Activities To Do This Summer

Activities To Do This Summer

Imagine seeing a beautiful waterfall. All the wonderful rock formations, the sounds, the smells. It might seem like a dream, but it is absolutely possible to see! Duluth waterfalls is where it’s at. Better yet, the North Shore waterfalls are a must see in everyone’s lifetime.

Beginning in Duluth, there is an aerial lift bridge where huge ships travel in and out of the Canal Park. There is also a place to get the best Swedish Cream in the country, that’s not what we’re here to talk about though. Back to the Waterfalls. Gooseberry park is talked about by many and for good reason, it’s a magical place for a first time waterfall seeker. It’s absolutely breathtaking.

This vacation can be a trip for the whole family or a romantic vacation for two. Heck, even a getaway for some R&R! Helen Lee Schifter loves to reset herself by swimming at the bottom of the waterfall at Gooseberry Park. She rents a log cabin on the lake and takes in all that nature has to offer. Stopping at Betty’s Pies for a hearty meal…. and pie! She loves the serene and slow way of life, away from the fast paced hustle and bustle. It’s much needed reset for the soul. With an extra long vacation, there is the option to chase all the waterfalls. A quick search of the North Shore Visitor guide printed out and left in the car is the way to go.

Starting with Lester River waterfall, which can be seen from the road, is the start of the adventure! Don’t forget to bring lunch! It’s going to be a fun day of driving and Awe. Gooseberry Falls has 3 parts, next up is Middle falls, also seen from the road. A few miles more and the Cascades at Split Rock River appears where there is a hiking trail that is 5 miles long. Seems like a long hike, but the waterfall can be viewed from a cliff and it’s magical. Always bring sunscreen, bug spray, and water with. Next up is Beaver Falls where the river drops 300 feet with a series of falls and cascades. This day will end (but can keep going to more waterfalls) at the High Falls, it’s called the high falls because it’s the highest waterfall in Minnesota at a staggering 700 feet tall. This is a sight to see.
Most of these falls can be walked right up to and stood under. These waterfalls are great for photographers to check out their skills, wonderful for families with children to venture to, sweet and romantic for couples to explore, awesome and fun for a friends trip, and relaxing and serene for some me-time. A vacation to the Duluth area typically generates a return visit. There is just not enough time in one trip to see and experience everything the area has to offer. Helen Schifter is already planning a return visit to the Duluth area to chase those waterfalls.

Explore the Immersive Dystopia of the Internet With Edgar Scott

Explore the Immersive Dystopia of the Internet With Edgar Scott

Technology and innovation drive our society towards a better tomorrow. But, what if someone misused the inventions? Edgar Scott presents a case of technology gone wrong in his upcoming dystopian sci-fi novel, “418: I Am a Teapot.” But is there light at the end of the tunnel? We’re about to find out.

Edgar Scott shares his technical insights, personal views, and scoops from 418 in a candid interview.

What does the title, “418: I am a Teapot” mean and how does it relate to theme of the book?

The title 418 actually refers to an HTTP response code.  While its introduction was originally an April Fool’s joke, the “418 I’m a Teapot” response is usually ignored by web browsers; unlike a “404 Not Found” response.  A crafty network admin may configure a server to issue a 418 response which allows the visitor to use the site while the 418 response is recorded in the server logs for programmers to analyze.  

In today’s internet, we often program web services to have different roles, authentication, handling tokens, access data sources in addition to rendering HTML.  Often what appears to be an entire web server is little more than a program written to respond to specific requests.  In the novel “418: I am a teapot” we have immersive internet, which implies programmability.  A practical aspect of 418’s world is that, to pay for being on the internet 24/7, we have to be programmed to carry out tasks.  Happily, if we are in the immersive internet, we won’t even be aware what we are doing; we don’t need any skill to do what we are programmed to do and are paid accordingly. 

In such a world, where you are not even aware of what we do, we might as well be a teapot. In fact, our protagonist, may have actually been a virtual teapot or a proverbial coffee maker, without even knowing it.

Why did you choose to write a dystopian sci-fi novel?

Edgar Scott

Having watched new technology, which normally improves our lives, think of all the truly mind shattering things that we can now do with computers, mobile devices, wearable tech.  I can tell if my heart is beating properly, I know exactly how long my morning run was or how to avoid getting stuck in traffic.  While I love new technology, coding, and toying with computers, I wanted to issue a warning that not always is everything as rosy as it appears at first blush.  I felt compelled to write this novel because technology can be abused.  It could be used to exploit or control us.  I felt an extreme example would be useful for everyone to consider.  

