s primary component is an online advertising plan, which can only be implemented via the assistance of online advertising businesses.

A person may market their clothes brand online using several different tactics. This alone is a significant revenue generator. AdSense income is increasing while revenue from media and other sources is declining.

Helen Lee Schifter says that the superb strategy to sell a person’s clothing brand is to target various niche markets and experiment with multiple advertisements. A person’s efforts may then be refined and focused as they progress.

Associating a Brand with an Influencer.

In terms of social media, some of the most influential fashion social media campaigns use influencers. For those unfamiliar, influencers are those inside one’s industry who have a sizable fan base and demand attention. When one influencer makes a post, others take notice.

One of the most effective strategies to advertise one’s clothing business is to have influencers Tweet images of themselves wearing the brand’s apparel. At its core, influencer marketing is comparable to high school; influencers are the famous students, while their followers are the other kids who look up to them and want to be exactly like them.

When the above strategies are implemented in a clothing business, there will be high-profit returns.

Dr. Alddo Molinar’s Tips for Coping with ADHD Overwhelm

Dr. Alddo Molinar’s Tips for Coping with ADHD Overwhelm

Do you have trouble paying attention and staying focused? Are you finding it difficult to manage your emotions? Do you struggle with time management? These are some of the signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). People with ADHD often feel overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks, says Dr. Alddo Molinar, a globally recognized authority on ADHD.

He points out that people with ADHD feel as if they are in a whirlwind of confusion. They may have a hard time prioritizing, organizing, and completing tasks. Besides the day-to-day demands of life, people with ADHD find it difficult to live up to others’ expectations. If you have ADHD, and everything seems too much, you’re not alone! About 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults live with the condition. Those numbers may be higher because many people go undiagnosed because of issues like stigma and discrimination.

Dr. Alddo Molinar on Why ADHD Isn’t a Sign of Failure

Dr. Molinar notes that ADHD is not a deficit in attention or a sign of failure. This genetic brain disorder starts in childhood and can continue into adolescence and adulthood. About 50% of children with ADHD still experience the condition as adults.

In the past 20 years, we have refined our understanding of how ADHD affects children, teens, and adults. ADHD is a difficulty with self-control, self-regulation, and self-management. The psychological term for it is executive function. Executive functions include problem-solving, inhibition, attention control, and working memory. Many of these functions originate in the brain’s prefrontal cortex, Dr. Molinar explains. Since much of our lives demand that people set and achieve goals, problems with executive function make it difficult to succeed. The ability to plan, organize, execute and problem-solving can help individuals in many aspects of life. So, improving these skills is essential for children and adults.

Fortunately, ADHD is treatable with a combination of education, medication, and psychological counseling. Dr. Molinar also recommends behavioral treatments and support from friends, family, and teachers.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, the following tips from Dr. Molinar may help.

frustrated woman

Focus on one thing at a time

Dr. Alddo Molinar recommends doing one thing at a time instead of juggling every task on your plate. Trying to perform many tasks at once can make it difficult for the ADHD brain to handle. Attempting to do many things at once is counterproductive because it generates less quality work. Many people think multitasking is doing two or more tasks simultaneously—which is actually impossible. The truth is, you are shifting your attention from one task to another every few seconds. That means you’re never fully focused on one thing, he explains. If you have ADHD, it is even more difficult because of the attention issues associated with it. By focusing on one task at a time, you can get more done faster! He recommends scheduling some time for breaks, as well.

Write it all down

Dr. Alddo Molinar also suggests building a master to-do list to make prioritizing tasks easier. Record every job that you need to do. Include all your thoughts or ideas. He also recommends separating the list into categories, such as personal, family, business, and shopping. As we’ve already mentioned, you can get overwhelmed if you choose to do everything at once. But if you put pen to paper and create your master list, it becomes easier to track your tasks. Starting your day with a simple task is often the best way to get the ball rolling. However, be flexible because plans can change. Try this out, and give yourself the grace you deserve.

Focus on the Now

One of the main challenges people with ADHD face is concentrating on what they are doing at present. Instead of being present, past problems or worries often distracted them. They ruminate about what happened in the past while trying to predict the future. Sometimes, the solution is to hit the delete button and quiet negative thoughts. But why does it matter?

When you concentrate on what you are doing at present, you can:

  • Improve your productivity because you’re focusing one thing at a time
  • Cultivate healthy connections that will help improve your well-being and quality of life
  • Stay grounded in stressful moments
  • Squeeze more pleasure out of each day

So, focusing on the now makes perfect sense. When you’re worried about what may or may not happen, you feel overwhelmed. Instead, focus on the now, so you can reap the benefits of being in the present moment.