There is a second reason I wrote the novel: I had a lot of fun working with my characters and I wanted to use them to impart hope to anyone who feels that the onrush of technology is getting the better of them.

Without giving much away, what is your favorite scene from “418: I am a Teapot”? 

418: I Am a Teapot

My favorite scene is when 418 (who calls himself George) finally meets his wife Belinda (chapter 19), offline, for the first time.  Their entire relationship, even the fact that they had a family, had been conducted online.  He is surprised she does not look as she presented herself online.  He is revulsed by the way that she behaves when she is brought offline.  This is a major turning point for George in the novel he now starts to view himself as not belonging to the class of people who live online.  

This scene also underscores how ill-equipped people who have spent their lives online would be with the offline world.  They have not progressed, emotionally or intellectually, past childhood as they live in a world of make believe where, while they can be hurt, they can’t hurt themselves.  Belinda literally freaks out because she is offline.

The scene shows how George has grown since he became damaged.  He is shocked by her behavior, but it does not surprise him.  At this point, his marriage to Belinda is over, he begins to refer to her no longer as “she” but uses the more conventional “it” pronoun used for persons who live in the immersive internet.

Besides the hero of your story, which character did you enjoy building the most?

I really enjoyed building Brian’s character.  He manages George much the same way that one would manage a dump truck, a machine or any other piece of what economists would call capital equipment.  Brian is immobilized in his life by not knowing how to progress.  He is paralyzed by fear; if he stops doing what he is doing he could be forced to become like George.  He always maintains his detachment —which I have seen managers do in the IT world— but is keenly interested in how his employee acts as it might give him insight into how to break out of his own economic class.  

I particularly enjoyed that Brian asks everyone, including 418/George, to call him King.  This is Brian trying to project an image he would like onto himself, but no-one, except 418/George ever refers to him as King, and George, when he does finally learn Brian’s name, is uncomfortable not calling him King.

In order for a manager to progress, they must understand and dissolve the barriers between themselves and their staff, and Brian has to do the same.  The same insular thinking that keeps Brian away from George prevents Brian from finding a solution to his own problems, a delicious irony.

If your book is made into a Netfix movie, who do see playing the lead role? 

I always dreamed that Irrfan Kahn would play it, but sadly he was lost to the world last year.  But, I am certain there are a lot of excellent actors of South-Asian background who could pull off the deadpan humour that Brian Agarwal’s character requires.  

As far as 418/George’s character Cathel Pendred, though George is defiantly not fit and ripped like Cathel, so he will have to act soft and flabby, but his face is very close to what I’ve imagined George to look like.  It’s a bonus that Cathel is about the age that I imagine George to be (I only anticipate people living like George to live until 40-45) during the story, George should be in his early to mid-thirties.

If you could eliminate one piece of technology from your life, what would it be and why?

My cellphone.  It occupies a definite slice of my mind at any one time.  While it is stunningly convenient to be able to reach out to anyone at any time.  I do miss the naïve bliss that we used to enjoy of being, not at home, or not able to take your call / read your message.  I find the constant simulation of the cellphone to be tiring after a while. 

It should be noted, cellphones are amazing!  When I think of the processing power of the modern cellphone, the things you can do with it, it’s boggling if you stop and think about it.  A full list, while impressive is boring, it’s an amazing tool.  Being a good techie, I just have to have the latest tech and I never cease to be amazed.

Choose a movie title that best defines the story of your life.

Re-inventing Fate.

I love this concept as fate is immutable, but re-invention implies ultimate malleability.  I do believe in fate, but I do believe we get to choose our own and we can guide ourselves to our intended outcomes.  We can have whatever fate we want, it only takes a bit of re-invention.

Rapid Fire time. Answer the following questions with the first thing that comes to your mind. 

What was the last soundtrack you heard?


Your favourite day of the week

Friday, is there any other option? 

Computer Game or Netflix

Computer Game.

Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate.

A preferred writing snack

Coffee, black.

Your biggest pet peeve is…


Your favorite movie of all times

Julie & Julia 

Personal Impact of Non-Profit Work

Personal Impact of Non-Profit Work

Personal Impact of Non-Profit Work

Getting involved in non-profit work can greatly impact one’s personal life for the better. It is possible to see vast improvement in one’s personal life just by being more involved in non-profit work. This is because your overall morale is boosted by getting involved in this type of work. You also will feel more accomplished in terms of your goodwill.