Alddo Molinar

Dr. Alddo Molinar Thoughts on Exercise and the ADHD Brain

Exercise stimulates the release of feel-good endorphins, which help you cope better with ADHD. For children with ADHD, exercise can also increase focus. Dr. Molinar notes that exercise also induces other brain chemicals, such as dopamine, GABA, serotonin, and norepinephrine. People with ADHD are usually low on these hormones, he explains. Studies show that exercise can help encourage executive function tasks, such as planning, organizing, and prioritizing.

He suggests adding the following exercises to your workout routine to improve ADHD symptoms:

  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Walking/jogging
  • Raising weights
  • Doing yoga
  • Cycling

As you can see, you don’t have to do strenuous exercises. Even a short workout session can encourage positive thinking and get your creative juices flowing.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep improves your ability to focus and is crucial for your mood, health, and overall well-being. Unfortunately, many children and adults with ADHD struggle to fall and stay asleep. In fact, about 25%–50% of people with ADHD experience sleep difficulties. Consequently, the symptoms of ADHD can get worse. If you don’t get the quality of sleep you need, you’re also likely to become angry or frustrated easily. Dr. Alddo Molinar points out that lack of sleep is a risk factor for depression and other cognitive issues.

Dr. Alddo Molinar
PosiGen CEO Shares How to Solve Some of Solar’s Big Problems

PosiGen CEO Shares How to Solve Some of Solar’s Big Problems

The solar industry is rapidly growing. And as a result of this expansion, renewable energy is beginning to eclipse fossil fuel as a source of energy. “A part of the mission of the PosiGen team, which we call The Four Pillars of PosiGen, is to Save the Environment,” says PosiGen CEO, Thomas Neyhart. However, solar energy has some infamous flaws. So, while we strive to boost energy efficiency, we also aim to solve some of these flaws. 

The PosiGen CEO’s Solution for Sunlight Absence

Solar Energy has one known flaw: In the absence of sunlight, it doesn’t generate electricity. This means solar energy will not be readily available at night or when it’s cloudy. But what if there was a solution to solar power’s sun problem? The PosiGen CEO has been following some researchers who have come up with a number of proposed solutions that can make it happen. 

1. The “antisolar panel.”

The antisolar panel is a scientifically sound method of generating power during the night. Rather than using the sun’s warm light, this alternative generates energy from the cold of space. The concept is that if you point the panel at space in the evening, it will be heated relative to the cold of space, causing it to emit heat as infrared light. The infrared light may then be captured and used to create power. PosiGen CEO also noted that notable scholars have said this method works. Still, it won’t produce as much energy as solar panels produce when exposed to the sun.”

2. Building bigger batteries

When all else fails, there’s a tried-and-true solution for the fact that solar panels don’t generate electricity at night. The idea is to be able to store as much excess energy as possible in batteries. Several large companies have adopted this method on a larger scale. A clear example is the microgrids Tesla has built around the world.

PosiGen Solar Panels

PosiGen CEO on a Solution for Soiled Solar Panels

The accumulation of dust, soot, or other particulates causes a drop in the efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) panel. The result is a decline in the amount of power produced, unlike the windshield of a car, which can wipe off layers of dust and pollen easily with a turn of the lever that activates wipers and water. Cleaning the coating from a solar panel – particularly one that is inconveniently placed at a distance from any source of moisture. 

In some regions of the United States, yearly energy loss from soiling might be as high as 7%. And even though rain and wind can be adequate to clear dust because PV panels cool down at night and attract morning dew, the particles on the panel go through a process called Cementation. It can become considerably more challenging to remove once it has gone through the cementation process. It solidifies to the point that even a powerful rain won’t be able to remove it. 

The solution for soiling on solar panels, according to PosiGen CEO, may need several different challenges. The team at PosiGen has been following recent studies aimed at making soiling easier to address. Some issues are general and have possible solutions. An example is a coating over the surface of solar panels. This strategy is beneficial in places with high precipitation; a hydrophobic coating is used to repel water. However, on soiling by location, there is just a small amount of information available. But agencies like the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are gathering data that would help provide resources for soiling by location. 

So far, several new technologies have been brought forward as possible solutions to measuring the amount of soiling on the panel. The idea is to be able to predict how much soiling is going on and how often panels need to be cleaned. That way, on a large scale, the cost of cleaning will be reduced, and the efficiency of the PV panels will increase. 

PosiGen CEO

What about Reliable Energy Storage?