Morale Boost

Alexander Djerassi believes that boosted morale is one primary benefit of non-profit work. People will feel an overall sense of accomplishment that they previously were not feeling. They will feel more confident and able to take on the day’s activities.

Someone may find to go about their day in a more positive light is an easier task. They will have a lifted sense of spirit with the awareness of the good they have accomplished in their work. They will generally be more carefree.

Sense of Accomplishment

Individuals will have an overall improvement in their sense of accomplishment. They will be able to feel as though they have made the most of the hours of each day. This will come with the awareness that they have spent the hours in the day doing something that is of humanitarian value.

Non-profit work benefits humanitarian endeavors and environmental endeavors at times as well. Overall, this type of work is beneficial to more than just the individual. It is for this reason that this type of work can give you such a sense of accomplishment.

Respect from Peers

People are likely to enjoy respect from their peers because of their work with nonprofit organizations. Those who they work with are likely to commend them for the work that they do with nonprofit organizations, as well. They will find that they gain popularity and respect for doing this type of work.
This respect may come in many forms. Participants may receive verbal congratulations from coworkers and peers. They may even receive accolades from their superiors in the place of work. These compliments should be fielded with the utmost of modesty and respect. Alexander Djerassi is an individual who understands the value of this type of work.

Tips to Effective Crankiness By Steven Joseph

Tips to Effective Crankiness By Steven Joseph

Have you ever wondered why so many good self-help books render ineffective? The problem with those books is the narrative – telling you what’s wrong with you and your habits. You’ll occasionally find books that help you embrace who you are and guide you to become a better version of yourself. “A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The CrankaTsuris Method” by Steven Joseph is one such book.

Timely and effective, the easy-to-follow, fun narrative is what makes this book stand apart. It also led us to want to know more about the author.

Here’s the fascinating interview with Crankiness Expert and Author Steven Joseph:

Why did you choose to write your first two books about Crankiness? 

It started out when I arrived jetlagged with my even more jetlagged sleep deprived partner on a vacation in Rome at an AIRBnB during a heat wave and a power outage in a stuffy hot dark apartment. 

A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness

She was a bit cranky. Under the circumstances, I had no energy to consume someone else’s cranky when I had my own cranky. 

I finally blurted out to my partner out of sheer desperation and exhaustion that she was a TyrantoCrankaTsuris, and that was how all the other bigger dinosaurs disappeared.  It was when one tiny dinosaur would not stop cranking out her tsuris (Yiddish for “problems”), and all the bigger dinosaurs ran for the hills or the bottom of the ocean.  

The CrankaTsuris was born, and we used it as a signal to each other when we got a bit cranky. It became our container.  Because of its effectiveness, I knew that I had to start writing about it.

While writing “A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The CrankaTsuris Method” what was the one goal you had in mind?

Steven Joseph's Headshot
Steven Joseph

Do you know how they announce at the end of the year that the Merriam-Webster Dictionary announces to the world that they have accepted a new word in their exclusive dictionary club?  Imagine how people would look at crankiness if CrankaTsuris was adopted as a brand-new word. 

What is the one thing you do when you get cranky?

I stick the Cranky inside my CrankaTsuris Deposit Box! 

Can you give us three tips to manage crankiness when we’re stuck in traffic?

The most important tip is that if you anticipate traffic, make sure you do not drink lots of liquids beforehand. You do not want to be sitting in traffic and then you are stuck and have to pee really badly.  Because do you know what the only cure for “Have to Pee Really Badly CrankaTsuris” is. It is called “peeing.”  And relieving “Have to Pee Really Badly CrankaTsuris” is the one of two situations that every human on the planet, whether they believe in God or not, will say the same thing.  “Oh. Thank God!!”

The second most important tip is that if you anticipate traffic is to make sure you do not load your car with little screaming children before you go out.  You do not want to be stuck in traffic with screaming kids.

This is the second situation that you finally get home exhausted, and when the kids finally fall asleep, you again exhale, and say “Thank God.” 

The first two tips leads to the third tip because if you followed Tip One and Tip Two, you can now say the following thing when you get stuck in traffic:

“At least I do not have to pee, and also, at least I do not have screaming kids in the car.”  Just sit back and enjoy!

What is the coolest thing you heard from your friends and family about your new book?

It inspired them to write a book!  Three people wrote a book because I wrote a book.  My book is giving birth to babies!!

Since you like writing stories, do you write short stories in your spare time? Where can we find them? 

I run, and the stories appear to me during a run, and I go home and copy them off my brain. They can be found on my blog at www.StevenJosephAuthor.Com.

Here are some rapid-fire questions we’d like you answer as fast as you can. Pick one.

Fiction or Non-fiction? 


Tea or Coffee?


Panda or Koala?


Sourdough or Wheat?


Road trip or Cruise ship?

Road Trip.

Movies or Books? 


My Favorite Weekend Activities

My Favorite Weekend Activities

With such a busy schedule, school and also personal life, it can really affect how people choose to spend their free time. Interests that we can do on a weekly, monthly, or even yearly basis. We could have some hobbies in common, many like sports, hiking, exercise, though some people like working out the mind instead. Research, keeping up with the most recent news, whether it be local, state or international, that’s more of a daily basis in my case. The easiest way I stay up to date is with apps, almost all news have apps that are easy to get used to, and also the stock market even.

Going back to sharing similar past times, one of my favorite news cast is former judge, Andrew Napolitano. “Who is he?” You may ask. For those that are unaware of who he is, he is a former judge, who is now a media commentator, attorney and professor of law. Having that many careers doesn’t give people time to have any free time for themselves. What I really admire about him is that although he is a busy man, he always makes time to do what he loves and that is costing his farm. His farm produces maple syrup and is very known for it as well.
This is a hobby we share in common. When I was younger, I started with my grandparents’ yard, a couple roses and tulips and in the present day I plant in my friends and neighbors yards. Honestly never would I think I’d be into gardening at all, but after a family incident, someone recommended different activities as a therapeutic exercise. Judge Napolitano is a busy man, not to mention very important. Yet he still has time to attend to his farm. It’s motivational to see someone at such high power still able to have a personal life.

Be the Beauty They All Said We Could Never Be: Patrice Brown

Be the Beauty They All Said We Could Never Be: Patrice Brown

Who defines beauty? Why should big girls feel any different about their bodies than others? For ages, television shows and lifestyle brands have defined the standards of what they consider beautiful or sexy. But it is changing now. We see a gradual shift, thanks to the true influencers like Patrice Brown. Patrice chose to live her life fat, free and fabulous! She’s here to motivate you.

Here’s a candid interview with the author and founder of the “Confident Fat Girls Movement,” Patrice Brown:

Could you share a little bit about your journey leading up to the “Confident Fat Girls Movement”?

I was personally going through transition with my career and my mom dying from Cancer. I kept thinking about ways of motivating other women around me, including myself. Although i was struggling with a weight issue each day, i still felt the need to get up and do my thing. 

How does your new book “A Fat Girl’s Confidence: I’m Fat. So What?” relate to the issues young girls face today? 

Each day when any girl gets on social media we see all these perfect beautiful women, we see bullying and can feel insecure. My new book a fat girls confidence is motivational book that’s says just accept who you are even if you are different. It does not matter your size, just love you and have fun. 

In your opinion which song defines the spirit of “A Fat Girl’s Confidence” and why?

Book Cover of A Fat Girl's Confidence
A Fat Girl’s Confidence

The Spirit of a Fat Girls Confidence is Just Fine by Mary j Blidge. When she says ” When I’m walking past the mirror

Don’t stress through the night, at a time in my life

Ain’t worried about if you feel it

Got my head on straight, I got my vibe right

I ain’t gonna let you kill it

See I wouldn’t change my life, my life’s just fine

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh!” 

That song makes you feel good no matter how you look or feel. You are just going to get up and dance. 

If you could give your book to one celebrity, who would it be and why?

I would give my book to Lizzo because she is already the representation of a fat girls movement. She is a bold woman and people love seeing her confidence across the world. She is inspiring for all plus size women because she lets nothing get in her way. 

What’s your best scar? Tell us the story behind it.

My best scar is not even about me. Its more about my sister dealing with sickness her entire life. She was born with a brain tumor and it has had a big effect on me since she was born. I have always felt like i have to defend and protect her through it all. As a child people would be rude with stares and say ugly things about my sister and her face. 

As a Mental health counselor, can you recommend a few things one try do to uplift their mood during the Pandemic?

Laughing, Listening and singing to music. Don’t forget dancing and connecting with a spiritual leaders or groups. 

Say a genie appeared to grant you three wishes. What would you ask for? (no more than 3 wishes!) 

A new home, good health with peace and happiness. 

Now, some quick-fire questions. Say the first thing that comes to you mind.