Batteries are the primary storage medium for solar energy. But getting reliable batteries to properly store Solar Energy has been a challenge. Many experts in the industry, including PosiGen CEO, are trying to solve it. In this sense, the creation of lithium-ion batteries has been a great success. These batteries have proven to be efficient for medium-scale applications. They have also been adopted in the automobile industry and are being used in electric car batteries. 

However, storing solar energy from large commercial farms demands a warehouse full of huge batteries. The issue is the bigger the battery gets, the less useful it becomes. The storage at this level could also increase the dangers that surround storing energy for a longer time. So the question is, how do you store large amounts of solar energy?

Some alternative ways to solve these problems are being explored, says PosiGen CEO. The potential solutions that we think are promising include:

Mechanical Ways to Store Energy

Aside from batteries, there are a variety of mechanical methods for storing surplus energy. One widely used way is pumping water from any ground to an elevated lake and then using its potential energy for diverse uses. This system may also be used to generate electricity. Compressing air is an alternative technique to store energy mechanically. 

Compressed air is frequently utilized across the world for valve control systems, particularly in large enterprises. In this situation, you may put your excess to good use by compressing the air and then using it to generate electricity. 

An underground thermal energy storage system

What makes this option particularly efficient is the fact that it is good enough for storing energy between seasons. Unlike other alternative mechanic methods mentioned above, solar panels use all the excess energy in heating gravels or water stored underground in this system. This is possible because the temperature doesn’t change at a certain depth, resulting in natural insulation. This way, heat can be stored for months and delivered through heat pumps.  

The setbacks that come with utilizing this system are that it may be expensive to build and require a lot of space. Natural losses would occur while transferring the heat from one place to another. 

Lead-Acid Batteries Model

Lead-acid batteries are commonly used as solar storage devices. These batteries can readily store extra energy produced by a PV solar system. They are particularly useful since they are readily available anywhere globally. Their initial cost is also relatively cheap, especially when compared to other possible solutions.

PosiGen has a diverse and inclusive team. Over 65% of our team members are persons of color and/or female aiming to provide affordable Solar Energy and boost Energy Efficiency. So we follow the most recent trends in our industry to deliver superior services to our customers.

How to Properly Manage Employees

How to Properly Manage Employees

How to Properly Manage Employees

Managing your workforce team is the first step to success in business. Having the right employees will help the business expand exponentially. However, according to Jonathan Osler, how leadership is managed, may grow or destroy your business. Sometimes being a harsh leader makes your team unmotivated and unhappy therefore destroying the conducive environment required for any business to thrive. Again being a soft boss can bring laziness; hence poor performance. However, the good news is that there are management tactics that, if deployed, can make the best workforce team ever. They include;

• Hiring the right team

A company needs people who have passion for the particular business. Additionally, having employees who have good qualities like; honesty, enthusiasm, and the ability to relate with everyone-will heighten the chances of achieving success in any business. Not only quality but also employees who are flexible and reliable, will make the business run smoothly and effectively.

• Analyzing staff performance regularly

Employees need to be examined to ensure the job is well done. However, micromanaging your employees on small issues may lead to stress and confidence loss. Therefore micromanaging should be avoided in the workplace.

Giving credit where credit is due is very important for recognition and motivation. Nevertheless, giving too much positive feedback to your staff can make them overconfident and non-creative. Likewise, giving a lot of negative feedback can lead to loss of morale and disunity among employees.

The best way to push your team to greater heights is to maintain everything at equilibrium. Balancing between positive and negative feedback can make employees stay on track. It pays better to trust your employees and allow them to do the job without being watched and compromised.

• Encouraging open discussions

Creating such a platform where employees suggest their views, compliments, and problems and connect with each other personally will help solve many problems. Avoiding unhealthy habits like shaming your staff member in front of others will bring discomfort and demotivation. Managers should effectively listen to their employees and come out with a decision out of discussion and respect. Managers should solve problems, not cause more trouble.

• Having common clear goals and objectives

Any manager should identify the business needs and the goal. After setting a clear goal, he should communicate to the employees to start working on it. The objectives and goals should be specific, measurable, and also easy to achieve. The goal should also be relevant and with a deadline so that it can lead to motivation.

Afterward, you need to deploy some mechanisms, ways, and strategies to help your team land the expected goal. These compromise both attitude and output required to sustain the goal.

• Rewarding the best team performer

According to Jonathan Osler, after identifying the best employees who went an extra mile to do a great job, they should gain recognition and reward so they can feel motivated to do more. This will also inspire others to improve and try their best to receive some recognition.

In conclusion, management skills play a key role in stabilizing a business for growth.