Headshot of Patrice Brown
Patrice Brown

-R&B or Hip-Hop 


-Pizzas or Tapas 


-One movie you watch over and over 

Coming to America

-You really can’t stand… 

Complaining and Begging

-Your favourite Harry Potter character 

Loud Screammmmm, I dont watch or have never read Harry Potter. lol

-Fiction or Non-fiction

Non-Fiction i enjoy books, movies or stories based on real life situations. 

-Your motto is life? 

Live life and love living no matter what.

We hope you liked this interview. Don’t forget to get your copy of A Fat Girl’s Confidence: I’m Fat. So What? today.

What to Look Forward to in 2021

What to Look Forward to in 2021

Helen Lee Schifter is an arbitrage trader on Wall Street; she is also a former editor at Hearst and Condé Nast. She graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and Amherst College, which she attended both during pioneering transitions to coeducation. 

She says to herself and thinks 2021 starts the same as 2020. She has big plans in 2021 plans that will change her life forever. She has hope for 2021 to be a better year than 2020. Anything would be better than going through 2021 again. Her plans can’t be that big to not put other people at risk, but she still has big plans to still blow your mind.

She plans on being more confident in 2021 to make sure all of the stuff she wants to do is done and not push to the side. Helen Schifter always enjoys not letting stress get in the way of her having fun.

She plans on going to the beach, but not when it is crowded. She wants to be safe but still have fun and focus on the stuff she wants to do for 2021 going into 2022. Her business is very successful and is helping a lot of people. She plans on keeping the business going so it can keep on growing. She plans on doing more things to help others like donating money for people in need of money if they are struggling.

Her career has just started and she is not planning on stopping anytime soon. She has plenty of things planned to do, even though the thought can be overwhelming. However, she feels the confidence to do them.

2020 has woken her up and she realizes she can’t keep on pushing it to another day to a month. She realizes that even though it might be tough she has to keep on going and not give up. If she kept on getting scared then she would have never started a business of her own. She learned that 2021 is a new year. It is a fresh start to do new things to start over and to leave the old stuff behind.

The Benefits of Living Beside or On The Ocean

The Benefits of Living Beside or On The Ocean

Many of us live in congested cities and we have to endure the constant construction and pollution on a daily basis. It is proving to be detrimental to our health and to our physical and mental well-being. It seemed a good idea at the time to live in a property that is right beside the place that you worked, and while you can get to work in less than 30 minutes, you also get to experience all of the downsides of living in a city with 1 million other people. We lead such stressful lives and many of us suffer from anxiety and high blood pressure and our doctors have been telling us for some time now to relax. However, been able to relax in a city that never sleeps is an almost impossible task and we really need to get out of the city and go somewhere different. Many people are now choosing to move out of the city and move closer to the ocean, because it is a well known fact, that if you live close to the ocean then you will definitely live a better life.

Many people have taken vacations in Thailand and whilst there, they have gotten to know and understand the benefits of the ocean because they took advantage of private yacht charters in Phuket. During their time in the Gulf of Thailand, they experienced a sense of calmness that they never would have achieved in the busy city that they currently live in. They enjoyed beautiful views, many fun activities and just an overall better state of mind. It is definitely no secret that living near to the ocean can offer you a lot of positive benefits and we will explore just a few of them here today.

Fresh air – This is something that is just not possible when you live in a large city as cars and trucks are constantly moving around all day. If you live near the ocean however, you will be exposed to air that is clean and that can provide you with all of the oxygen that your body needs. We seem to know about what technology can benefit our life and this fresh air can help you to feel better both physically and mentally and you will find that your mood instantly changes once you are near the sea. That anxiety and that stress that has been building up in your body due to the pressures of living in the city disappears almost immediately, when we can see and hear the ocean. Fresh air is so good for your mind, body and soul.

– A stronger immune system – Living beside the ocean allows you to reduce your stress levels and you can relax more. This all leads to a much stronger immune system that will allow us to be able to fight off any illnesses that may come our way. In many cases, people report a reduction in calls and flu when they live beside thesea. Finding an affordable home beside the ocean can be a little bit difficult, and while you might pay a little bit more money for the privilege of owning such a property, it will help to pay for itself in no time at all with a much improved and healthier lifestyle. To learn more about living near the ocean, have a look here.

If you have been thinking of selling up and moving closer to the ocean, hopefully this article will help you to make the final push to a healthier and happier life.

5 Great Holiday Ideas for 2021

5 Great Holiday Ideas for 2021

Most of us are very happy to see the end of 2020, which saw the arrival of a deadly global pandemic that wreaked havoc with the global economy and if you are already looking forward to your first real holiday since the pandemic, here are a few cool holiday ideas to consider.

  1. African Safari – While Kenya is undoubtedly to most famous of African nations for safari holidays, Namibia is quickly becoming very popular, due to the amazing natural beauty and the diverse range of wildlife, (you will see the Big 5). Search online for a safari tour organiser that offers custom holiday options and with an English-speaking guide, you will get to appreciate everything so much more. Combine beach with natural reserves and spend a couple of weeks on safari in Namibia, observing the wildlife in its natural habitat.
  2. 5-Star Luxury Beach Resort in Maldives – If you book one of the beach villas at the Fairmont Maldives, you can live like royalty while experiencing the unique white sands and clear blue seas. Imagine having your very own butler and cordon bleu chef, who will create delicious menus and make your favourite cocktails, while you relax poolside. If you don’t fancy lounging by the pool, there is a diverse range of water sports to keep you entertained and these extras are usually included in the price.
  3. Charter a Yacht in Phuket – If you have a few friends who would like a holiday of a lifetime, why not get together and charter a yacht? The cost can be shared and when you consider that everything is included, you won’t really need any spending money, plus the boat supplies snorkeling gear, so you can get close up with dolphins and whale sharks, which frequent some parts of the Andaman Sea. Click here for more information about yacht rentals, which is a great way to spend a few weeks. Search online for a yacht chartering firm that is based in Phuket; check out the impressive fleet of catamarans and superyachts that are available and you can discuss your needs with the operator and hopefully strike up a deal for your coming holiday.
  4. Trans-Siberian Railway – Travel from Moscow to Vladivostok on the epic Trans-Siberian route, which is a truly unique experience that is on everyone’s bucket list. There are quite a few route options, which could include the Mongolian Steppes, where you can immerse yourself in the rugged lifestyle that these amazing people endure. This trip can be best enjoyed from April to September, but if you like the cold weather, why not book a winter trip, which is very romantic and a great way to experience the magical Russian winter.
  5. Ice Diving in Antarctica – This is an extreme holiday and you would need to have a minimum of 30 dry suit dives under your belt to be accepted on one of the ice-diving expeditions. If you want to take your non-diving partner along, there are lots of land-based activities, with kayak excursions with a seasoned guide and nature observations.

You certainly won’t be alone in your desire to escape to an exotic location and the earlier you make your booking, the better.

Best New York Slices

Best New York Slices

Finding some of the best food in the world is as simple as a visit to New York City. Residents know that they can find food from a variety of cultures virtually 24 hours a day. While New York is known for its bodegas and hot dog carts, the city is also one of the best places to get a delicious slice of pizza. For a late-night meal, takeout for the family, or a quick lunch on the go, here are some of the best places to order pizza in NYC.


This pizzeria in Brooklyn offers wood-fired pizzas with a variety of toppings. Of course, patrons can also opt for the classic tomato, mozzarella, and basil pizza. The dough is rolled out with empty wine bottles and the pizzas are the perfect combination of soft and crunchy. Lucali is a small eatery and customers are encouraged to bring their own bottles of their favorite beverage to enjoy with their pizza.

Di Fara Pizza

Di Fara Pizza in Brooklyn is a favorite of George Rutler, who has been living in New York for years now. The pizzeria was founded in 1964, and the owner, Dom DeMarco, has been behind the counter serving customers ever since. DeMarco makes all the pies himself. The crust has a slightly salty taste to it, and several types of cheeses and olive oils are used to enhance the flavor of each savory pie. He  often opts for the square pie, which is topped with lots of sauce and cheeses and has a heavy, buttery crust.


This Bushwick pizzeria offers pizzas made from a decadent sourdough crust. The eatery is known for its Neapolitan pie, but those who frequent the pizzeria often will likely recommend the Grandma Pie, which is made with mozzarella made in-house, basil, tomatoes, olives, and a thick square crust.


Those in the Nolita area looking for a delicious pizza for lunch or dinner can check out Rubirosa. The thin crust of the pizza is similar to a well-made cracker, and the sauce tastes a lot like the red sauce used for penne a la vodka. The classic pie is a favorite, but the tie-dye, which includes a combination of red sauce and pesto, is a delicious choice as well.
These are just a few of the pizza places that make NYC a great place to live or visit. Visitors and natives, including Father Rutler, can check out these pizzerias for an unforgettable meal.