Deciding What Companies to Invest in

Deciding What Companies to Invest in

Deciding What Companies to Invest in

There are a lot of choices in the stock market. Every day new companies emerge. What company would people like Father George Rutler choose? Which companies would be smart to invest in; which should be avoided? The following steps can lead a person in the right direction.

1. Research and study

There are courses to help people understand the details of investing in a company. They teach what to look for, and how to know if a company is going to progress. Most companies have a website disclosing annual reports. Learning to read and comprehend the details of these reports can help with deciding which companies to invest in.

2. Consider using an investment firm

Investment firms take into account the goals of the client. They invest in companies ranging from very safe to extremely aggressive. There are many investment companies to choose from. Some require a large investment to get started, others only a few dollars.

Different types of investment firms include:

  • Vanguard Personal Advisor Services – This company is best for working with personal finance.
  • Fidelity Investments – This is a good company for working with IRA’s.
  • Masterworks – This company is best for art investments.
  • Acorns – This company is best for investing spare change.

Investment firms have different strengths and weaknesses, a client needs to research them to ensure their goals align with the investment firm they choose.

3. Know current events

Watching current events will give an investor an understanding of why certain investments are losing or gaining interest. News articles can tell an investor what the future might hold for a company. The more a person, like Father George Rutler, knows about their investments, the more likely they will not quickly back out when stocks fall a little.

4. Keep an eye on investments

People, like Father George Rutler, get busy and forget to check in on their investments, or they check too often. If this is a long term investment some reasons to stop and check investments are:

  • Employer changes – When an employer changes, this is a good opportunity to move funds by either increasing or decreasing an investment.
  • Market changes – As the market changes, a person would move investments to a more profitable company.
  • Goal or plan changes – When goals and plans change, look for investments that are in alignment with those changes.
  • Rebalancing or reallocation – Sometimes more research into investments will lead to rebalancing or reallocating investments.

If this is a short-term investment the person would need to check more frequently.

When investing, never stop learning and researching, always consider using an investment firm, know the current events, and keep a good watch on investments. Following these steps will help in deciding what companies to invest in.

Can Vitamin C Prevent Premature Aging

Can Vitamin C Prevent Premature Aging

Lines, wrinkles, age spots… who needs them? Let’s face it, everyone deals with signs of aging. But we would all like to put it off for as long as possible.

There are many products on the market that claim to prevent and reverse the signs of aging. But how many of them really work?

Now scientists are saying that you can get anti-aging effects from something as simple and natural as vitamin C. Could it really be that easy? Read on to find out.

Is Vitamin C Good for Skin?

Vitamin C has long been used to boost immunity and prevent illness. Its antioxidant properties are also effective in protecting skin from free radicals that damage cells and cause premature aging. Here are some results you can get when applying it topically to skin:

·  It boosts collagen to improve skin elasticity.

·  It repairs and maintains damaged skin and cartilage.

·  It brightens the complexion.

·  It evens skin tone to diminish the appearance of age spots.

·  It aids with wound healing.

·  It reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

·  It strengthens the skin under the eyes to reduce undereye circles.

·  It retains water to keep skin hydrated.

·  Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and inflammation.

How to Use Vitamin C to Combat Aging

It’s terrific to include vitamin C in your diet, but for maximum anti-aging effects, you’ll want to use it topically as well.

There are several facial moisturizers and serums on the market that are rich in vitamin C. Serums tend to be more effective than moisturizers because they are more concentrated and absorb into skin better.

For best results, apply vitamin C to the skin morning and night. Follow up with a broad-spectrum SPF sunscreen. (To pack a punch, use a sunscreen that contains vitamin C as well). This routine will ensure your skin is well protected against aging toxins.

People with sensitive skin may not tolerate vitamin C well. If you have sensitive skin, it’s best to start off with vitamin C by testing it on a small patch of skin. If no irritation occurs, begin using it just once a day and increase usage gradually.

Taking Vitamin C Orally

While topical vitamin C is best in producing anti-aging effects, you will get more impressive results if you combine it with a vitamin C rich diet. If you feel you are not getting enough vitamin C in the foods you eat, consider taking a supplement. Liposomal Vitamin C Softgels by Core Med Science are recommended.

Core Med Science specializes in manufacturing liposomal vitamins that provide accelerated absorption while protecting the gut from potentially irritating agents. Their vitamin C softgels are great for boosting immunity, improving energy, promoting heart health, reducing stress, and diminishing signs of premature aging. They even come with a 90-day money back guarantee.

There are many beauty products that claim to reduce signs of aging, but the answer you’ve been waiting for could be as simple as some good old fashioned vitamin C. How will you incorporate it into your beauty routine?